The Brazilian Toe Technique uses acupressure points to promote deep relaxation and activates the release of toxins. This simple method can help reduce emotional stress and imbalances, and overall physical pain and achiness. This technique also reduces side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, including restless leg syndrome, insomnia, nausea, and edema.
NOTE: Unless you are a yoga master, you will need a partner for this technique!
Brazilian Toe Technique
With the person you will be working on lying on their back, position yourself at their feet.
1) Place your thumbs beneath their middle toes and your middle fingers on top of the same toes, on the toenails. Hold lightly for two to three minutes. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
2) Slide your thumbs to the bottom of their fourth toes, then slide your fourth (or ring) fingers on top of the fourth toes. Hold lightly for two to three minutes. Continue the same breathing.
3) Slide your thumbs beneath the little toes, then slide your little fingers on top of the toenails. Hold lightly for two to three minutes.
4) Slide your thumbs beneath the second toes, then slide your index fingers on top of the toenails of their second toes. Hold lightly for two to three minutes.
5) Slide your thumbs beneath their big toes, then place your index fingers and your middle fingers so that one is on each side of the base of the toenails of the big toes. Hold lightly for two to three minutes.
For more information about Energy Medicine and what it can do for you. Go to
To Order the Brazilian Toe Technique laminate or any other Energy Medicine product. Go to the Eden Energy Medicine Store.
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