Register Today and SAVE $300!
We extended our Early Bird Price for Tucson Attendees
Learn to Harness the Power of ENERGY to Change Your Life and Our World with ENERGY FEST, The Foremost Gathering of Energy Game-Changers!
With 4 Keynotes, 2 Featured Presentations (one with Donna), and 21 Breakout Sessions, ENERGY FEST will inspire, expand, and equip you with energy tools designed to take your life to the next level - physically, emotionally, and professionally!
Sept 5-8, 2024
Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, Arizona
Watch the above video to get a feel for the magic of Energy Fest!
Each Day is Packed with Inspiration and Knowledge
Like our previous international gatherings, Energy Fest is designed to bring us "energy people" together to share ideas and our personal discoveries around the power of ENERGY to make some remarkable changes in our lives.
We start with our 4 keynotes, one per day. These keynote speakers are hand-picked by Donna and David to help elevate and inspire you to new understandings of what is possible with Energy.
On Friday and Saturday, we have featured presentations. On Friday, it's Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practioner Debra Hurt talking about the Electrical Nature of the Achilles Tendons issues and on Saturday it's Donna and David!
Then, in the afternoons, it's break-out sessions with our talented community members who give you real-world applications on how to use energy to make life better.
Let's get started by talking about our keynote speakers...
4 Talented and Gifted Keynote Speakers Will Inspire You To New Heights!
Bruce Lipton
Internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., former medical school professor and epigenetic science pioneer, is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. For over ten years, Bruce has been listed in the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” by United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal.
Bruce's Keynote: Love, Fear, and the Life We Create Details>>
Bruce's Optional Pre Class: The Biology of Personal Empowerment: Thriving in a World of Change Details>>
Steven Washington
Certified Qigong Instructor, Pilates teacher, and Neuromuscular Massage Therapist
Steven Washington of SWE Studio (he/him) is a Movement Master, Author, Recovery Advocate. Steven's lifelong love and a key foundation to his own spiritual fitness is 'movement'. He firmly believes our relationship with our body is vital for emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
Steven's Keynote: Embracing Your Magic Details >>
Steven's Optional Pre Class: Movement Medicine Details >>
Ronan Diego De Oliveira
Renowned Coach and Author of HoloBody
Ronan is a health and fitness master who believes that a body that is truly healthy and fit needs a mind that is free from societal brainwashing and grounded on the individual’s own truth. When that happens, you are able to give your body back its sovereignty. In turn, the body becomes free to give you the full expression of its unique gifts. That’s when you discover your full power.
Ronan's Keynote: The Body's Wisdom: Cultivating Radiant Energy and Spiritual Growth Details>>
Ronan's Optional Post Class: The New Beginning Details>>
Shamini Jain
Psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur
Dr. Shamini Jain is a psychologist, scientist and social entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. Her award-winning research and presentations on healing topics have been featured in major media including TIME, CNN, and Good Day LA, as well as several documentaries. Her two-time award-winning book with Sounds True, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, is available at booksellers worldwide.
Shamini's Keynote: The Future of Healing: Biofield Science and Beyond Details>>
Shamini's Optional Post Class: Your Healing Voice Details>>
2 Featured Presentations
The Electrical Nature of the Achilles Tendons
Friday, September 6, 2024
Debra Hurt
Eden Energy Medicine Faculty
Advanced Practitioner
EEM has as one of its Nine Energy Systems the Electrics. At the 2008 EnKA conference in Sacramento, CA, Sher Smith, RN, RPP, RCST delivered a talk on the Tendon Guard Reflex (TGR) also known as the Shock Reflex. Her presentation started me on a deep dive into the Achilles Tendon and its electrical properties. This is an unconscious response by the body in response to a perceived stress. Whether the threat is real or imagined makes no difference since this reflex is launched by a primitive part of the brain. And we can reeducate this response when it becomes habitual.
The technique I intend to teach draws heavily on the body's electrical responses, the muscle/meridian relationships and the relationship between the Bladder Meridian in particular and the Nervous System.
Debra began her education in Energy Kinesiology with Touch for Health in 1985. The next year, she discovered Donna Eden and began taking classes with her. She also studied with other leaders in the field as well and continues to study. She is one of the founding faculty members of the EEM Certification program. She has a private practice in Bend, Oregon and teaches around the US and in Europe.
Eden Energy Medicine
Donna and David will be sharing with us a yet to be determined topic. They want the topic to be relevant, and something that will help you go deeper with your healing.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Founders of Eden Method
21 Breakout Sessions For You To Choose From!
These are the heartbeat of Energy Fest.
ENERGY FEST is designed to have us all come together and share our successes and revelations as to the power of ENERGY to transform lives.
