Life-Changing Healing Practices from The Most Respected Experts in Energy Medicine...
Discover a Powerful, Natural Healing Method that Lets You Take Charge of Your Health, Boost Your Energy, and Reclaim Your Joy in Just a Few Minutes a Day...
Apply Energy Medicine Tools and Techniques to Create a Fundamental Mind-Body Shift that Can Transform Your Life
Why This Course
Imagine what it would feel like to have optimal health, mental clarity, creativity, happiness, and high energy.
How would that impact your closest relationships, your physical body, your sense of inner peace and fulfillment?
Energy Medicine is a transformational healing modality that empowers YOU with the tools to improve your mind, body, and spirit so you can lead a more vibrant life.
And the best part? You'll get the results you will love in just a few minutes each day.
It's a time tested modality that's already empowered thousands in their work, health, and relationships.
So stick around for a few minutes and you'll discover something truly incredible about yourself...
You ALREADY have everything you need to create your best life...
You'll see firsthand how YOU can become someone with the talent, knowledge, and skills to heal yourself from pain and chronic conditions, to experience more energy, happiness, clarity, creativity and so much more (even if you've "failed" a thousand times before).

If You Desire a Long, Successful, Healthy Life, You Need to Do More than Fight Off Disease...
Here's the reality of our world right now...
This disturbing reality is made worse by a health care system that's based on a "wait til it's broken" approach - diagnosing and treating the human body after a medical challenge or illness occurs.
Their focus is on treatment and NOT on prevention, NOT on creating a strong, healthy body, mind, and spirit that's resistant to pain and disease.
And while Western medicine has incredible tools for repairing the body, it is surprisingly limited when it comes to keeping you healthy.
If you want to experience life in a state of maximum health, fulfillment, and joy, the key is to step up and take charge of your own energy and well-being.
It's up to YOU to find a way to create radiant health and happiness every single day.
And the best news of all . . .

Everything You Need to Optimize Your Body, Mind, and Spirit is Already Within You Right Now.
Here's something not many people know...
Your body holds an endless source of energy for healing itself.
This energy is understood by ancient healers in the Americas, Asia, and other parts of the world as Life Force Energy.
And whether you've realized it or not, you've witnessed this brilliant, natural energy at play.
When you cut your finger, you cover it with a bandage, but that's not what gets your finger to heal. It's your body's self-healing mechanism -- this Life Force Energy -- that works its magic. It generates electrical currents that connect enormous numbers of cells and orchestrate the chemicals that fix what has been damaged.
This is the same Energy that regenerates cells.
It's the Energy that slows aging.
It's the Energy that juices our psyche, lets us feel joy, meaning and purpose in our life.
It's the Energy that gives us strength and stamina to run marathons and scale mountains.
It's the Energy that is the source of life itself.
And much of this Energy remains untapped within you when you don't have an understanding of how it works and when you don't have the tools to release it's extraordinary healing power.
To free this untapped Energy, you need a method, a toolkit that will let you activate its innate healing power...
You need a path, a way, a direction.
Eden Energy Medicine is all of that... and more.

There's Little You Cannot Shift or Transform When You Understand how to Work with The Secrets of Energy Medicine.
Eden Energy Medicine is based on the foundational understanding that the root of health problems, mental and emotional issues, and even addictions and other self-defeating behaviors and habits can be traced back to the body's energies and mirrored in the body's energy system.
This means these problems and issues can be improved and even healed by working to shift these energies.
Eden Energy Medicine was created based on the enduring principles of the body's own Life Force Energy. It is an intelligent, practical, time-tested healing method that builds and expands on ancient modalities from around the world such as acupuncture, chakra healing, and medical qigong.
With Eden Energy Medicine you can:

