L1 2025-26 Tanja Sossikian in Germany

For People Looking For a Powerful Healing Method That Works - Even When Other Methods Have Failed

Experience Your Own Healing Power and Take Control Of Your Health!

Receive hands-on training  in the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine and make a huge impact on your own health and the health of your family, friends, or current clients.

Level 1: Fundamentals
Berching, Bavaria, Germany
Taught by:
Tanja Sossikian
Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner

Empower Yourself to Make a Difference

Balanced and flowing energy is at the basis of good health.  Yet, overtime, due to life's stressors, energy can become blocked or stagnant leaving you or your loved ones at risk of becoming ill.  Western medicine can step in and help alleviate the symptoms but what if you could do something to bring about healing?

What if you didn't just have to sit at the bedside of a loved one but instead could play an active role in their healing? Imagine how empowering that would feel to know you were making a difference - a huge difference - for your loved ones.

That's how it works for our Level 1 students. In just one year of our hands-on training, you'll be able to move and shift energy to bring about some powerful healing. You don't have to be gifted or special.  That's because in our Level 1 classes, we take the time to train you in a healing method that anyone can master.  You'll receive the personalized instruction you need to develop your healing skills. 

Meet Your Teacher For The Next Year!

Our teachers are the best of the best - caring, supportive, and highly trained. All our Level 1: Fundamentals Teachers go through a high-level training program to qualify to teach Level 1: Fundamentals. The quality of your training is of utmost important to us and classes are intentionally kept small so you can get the individual attention you need.

A trainer for more than 25 years, I am passionate about self-empowering people to improve their relationships and master their well-being!

In my trainings you will find a setting of safety and trust that enables you to establish a deep connection with yourself and the other participants.

Through my own health issues I got in touch with several holistic health methods some twenty years ago and came across Eden Method in 2017, still grateful for having this huge tool-box to help myself and others!

I am an internationally Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication as well as an Eden Method authorized teacher. In my trainings, I have taught thousands of students at University and in the corporate world.

In 2023, I finally managed to bring the Level 1 Fundamentals Programme to Germany.

Seit über 25 Jahren als Trainerin und Beraterin tätig ist es meine Leidenschaft, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Beziehungen zu verbessern und eigenverantwortlich für ihre Gesundheit zu sorgen!

In meinen Trainings lege ich großen Wert auf einen sicheren und vertrauensvollen Rahmen, der dir hilft, mit dir selbst und den anderen TeilnehmerInnen in Verbindung zu kommen.

Durch meine eigenen gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen habe ich mich vor etwa 20 Jahren auf die Suche nach ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsmethoden begeben und bin 2017 bei der Eden Method gelandet. Ich bin nach wie vor dankbar für den riesigen Werkzeugkoffer, den ich hier gefunden habe, um mir selbst und anderen zu helfen!

Ich bin international zertifizierte Trainerin des Center for Nonviolent Communication und qualifizierte Eden Method Trainerin.

In meinen Trainings an verschiedenen Universitäten und in Wirtschaftsunternehmen habe ich in mehr als 25 Jahren Tausende von TeilnehmerInnen mit Freude geschult.

2023 ist es mir schließlich gelungen, die Level 1 Fundamentals Ausbildung nach Deutschland zu holen.

Class Details

This class will be taught in German!

As the coursebook will be in English, understanding some written English is helpful but not necessary.

Diese Ausbildung findet auf Deutsch statt!

Da das Kursbuch auf Englisch sein wird, ist es hilfreich, etwas schriftliches Englisch zu verstehen. Dies ist jedoch keine Voraussetzung!

Click here for the curriculum



For more information about this class, contact Tanja-Perouz Sossikian at +49 9404 93 677, by email, or visit the website at: sossikian.de.


Class 1: May 8 - 11, 2025
Class 2: July 24 - 27, 2025
Class 3: October 23 - 26, 2025
Class 4: January 29 - February 1, 2026


9:30 - 18:30


Gredinger Str. 2
92334 Berching Bavaria


We have special rates for students and you can chose either a single room or shared/twin room.

Prices are between 84,- and 104,- EUR per night per person depending on your room selection. Breakfast and lunch are included.

Die Unterkuft findet im Einzel oder Doppelzimmer zu speziellen Sonderkonditionen statt.

Die Preise liegen zwischen 84,- und 104,- EUR pro Nacht und Person je nach Zimmerbelegung. Frühstück und Mittagessen sind inklusive.


Please make sure you can be present from beginning til end when you sign up for a class so that the group energy and dynamics are not disrupted.

Due to the cancellation policy of the hotel, please register and pay tuition max. 5 weeks prior to the class dates.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass du im Workshop von Anfang bis Ende dabei sein kannst, um die Energie und Dynamik in der Gruppe nicht zu stören.

Aufgrund der Stornobedingungen des Hotels bitte ich um Anmeldung und Überweisung der Kursgebühren bis jeweils 5 Wochen vor Kursbeginn.

Register Now and Receive Extra Training Bonuses!

These videos are highly informative and help you continue to apply Eden Energy Medicine to your life so you are healthier and happier.

image of Fundamentals bonuses

Bonus #1: Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques
A 6 Hour Streaming Video
Jump start your training! Watch Donna as she demonstrates the essential Energy Medicine techniques from her best-selling book, Energy Medicine.

Bonus #2: The Energies of Love Class
Filmed in Victoria, Canada, October 2015
Receive one of your required materials for free. Watch this class and learn how to set your relationship on a path of deep connection and caring.

Bonus #3: Healthy Meridians; Healthy Body
With Dondi Dahlin
With Special Bonus: Donna Eden Leads You in Tracing the 14 Major Meridians
This video is perfect for beginning students in Energy Medicine who are curious about how the body works as an energy system.

Offer Expires March 28, 2025 at midnight Pacific Time

Reserve Your Spot in Class!

The tuition for the Level 1: Fundamentals Classes is US $1195.00 per class. Tuition covers handouts, meeting space, teaching staff, evaluation and feedback of written tests and demonstrations between classes, and ongoing evaluations to keep you moving forward. Some additional class materials will be required.

Class 1: US$1195

Class 2: US$1195

Class 3: US$1195

Class 4: US$1195

Cancellation policies are set by the individual Level 1: Fundamentals teachers.  Please contact your teacher for more information.

REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: (Special Level 1: Fundamentals Discount after you register with your teacher)

Energy Medicine book (preferably the 2008 version)
Energies of Love streaming video (offered as a bonus item when you register by the early bird deadline) (The MindValley version of the Energies of Love video also meets this requirement)
Ethics Handbook for Energy Healing Practitioners
The Nine Energy Systems DVD OR Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques (Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques is offered as a bonus item when you register by the early bird deadline and that video fufills this requirement. It is no longer sold in our store.)