Eden Method students and followers have built upon Donna's work and expanded into exciting new territory. Once you begin to tune in, the possibilities are endless.
As an attendee, you'll choose your breakouts when you register so you can zero in on the topics that interest you the most.
ENERGY FEST is a celebration of what we all know...
GOOD, BALANCED, and FLOWING ENERGY is at the heart of a healthy body, a keen mind, and a joyous spirit.
Imagine how amazing it would feel to share ideas and play with people who love Donna's work – just like you do!
Have you ever found yourself having to explain a little energy technique you do to someone outside of our tribe? Maybe you're energy testing your food? Maybe you're doing a Wayne Cook? Maybe you're just noticing someone's rhythm...the list goes on.
Imagine what it would be like if you DIDN'T have to explain. If you were surrounded by people who "get you" – who speak the language of energy.
It's a great feeling, and it's super fun. And, it can expand you even more.
That's why we are throwing a 4-day celebration called ENERGY FEST!
Energy Fest will be by far the largest gathering of Eden Method practitioners and students anywhere in the world!
Expand your knowledge and share your wisdom with others as we gather together and celebrate our common bond of knowing that we have the power within our bodies to heal ourselves. Come share laughs with old friends – or friends you’ve yet to meet – and know that you’re in a place where trading spinal flushes in the hallway is as commonplace as passing the salt at the dinner table.
Wouldn't it feel great to be among so many wonderful people who share your vision of health and self-care?
Have an Adventure With Us in Tucson, Arizona!
Join us in Tucson, Arizona, a place known for outstanding hiking and outdoor adventures, rich cultural traditions, a vibrant arts scene, world-class golf, and great dining. Designated as the first UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy in the United States, Tucson is also known worldwide for its culinary traditions and an amazing assortment of restaurants
Energy Fest will be taking full advantage of this beautiful city when we take over the spectacular Loews Ventana Canyon Resort. You will be literally steps away from the natural beauty of the Sonoran desert.
We've Reserved a Block of Rooms for You...
If you'd like to take advantage of the discounted rate, you will have an opportunity to reserve your room when you register for Energy Fest.
Our discounted rate is $179/night, plus tax. Click here for more hotel information.
If you're looking for a roommate or someone to carpool with between the airport and the resort, we have a "Roommate Finder Forum". The forum has separate topics for those looking for roommates and those looking for carpooling. Note, that the forum is unmoderated and is solely provided as a service for our students to connect with one another.
So, join us in Tucson for Energy Fest!
The in-person registration fee covers the regular Convention period, including:
4 Keynotes
2 Featured Presentations
8 Breakout Sessions
Daily morning movement classes
3 Breakfasts
2 Lunches
Sunday Snack Break
Opening Night Gala Reception
Saturday Night Dance Party with band
... and more "surprises" to be added.
The livestream registration fee covers over 63 hours of content:
4 Keynotes
2 Featured Presentations
8 LIVE Breakout Sessions (plus recorded access to the remaining 13 sessions)
Unlimited access to all the recordings
No. Energy Fest is open to everyone.
Attendance at TWO FULL DAYS of Energy Fest 2024 satisfies the Continuing Training renewal requirement for Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners to maintain their Certified status with Innersource.
CT's are NOT available for live streamers.
Please NOTE: All times are in Mountain Standard (Arizona) time. Please visit the schedule page below.
We don't have any scholarships but we are offering an opportunity for a few people to attend Energy Fest tuition free in exchange for working during the event. Workers will still be responsible for hotel and transportation and must register for the event and pay in full at the time of registration. At the end of the event, we will return tuition in exchange for a job well done. We anticipate that we will need about 7-9 people to assist us.
Click HERE for the Energy Fest Work Benefit Program Application
No! The party is included with tuition. So come have a great time with your old and new friends.
Vendor candidates should apply by filling out an Energy Fest Vendor Application form. Here is the link:
Positions will be filled on an as-needed basis to provide a varied marketplace experience for our attendees.
Energy Fest LIVESTREAM does come with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, just drop us an email at [email protected] and we will issue you a swift refund. No questions asked.
Note: In-person attendance does not come with a guarantee. However, we do value feedback so do let us know what we could have done better by emailing us at [email protected]
Register Today and SAVE!

Donna, along with her husband, David Feinstein, Ph.D., have created an amazing gathering of energy healers and experts. Join them and their guests for 4 high-vibration days of learning, fun, community, and positivity.
Here's what you'll receive when you sign up for Energy Fest:
Join The Most Important Energy Gathering Of The Year!
Energy Fest
Sept 5-8
Tucson AZ
$1295 $995
Prices are in USD
Note: Energy Medicine stimulates innate health-promoting mechanisms that restore the body's natural state of well-being. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure illness.