Eden Energy Medicine healers know that ALL conditions including chronic pain, low energy, sudden shifts and dips in mood, and even relationship and work challenges involve imbalances and blocks in the body's energy system. Every one of those challenges (and more) can be shifted or transformed by working with Eden Energy Medicine to create a smooth, uninterrupted flow of energy.
You don't have to be a healer, alternative medicine practitioner, or a medical professional to work with this method safely and effectively. You can create results even if you've never worked with your body's energies before.
The truth is we are all born with the ability to heal ourselves. We are instinctive healers and our intelligent human body is constantly seeking a way back to natural health, balance, alignment, and harmony.
With the simple practices of Eden Energy Medicine, anyone (including YOU) can be an empowered self-healer and move from instinctual to conscious, intentional healing for lasting health, joy, abundance and success.
Instructor Profile
Meet Donna Eden, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Pioneer and World-Renowned Expert on Energy Medicine, Creator of Eden Energy Medicine, and One of the Most In-Demand Authorities in Holistic Health on the Planet.
Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.
Her personal journey into the powerful world of Energy Medicine can be traced back to her poor health as a child. She was diagnosed with a heart murmur as a baby. She later struggled with a series of serious conditions and illnesses including tuberculosis, life-threatening food allergies, and severe asthma.
At 16, Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. By her late 20s she had limited movement. At 27 she had a heart attack because her organs were breaking down. She was told by five doctors that there was nothing more that could be done and she should get her "affairs in order." Western medicine had given up on her.
But she didn't give up. Despite this bleak diagnosis, she was determined to take charge of her own health. She started to experiment with moving the energies where she felt pain or incapacity, using her own body as a "laboratory" ... and she was able to successfully manipulate her body's energies to shift the pain and illness.
In time, Donna completely healed herself from Multiple Sclerosis. Every single symptom of this chronic, progressively disabling disease -- including Donna's difficulties in walking -- disappeared.
Her allergies also eased up and eventually vanished as well.
Having healed herself from an "incurable" illness, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.
And so she began learning as much as she could about energetic systems from cultures and peoples around the world. This deep knowledge, experimenting with her own body's energy system and later working with thousands and thousands of people, plus her natural gifts around energy work led her to create Eden Energy Medicine. Today, Donna is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.
What You'll Learn
What Happens When You Start to Work with "The Essentials of Energy Medicine"
"The Essentials of Energy Medicine" is a home-study program that combines the incredible, in depth knowledge and expertise of not just one but two of the most renowned Energy Medicine teachers in the world -- Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D.
You will learn to assess, recognize, and consciously work with your Life Force Energy to create positive changes and transformations on the 4 most important levels of the human experience -- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Here are the changes you can expect to experience after taking this course:
You'll Experience a Deep Sense of Physical Well-Being
Aches and pains can start to decrease or even disappear. You'll learn to test and assess foods that are right for your body so you can easily make the right choices to support your physical health.
You'll Protect Yourself from Stress, Increase Your Focus, and Supercharge Your Productivity
We are constantly bombarded with demands for our time, energy, and attention resulting in serious levels of stress. You'll learn the exact techniques and practices to protect your energy system from these daily stressors so you can experience clear thinking, increase your focus, and get more done in less time. You'll also discover how to work with energetic patterns to release self-defeating habits and beliefs and install powerful new ones.
You'll Learn the Techniques to Stay Emotionally Centered, and Calm No Matter What Else is Going on
You'll discover how to assess and recognize hidden energy patterns that affect your mood and emotional balance. When you have this skill, you'll be able to tap into greater inner harmony and peace... even if the people and the environment around you are in chaos. You'll also learn how to detect energetic traits in others to create deep, authentic relationships.
You'll Achieve Spiritual Balance, Growth, and Expansion
You'll open up to a sense of something bigger, something infinitely powerful - that incredible spiritual aspect of ourselves. You'll awaken to the energies of higher purpose as you connect with your intuition to direct and guide you along the path that is right and true for you. You'll have the tools to overcome daily challenges and obstacles as you discover a deeper meaning to your existence - who you truly are and what you are meant to do in the world.
Program Information
Here's What You'll Experience with The Essentials of Energy Medicine... An In-Depth 12-Module Program Based on Decades of Deep Knowledge, Expert Insights, and Real World Results from two of the Most Respected Energy Medicine Teachers in the World
Balancing Your Energies for Health and Joy
Grounding, Clearing and Balancing Energies Every Day
Supporting Meridian Flow and Balance
Energy Medicine Tools for Stress Relief
Clearing Chakras
Understanding Your Sensory Type and Stress Response - Growing Great Relationships
Testing Energies for Flow, Blocks and Healthy Choices
Relieving Pain with Energy Medicine
Using Energy Medicine for Specific Health Issues
Developing the Habit of Health and Happiness
Strengthening the Aura - Your Energetic Spacesuit
Expanding Your Energy Medicine Horizon
What World Class Teachers, Leaders,
Healers, and Medical Professionals Are Saying
About Donna and David's Work

