June Campbell learned Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques from Donna's book Energy Medicine cleared herself of a painful and debilitating skin condition called bullous pemphigoid. This autoimmune disease is also known as the blistering disease, because the skin breaks out in itchy, painful blisters that often get infected. It primarily affects seniors, but it is a rare disease—estimated to occur in only one in a million.
June Campbell was diagnosed with bullous pemphigoid in July 2012 when she was 67. Because the disease is rare, not a great deal is known about it. The International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation's website (www.pemphigus.org) estimates that it typically lasts at least five years, with partial remission (some improvement) within two to five years. In a longitudinal study of outcome in 40 patients (treatment typically consists of the use of steroids), 45% entered a complete and long-term remission after five years and 71% after 10 years.
June began taking 25 mg daily of prednisone, a corticosteroid, tapering off to 5 mg daily. It was only mildly effective at halting the disease. The drug slowed the outbreak of new sores somewhat, but not dramatically.

Blistered Foot
She was also using anti-bacterial ointment on sores that became infected. The ointment worked for the infections, but the disease continued.
June is familiar with Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology through her reading of Energy Medicine, Energy Medicine for Women, and The Promise of Energy Psychology, plus information about Energy Medicine she found on the internet. She has had no formal training.
Refusing to accept that she would have to live with this persistant and painful condition, she began spending several hours a day doing Energy Medicine routines along with Energy Psychology (tapping), meditations, and healing visualizations. Devoting hours per day to such practices is out of the ordinary for most people, and we asked June about it.
She felt she had little other recourse, since the condition was keeping her from participating in even routine daily activities. The practices were definitely helping, as June explained:
Bullous pemphigoid is an extremely painful and itchy condition. I could not sleep. I could not wear shoes due to large blisters on my feet. Not wearing shoes meant I was limited in where I could go and how I could shop for groceries or get exercise. Frequent, open, and running sores meant I could not go in the swimming pool. (I swim regularly for exercise.) More than once, my hands and fingers swelled up to the point that I could not close my hands, meaning I could not use the keyboard or pursue many of my hobbies. The prednisone was largely ineffective, but it was the only available treatment. My choices were to live like this for perhaps five years or to spend several hours a day trying to heal it. As I saw it, I made the only reasonable choice. Health became my priority, and spending time doing this work was a big part of that priority. I am retired, so I could spend the time as I needed to. I am so incredibly pleased that the condition responded in a few months.
June's self-healing sessions typically began with the Daily Energy Routine, as described in the book Energy Medicine, substituting the Homolateral Crossover for the Cross Crawl. She added extra procedures to calm Triple Warmer, including tracing the meridian backwards, Triple Warmer Smoothie and tapping on the gamut point while placing the hand over the heart.
Additionally, June added the temporal tap, using phrases relating to her skin condition, and incorporated spleen strengthening exercises described in the books. Finally, she included Energy Psychology tapping and meditation in her daily routine. June did this work two or more times a day and often during the night when the pain and itching kept her awake.

Blistered Hand
In late August or early September, the intense itching ceased suddenly during an Energy Medicine session. The itching did not return, other than in a very minor way. The occurrence of new blisters slowed down from three to four new spots every second day to perhaps one to two new spots every third or fourth day.
On two occasions, the occurrence of new blisters stopped completely, making her think she was healed. On both of these occasions, the spots returned in about a week to 10 days. The third time, in mid- to late September, the spots stopped occurring. They did not come back and have not returned as of January 2013. She does have a few small spots that have not totally disappeared and occasionally flare up a bit, but it's no longer a major concern. She continues the exercises, hoping to remove the condition completely.
June has been in touch with the doctor since the remission. The doctor says she is lucky that her remission came after just a couple of months. June thinks it's more than luck. She continues to use Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology for maintenance and for dealing with other minor conditions or injuries that occur from time to time.
She is very thankful to have access to these techniques. In her words: "Thank you, Donna. I would like to say I am your biggest fan, but I know anyone who has tried your procedures is singing your praises."
(Compiled by Jeff Armstrong, January 2013)