A World Beyond The One We Can See

By Dondi Dahlin

The year was 1848. The place was Seneca Falls, New York. It was the very first Women's Convention -- a momentous event that marked the birth of the women's movement.

The Convention was a hopeful, highly-anticipated gathering, but 50 years later, there was still no vote for women. Women were also not allowed to keep their maiden name if they married, to shop without an escort, or to wear pants -- to name just a few of the restrictions binding women in the 19th century.

Thankfully, courageous women like Susan B. Anthony were speaking out about the injustices that plagued the "fairer sex." She was known as the Grande Dame of the women's suffrage movement, and one of the places where she spoke was at Lily Dale, New York.

Officially founded in 1879, Lily Dale is a tiny, picturesque village and a profoundly historical location where beloved leaders of the women's movement -- like Susan B. Anthony and Margaret Sanger -- spoke to the public (suffragette Mary Ann Skidmore's personal collection remains in the village to this day!).

In 1891, Susan B. Anthony made the first of several public appearances at Lily Dale, where she addressed an audience of 3,000 people! The amphitheater was decorated with colorful flags, and the crowds ballooned past the building, with men, women, and children all clamoring to hear her speak.

Apart from its rich history, Lily Dale is also home to the world's largest spiritualist community. Spiritualists believe that departed souls can interact with the living (a medium is a person who can facilitate this interaction) and the spiritualists have always understood that women were equal to men, which means they deserve equal rights, including the right to vote.

This enchanting little village in western New York offers a host of magical activities and experiences for all. From readings with certified mediums in the woods and drum circles on the beach to workshops and classes, Lily Dale is a profoundly healing and transformative place where we get to explore connections to a world beyond the one we can see.

I'm deeply honored and excited to announce that I've been invited to teach and present a keynote at Lily Dale this summer and I'll be speaking on the same stage graced by Susan B. Anthony and Margaret Sanger!

I'll be teaching a workshop on the Five Elements and the Nine Energy Systems and presenting a keynote on How Your Energies Determine Your Healing Vibrancy and Joy. I know it will be a joyful, transformative experience unlike any other, and I'd love for you to join me!

Learn more about my keynote speech here >>

Sign up for my Five Element workshop here >>