For more than four decades, Donna has been tirelessly advocating, promoting, supporting and teaching the principles of reclaiming our health through the immeasurable power of our body's energies, along with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. -- a pioneer in energy Psychology and a world-renowned authority in his own right.
Donna and David now run the world's largest school for teaching hands-on Energy Medicine, with more that 1,600 Certified Practitioners seeing thousands of clients and teaching dozens of classes every month. Over a million people have been opened to greater physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health through an understanding of how to work with their own energies.
"Donna's contribution will stand as a foundation for holistic medicine"
The contribution Donna Eden has made with Energy Medicine will stand as one of the backbone studies as we lay a sound foundation for the field of holistic medicine.

Caroline Myss Ph.D.
Best-selling author, world-renowned lecturer
"Donna Eden is one of those rare healers"
Even the most hard-nosed doctor will admit that some people have a healing presence that makes us - and our immune system - better than before. Donna Eden is one of those rare healers
"It was like looking at 'true' magic happening right in front of my eyes"
Donna and David's demonstration on Energy Medicine was fantastic! I have to admit it made me fight my inner Western - trained Medical Doctor and my own skepticism, so it is definitely worth investigating since it appealed to my curiosity.

Dr. George Lewis
"The most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre"
Donna Eden's body energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen.

Jean Houston Ph.D.
Respected scholar and researcher of human potential, author of The Possible Human
"A fabulous, practical guide to managing the body's subtle energies."
Donna Eden's unique clairvoyant observations of energy patterns have led to a fabulous, practical guide to managing the body's subtle energies.

Dr. Richard Gerber M.D.
Author of Vibrational Medicine
The Power to Transform Your Life on Every Level...
What's That Worth to You?
Here's the truth about where we are as human beings...
We are in pain, we are in anguish... mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually.
As we move further into 21st century and technology continues to race forward, the human body with its natural, ancient energy and health maintenance systems has been left behind.
This creates an incredible amount of physical, emotional, and mental stress that affects health and the ability to find joy and fulfillment in life...
This is one of the biggest reasons why serious diseases and chronic conditions -- mental, emotional and physical -- are increasing around the world and why millions feel driven to constantly seek meaning and purpose in their life...
Can you think of anything more important or more game-changing than having the knowledge and the skills to work with a powerful healing practice that allows you to bring forward your full power and energy as a human being?
Can you think of anything more significant than reaching high levels of health, inner peace, and happiness so you can create the life you desire - free from pain, lethargy, and depression?
Everything you'll learn and experience in "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" program is designed to help you do precisely that.
It's designed to empower you so you can take charge of your health on every level and redesign your destiny.
This toolkit will help you to create exponential shifts and changes that will bring you lasting success, joy, and vitality.
In other words, this program is about achieving optimal health and wellness.
So, here's something important to think about...
What's all of that worth to you? What's the price for your health and happiness?
Most people would say it's incomparable, invaluable, absolutely priceless...
And that's why the true value of "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" is incomparable, invaluable, absolutely priceless.
This program is unique, and here's why...
It literally changes the way we experience life.
It empowers us to heal our body, mind, and spirit.
It empowers us to collectively begin to shake off the pain, confusion, heartache, loneliness, and illnesses, that we've been struggling with for so long...
It empowers us to reclaim our natural state of health, joy , and vibrant energy.
And that's why we want this program to reach the hearts, minds, and hands of as many people as possible...
So, we're NOT making this program available based on it's true value... thousands and thousands of dollars or even more
Instead, you can experience "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" now for just $997
And there's more...
You'll Also Receive Exclusive Bonuses that Perfectly Complement The Program. These Free Gifts Will Help You Heighten and Deepen Your Understanding, Knowledge and Practical Skills in the Life-Changing Art of Energy Medicine (worth over $100)

