by Donna Kassewitz
I live a very blessed life that includes conducting dolphin research, so what could be better than that? Well, throw in some Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) and the "awesome" meter goes up even more!
During one of our dolphin research expeditions in Mexico, I had an interesting experience combining dolphins and EEM, which provided me with another confirmation of the value of energy work. We were at Dolphin Discovery in Puerto Aventuras where my husband Jack and I conduct much of our research. I was in the dolphin lagoon with a friend, Manuel, who had suffered a crushing blow to multiple cervical vertebrae when a concrete block in the ceiling of a restaurant had fallen on the back of his neck five years prior to his visit. Doctors had told him that he would never have any movement below his neck for the rest of his life. Manuel refused to accept this and began pursuing a variety of therapies.
We first met Manuel a year after his accident. At that time, he had managed to achieve small movements with his arms. He had no feeling below his neck at all. He'd already had a few dolphin swims and believed it had helped him, so we vowed to make time in the middle of our research to get him in the water with dolphins every time we were in Mexico.
In the summer of 2011, Manuel had progressed to the point of doing back strokes in the water, and by the summer of 2012, he could turn himself over in the water, even though he still had no feeling or movement in his legs. The dolphins are not trained to do any kind of therapy, so when we were in the water with Manuel, the dolphins were free to participate or not. The theory is that the dolphins' advanced use of sound can either intentionally or unintentionally trigger healing.
During the sessions with Manuel in 2012, I asked two of our dolphin research assistants to join me in the energy work. One of them happened to be a Reiki teacher, and the other was an emergency room veterinarian technician. We did front and back Hook-ups, and as I performed the Black Pearl technique, the interns worked on his feet, paying extra attention to K1 and the Shock Point. In every session, when I held the specific points on his head for the Black Pearl, Manuel's legs have twitched and jumped, which I have always taken as a sign that the sessions were helping to re-establish some connection with his legs. This time, the interns were also able to confirm that they felt a lot of twitching and energy pulses in his feet.
As we worked on Manuel, I looked around to see if the dolphins were participating, but from all appearances, they did not seem to be interested. They seemed to be off doing their own thing. I hoped that at least Manuel was getting some residual benefit from the dolphin sounds.

When the session ended and I was getting out of the water, one of our interns, a theoretical physicist, rushed up to me very excited about something he had witnessed. He had been sitting on the other side of the dolphin area, monitoring the hard disk recording equipment while listening to the dolphins underwater with our hydrophone. Suddenly he noticed a dramatic increase in the quantity and volume of the dolphin sounds. The intern looked up to see what had aroused such a response from the dolphins and saw that we had just begun the energy work on Manuel. He had listened in fascination to the dolphins' sounds while watching us work, and he was deeply moved by the dolphins' apparent interest and excitement.
Needless to say, I was surprised and delighted to hear this report because there had certainly been no visible clues of participation by the dolphins! Although I'd always felt that the dolphins could be helping out in ways we couldn't see, this event certainly clarified this for me. It also gave me added confidence in Energy Medicine! It was like getting two thumbs—I mean fins—up from the dolphins.

The morning after that session, Manuel experienced his best physical therapy session at the gym in years! He is determined to walk again someday, and we believe he will. Jack has begun analyzing the dolphin recordings from that session and has confirmed that this dolphin echolocation is indeed quite high in amplitude with extremely focused bursts of energy, which exceed that of medical ultrasound used to destroy kidney stones.
Click to hear a short segment. (This may take a while to download so please be patient.) In the beginning of the recording, you will hear the dolphins more quietly checking us out—you'll need to have your volume up a bit for that. Then you will begin to hear the very intense, very focused bursts. Because of internet bandwidth and the limits of your computer speakers, the audio quality on this segment is a greatly reduced version of our original, scientific-grade recordings, but you'll still get a "good feel" for what transpired. In Joy!