Teaching Assistant

Becoming a Teaching Assistant (TA)

We currently have an extensive list of people that are TAs in all our classes, so while we undergo our major program changes we are not taking any new applications at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The use of Teaching Assistants (TAs) at Innersource events greatly improves the quality of training we offer and allows Eden Energy Medicine students and practitioners to hone their craft with hands-on experience within the EEM atmosphere. Being a TA at an EEM class is an excellent way to enhance your EEM training. Working local events is also a great way to build your practice if you live in the area of the event.

TAs are used at evening, 1-day, and weekend classes. These include Practicums, Donna's Advanced Classes, Introductory to Energy Medicine Classes, Level 1: Fundamentals Classes, and Level 2: Certification Training Classes. The Level 1: Fundamentals classes and Introductory to Energy Medicine classes provide many new opportunities for TAs.

Selecting TAs for Events

We use a mix of new and experienced TAs at each event. We strive to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to be a TA and always try to bring new TAs to events.

Our Level 1: Fundamentals and Introductory to Energy Medicine teachers receive first priority as they get students for their classes from these events. Then people local to the event are given the next priority as they can get to the event more economically and do follow-up classes, study groups, and provide sessions.

A limited number of people can be accepted as TAs for each workshop. Most organizations have a specified number of TAs allowed. So we often have more people apply than we can use. Please do not become discouraged if you are not selected for an event. Not being invited to one event does not mean you will not be invited to the next one.

Requests to work an event should be sent to our TA Coordinator at least four months prior to the event. The selection process starts three months from the events. Notifying our TA Coordinator less than four months from an event reduces your chance to work as the selection process may already be complete.

The Benefits of Being a TA

  • The opportunity for additional learning and professional development by experiencing Donna and other EEM teachers in action and through further involvement with the Eden Energy Medicine community.
  • The opportunity to be part of the TA team, to work closely with others, and to experience the teaching side of EEM.
  • Waived tuition to the class at which you work (this applies to classes where Innersource hires TA’s; for example, Advanced Classes, Cruises, etc.). This arrangement provides an excellent path for people's professional development, and it allows us to keep our fees lower for students.
  • An experience with like-minded individuals who care about personal worth, value, health, and happiness.

Applying to be a TA

There is a one-time application process.

  • The minimum requirement to become a TA is that you have completed the Level 1: Fundamentals Classes. At this level you can be a TA at Innersource basic classes and Introduction to Energy Medicine classes.
  • To be a TA at Level 1: Fundamentals Classes you must have an in good standing status as an EEM Certified Practitioner, have a published practitioner listing in our EEM Listings Directory, and be a Level 2 Graduate, who has passed the Certification Exam, or higher training level.
  • To be a TA at Level 2: Certification Training Classes you must have an in good standing status as an EEM Certified Practitioner, have a published practitioner listing in our EEM Listings Directory, and be a Level 3 Graduate, or higher training level.
  • You also must be up to date with Innersource regarding finances.
  • When you TA at an Innersource-sponsored event, we require that your insurance policy lists Innersource as “additional insured”. Our Intro to EM teachers, Level 1 teachers, and Level 2 Regional Directors all run their own businesses and therefore assume their own risks and may have their own insurance requirements. We recommend all TAs reach out to their host teacher at non-Innersource events prior to applying, to verify if they are required to have insurance and list their host teacher’s name on their insurance policy as “additional insured".
  • There is now a listing for Energy Psychology (EP) TAs. To be on this listing you need to be using Energy Psychology regularly in your practice and must either…
  • Let our TA Coordinator know that you wish to also be listed on the EP Directory if you are a current EEM TA, or
  • Complete the TA application process and note that you would like to be an EP TA as well as an EEM TA, or simply an EP TA.

How to Apply

We currently have an extensive list of people that are TAs in all our classes, so while we undergo our major program changes we are not taking any new applications at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  1. Ask your Level 1: Fundamentals teacher or one of your teachers from Level 2: Certification Training to send a letter recommending you as a TA to our TA Coordinator at [email protected]. Please have your name in the subject line. The focus of this letter needs to be why the teacher thinks you would make a good TA and what the teacher sees as your strengths and areas you might need to develop.
  2. If you would like to be a TA at Level 1: Fundamentals Classes or Level 2: Certification Training Classes, be sure your listing and photo are on the EEM Certified Practitioner Directory. Your application will not be finalized until you are listed. There is no fee for the listing. Go here to get listed.
  3. When you TA at an Innersource-sponsored event, we require that your insurance policy lists Innersource as “additional insured”. Our Intro to EM teachers, Level 1 teachers, and Level 2 Regional Directors all run their own businesses and therefore assume their own risks and may have their own insurance requirements. We recommend all TAs reach out to their host teacher at non-Innersource events prior to applying, to verify if they are required to have insurance and list their host teacher’s name on their insurance policy as “additional insured".

Questions can be directed to our TA Coordinator at [email protected].