Clare Sullivan attended Donna’s introductory Energy Medicine class in Manchester, England, in March. She mistakenly wound up with two copies of the Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques DVD program and wrote to our U.K. organizer to see if she could exchange one of them. Meanwhile, she writes:”My mum has had a condition with her heart […]
Measuring the Effects of Energy Medicine
A number of cardiologists whose nurses are trained in Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) introduce EEM to hypertensive patients by taking the patient’s blood pressure in the office, having the patient do a few simple Eden Energy Medicine techniques, such as holding the neurovascular points, and again taking the blood pressure. Virtually always, it is significantly […]
Family Member Going Off Atenolol After 20 Years
By Karen L. Semmelman, EEMCP, JD, AAMLA family member (whom I’ll call Mark) was placed on atenolol 20 years ago because he had a rapid heart rate during a stress test. No deficiencies were found in the heart structure or supporting veins. The cardiologist believed, however, that it was a good preventative to use this […]