Submitted by: Kim Wedman
Tim Garton, a world champion swimmer, was diagnosed in 1989 with stage-2 Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He was 49-years-old. He had a tumor the size of a football in his abdomen. It was treated with surgery, followed by four chemotherapy treatments over 12 weeks, with subsequent abdominal radiation for eight weeks. Despite initial concern that the cancer appeared to be terminal, the treatment was successful, and by 1990 Tim was told he was in remission. He was also told he would never again compete at a national or international level. However, in 1992, Tim returned to competitive swimming and won the 100-meter freestyle world championship.
In early July of 1999, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A prostatectomy in late July revealed that the cancer had expanded beyond the borders of his prostate and could not all be surgically removed. Once again, he received weekly radiation treatment in the area of his abdomen. After eight weeks of treatment, the cancer had cleared.
In 2001, a lymphoma returned, this time in his neck. It was removed surgically. Tim again received radiation, though it left severe burns on his neck. The following year, a growth on the other side of his neck, moving over his trachea was diagnosed as a fast growing lymphoma that required emergency surgery.
He was told the lymphoma was widespread. A bone marrow and stem cell transplant, called an Autogolus, was performed, but it was not successful. There was also concern the cancer would return to his stomach. His doctors determined at this point that they could do nothing more for him. He was told that highly experimental medical treatments, for which there was little optimism, were the only alternative. He was given an injection of monoclonal antibodies (Retuxun), which had been minimally approved for recurrent low-grade lymphoma. Retuxin is designed to flag cancer sites and potentially help the immune system know where to focus.
At this point Tim enlisted the services of Kim Wedman, an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP) trained by Donna Eden. Tim and his wife went to the Bahamas for three weeks, and they brought Kim with them for the first week. Kim provided daily 1-1/2 hour sessions. These sessions included a basic energy balancing routine, "meridian tracing," a "chakra clearing," work with the "electrical," "neurolymphatic," and "neurovascular" points, a correction for energies that are designed to cross over from one side of the body to the other but are not, and a daily assessment of his other basic energy systems, followed by corrections for any that were out of balance. While Tim was not willing to follow Kim’s advice of curbing his substantial alcohol consumption or meat-and-potatoes diet, he did begin to drink fresh-squeezed vegetable juices and an herbal tea (Flor-Essence) that is believed to have medicinal properties.
Kim also taught Tim and his wife a 20-minute, twice-daily energy medicine protocol, which they followed diligently, both during the week Kim was there and for the subsequent two weeks.
The protocol included a basic energy balancing routine and specific interventions for the energy pathways that govern the immune system and that feed energy to the stomach, kidneys, and bladder.
Upon returning to his home in Denver, Tim scheduled a follow-up assessment with the oncologist who had told him, "There is nothing more that we can do for you," in order to determine how quickly the cancers might be spreading. To everyone’s thrill and surprise, Tim was cancer-free. He has remained so during the four years between that assessment and the time of this writing. He has been checked with a PT scan each year, with no cancer detected. Was it the energy treatments or the single Retuxin shot that caused the cancer to go into remission over those three weeks? No one knows. Tim still receives Retuxin injections every two months, but he also continues to work with Kim Wedman for energy tune-ups as needed.
Kim Wedman, July 2006