When Laurie tested her daughter Aria's temperature, her heart went cold. "She had been having headaches and was tired throughout that week," recalls Laurie. That Friday, Aria reported not feeling well and that her nose was stuffy. "I took her temperature several times, and it was 101 degrees each time!"
Laurie immediately thought of her friend's adult daughter, who had just recovered from COVID. "She came over with a home test for us to take." Just as Laurie had feared, the test came back positive. "I scheduled a test with our insurance carrier for the next morning to ensure its accuracy but treated Aria as if she had COVID from that point forward. I also called Dondi right away as I knew she would have some ideas on how to treat this." Donna's daughter, Dondi Dahlin, is Laurie's dear friend. "Dondi and her mother responded immediately and provided me with guidance. Her sister Titanya was instrumental in supporting me as well. I feel so very grateful that I had such beautiful and amazing support."
The first night Aria was diagnosed was the hardest. "I was highly anxious and stressed and was unable to think clearly." But Laurie stayed strong for her daughter. "I soothed Aria and explained how we were going to manage. I assured her that we would get through this together." Laurie decided to start using Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques with Aria right away. "I used several of the strategies identified in Donna and David's Tools to Stay Healthy During COVID-19 video on YouTube. It's an important video with critical information and exercises."

Laurie Chapman and Aria
Laurie and Aria diligently worked with the suggested tools in the video, such as tracing the Triple Warmer Meridian, the Lung Meridian, and massaging the K27 points. Additionally, Laurie worked with the spinal flush tool to wipe down Aria's energy every night. She used large figure eights all over her daughter's body to get her energy crossing over. "I also used the strategy in the Prune Harris video related to working on the virus." Prune Harris is a core faculty member of EEM in Europe and America.
"Right after we started to use these tools, my daughter told me she felt a huge sense of relief and that her headache felt better. Her fever was gone the morning after she had it without the use of any medications." Laurie shares how Aria tends to reject doing anything that doesn't feel aligned or purposeful. "But she embraced EEM, which tells me that it works as she is highly sensitive and very tuned in to her body's energy. She even asked to do the exercises every day!"
Although Laurie is not a Certified EEM Practitioner, she's no stranger to the power of energy medicine. "I use many of the techniques every day like the Daily Energy Routine and spinal flush." Over the years, Laurie, a Marriage and Family Therapist, has shared many EEM techniques with her clients, and she believes everyone can benefit from working with EEM. "I think everyone needs EEM strategies daily -- with or without COVID -- in the same manner that we take vitamins, exercise, and eat well. We need to maintain the health of our energy system to function well in this world as it is."
Laurie points out that COVID can be debilitating and even life-threatening. "We cannot ignore the value of a strong energy system to help manage the impact of this virus and to combat it. I have seen and felt the impact of using the identified strategies on my daughter's system, and I know it helped me to stay safe too!"
Laurie is deeply grateful that she had the love and support of Dondi, Donna, and Titanya and the healing power of EEM to turn to during one of the most challenging times of her life. "I felt secure, I felt hope, I felt positive about how we were going to get through it. Many people do not know what to do or have no guidance system." Laurie encourages everyone to seek out a trained EEM professional and follow Donna’s free YouTube videos to protect themselves against COVID-19. "There are so many unknowns to COVID and so much competing information about how to protect yourself. EEM has a long history of success, and it was extremely comforting to know that this "known" healing methodology was available to me."