Pam Aronson attended a 5-day class (the Alaska cruise, actually) and took what she learned right back to a few friends at her workplace who were curious about Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). She offered a 1/2-hour “daily routine” class during lunch, three times a week. During the first week, four people participated. They were told they could bring others as well. By the second week, the number had doubled. By the third week, they were up to sixteen, all through word of mouth. Many of the people are now doing the daily energy routine at home every day. Pam said "This is making such a difference in their lives, and it's a joy being part of it." She offered the following unsolicited feedback from some of the people attending her lunchtime group:
“I had bursitis in my right hip -- I had a burning feeling deep in my hip most of the time. I didn’t like taking anti-inflammatories all the time or doing the icing treatment, so I bore the discomfort. Now, after one and a half years of enduring it, it is gone.”
“I’m doing this on my own twice a day. My son and husband came down with H1N1 and I am still standing. Got my son to do tapping and his only lasted 4 days. My husband is still not a believer and sick as a dog."
“I started to get a cold over the weekend, which always knocks me flat for several days. I only had one bad day. By the next day I was feeling much better.”
“I have a really heavy workload right now. This time last year, it was almost as bad and I was stressed all the time. Literally sweating over all the work. This time, even though it’s stressful I don’t feel it the way I used to. The stress is still there but it’s not impacting me the way it once did."
“I continued the routine on Thursday and Friday. I think it helped me to focus as I didn't panic during the exam like I usually do” (by a recent Law School Graduate who had to take an exam in November as a first step toward passing the bar).
"For me, my problem has always been about sleep. Last night I slept like a rock, for the first time in so long. I also used a triple warmer sedating technique on my 3 year old son and he calmed right down last night and slept really deeply. That never happens! Two miracles!"
That's how easy it is. While Pam has now graduated from our Certification Program, at the time she introduced energy medicine into her workplace, she was very new to it, and you can see the impressive outcomes people enjoyed. We hope you will find inspiration in this simple story.