Changing the Energy of Food

How Donna Helped a Homeless Man Find Hope & Healing

Years ago, when Donna lived and taught in Ashland, Oregon, she noticed that a stranger would come in and stand in the back of the room. The man was disheveled and unwashed, his skin was pale and he was weak and gaunt from lack of nutrition. It was clear that this poor man was homeless and Donna was immediately drawn to help him.

When the man told Donna that he lived outside a nearby 7-Eleven, and that he ate straight out of the dumpster, she was horrified and saddened. She immediately taught him how to change the energy of his food, by making the shape of a pyramid with his fingers and then doing a figure 8 over his food. This was so he could get as much nutrition as possible from whatever he had to eat.

Donna's classes eventually ended and months passed. She wondered about the homeless man now and again but she didn’t think she would see him again. As it turned out, Donna did meet him about 6 months later! She was happy and grateful to see that he appeared to be much healthier and much more energized. He had color in his face and a spring in his step. He told Donna that making the shape of a pyramid with his fingers and then doing a figure 8 over his food started his road to feeling healthier and having more of a purposeful experience with his food. He firmly believed that energy exercise brought out the best in that food - even though it was from a dumpster, and seemingly without nutritional value.

The man continued to join in on Donna’s classes after their meeting and eagerly learned other energy tools including the Daily Energy Routine which he faithfully practiced. He even became involved in helping Donna’s students learn about energy medicine! In time the man became strong enough to find a job and a home that he loved. His life was completely transformed and it all started with Donna’s loving, generous heart and changing the energy of his food.