Bonus 01
Energies of Love 2-Hour Introductory Class
Donna and David share the secrets to create deep resonance and an authentic, loving connection with your partner in this powerful, 2-hour presentation. You'll discover how to work with your own energies and your partner's energies in the context of an intimate relationship. You'll also discover how to sync these energies and gracefully navigate challenges so you can both experience a shared spiritual journey of lasting love and happiness.
Bonus 02
Heathy Meridians, Healthy Body
With Dondi Dahlin Plus a Special Appearance by Donna Eden
Explore your 14 meridians with Dondi Dahlin as she explains each meridian and its specific role in keeping you vibrantly healthy. Plus, follow along with Donna as she shows you exactly how to quickly and effectively "trace your meridians" -- a powerful way to keep your meridians flowing smoothly, bring about better balance among all your body's systems, and function at your best.
"The Essentials of Energy Medicine" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee
We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, or if you feel for any reason that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email at [email protected].
We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.
And if you have any other questions - please contact us.
Click the "Add to Cart" Button Below and Start Experiencing The Enormous Power of "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" Now!

Here are The Empowering Teachings and Gifts You'll Receive When You Enroll in "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" now:
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You Are Always at a Possible Crossroad in Your Life.
Which Path Will You Choose Today?
One path empowers you and leads to more success, joy, health, and loving relationships.
The other leads to... well... more of what you're experiencing in your life now. Is it what you want to settle for? Are you at your best health? Do you have chronic pain? Low energy. Anxiety. Too little joy? Are you looking for answers outside of yourself while ignoring the most powerful healing force available to you - your own energy?
And even if you find relief, if you don't address the underlying energetic disturbances, the imbalances will show up in other areas of your body.
And so it goes.
How long do you want to wait before you empower yourself to live the way you were born to live -- immersed in love, happiness, health and vitality?
So, ask yourself, "will I take action now and learn the ancient secrets, knowledge, and practical healing skills I need to rise up and experience life to the fullest?"
So many people will give themselves an out...
They avoid doing what it takes to create changes in their life...
Will you take the road that makes all the difference?
Your life and your future is in your hands.
It's up to you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who will benefit from "The Essentials of Energy Medicine"?
Q. Is "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" safe?
Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Q. How long will it take to see results?
Q. How is the "Essentials of Energy Medicine" structured?
Success Stories from Students
"I was blown away by the demonstration."
Donna really inspired me to feel how much simpler life can be when we understand and shift energy. As someone who works with dyslexic people, I was blown away by the demonstration of grounding on someone who struggles with reading. I have already applied it in my work and my students love it!

Diane Devenyi
"Excellent course. Excellent instructors. Excellent results."
Donna and David are excellent teachers and presenters. They make the learning of energy accessible for all levels…whether you are a healing professional or just someone who wants to learn techniques to help themselves and family. Energy is everywhere and is everything. It only makes sense to learn about and Donna is the master teacher. Loved this course!
I love Donna's work. I love her enthusiasm and pure joy that she emits to all that come in contact with her….even online the energy comes through. Again, excellent course. Excellent instructors. Excellent results.

Janice Andrews
"Donna Eden's gift is truly holistic"
Donna Eden's gift is truly holistic, as one feels a beautiful unifying field between her and David. She glows and radiates the knowledge, and David grounds the facts! I found everything delightful and shared it with my sister who is just discovering energy medicine. This is a training I go back to with joy, playing with the meridians and following their flow all around the body makes energy perception like a child's game! Just have fun and play with it, you will learn and experience it–that is what life is about.
I needed this as my husband, a grand skeptic of my views on Life actually was impressed and curious to learn more. We do the daily work out together every morning and smile deeply!

Marie-Paule Fanchette
"It’s like having your own teacher live in the room next door"
One thing that has become a part of my day is the Daily Energy Routine. What a gift. I feel more powerful with each daily experience of completion of the routine. Another reason this class has been so wonderful is the fact that it was brought to me right here in my home. I did not have to travel and could do it in my time frame. That is like having your own teacher live in the room next door.

Bonnie Krause-Gams
"Energy Medicine has been the most enlightening study so far."
At 71, I know that Meditation, Energy Healing and Mind Body connections have a place in the rest of my life and now want to learn as much as I can about these programs. I think Energy Medicine has been the most enlightening study so far.

Margaret Faux-Hosea
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Here are The Empowering Teachings and Gifts You'll Receive When You Enroll in "The Essentials of Energy Medicine" Now:
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