21 Breakout Sessions That Show You What's Possible with Energy!
Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn from people who are using Energy to improve their lives and the lives of their communities. Sharing our discoveries is one of our very favorite things about Energy Fest.
Energy Fest is designed to bring us together to share ideas and our personal discoveries around the power of ENERGY to make some incredible changes in our lives.
You begin each day at Energy Fest by attending an amazing keynote, followed up by a featured presentation, and then off to the breakout session of your choice - a smaller, 2.5 hour class based on your interests and curiosity!
Here is the list of the 2024 breakout sessions! Please note that classes, titles, descriptions, dates and times are subject to change.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Breakout Sessions – 3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Effective Energy Testing: A Hands-On Workshop
By LaurieKae Banks & Kendra Turner

In this interactive, hands-on workshop you will learn to confidently and accurately energy test yourself and others. Energy testing (sometimes called muscle testing) is a powerful, yet simple, way to communicate with the body at a subconscious level. It can be used to gather information about how your body will respond to certain foods or supplements, or even to test the state of subtle energies such as chakras and auras. Regular communication with the body through energy testing also builds a strong relationship with your intuition and can grow your intuitive abilities.
Together we will practice several methods of testing ourselves and others. We will also explore deeper topics as well, such as the “untestable person” and “influencing” - and how we correct for these issues. We will do all this while playing a game to energy test several mystery items - whose identity will only be revealed after your test!
LaurieKae began in corporate America before opening her massage practice in 2002. She is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, while also being a Reiki Master, Aromatherapist, and shaman. She is board certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy from the I Heal Institute. She spent years as an untestable deeply religious corporate skeptic before finally learning how to reliably energy test with complete confidence.
Kendra is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Eden Method Teacher, Reiki Master. and a traditionally trained shaman. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Natural Medicine. She practices in Florida, Maryland, and worldwide via Zoom, she also hosts retreats at Turtle Hawk Farm in Punta Gorda, FL. Kendra specializes in coaching highly sensitive and empathic individuals, and thoroughly enjoys teaching classes to those new to energy medicine. Her classes are always fun and interactive - because learning doesn’t have to be boring!
Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science: How Modern Science Validates Ancient Shamanic Ceremony
By Matthew Butler

Matt will present how ancient shamanic practices are proven healing techniques and how shamanism was the primary form of energy work and healing for over 50,000 years. He will further illustrate how shamanism is being validated with modern science, showing how the ancient reflects the most modern scientific discoveries in a way that each are mutually validating of one-another. By attending this class, you will see that science and ancient wisdom actually validate each other rather than tearing each other down. The class is helpful for both beginners as well as advanced practitioners who seek a deeper understanding of the connection between science and ancient wisdom. This class will be a combination of both lecture and class participation.
Matt served 27 years in the Army as a Green Beret. After retiring, he sought shamanic healing to cure his PTSD. It was during his first ceremony that Matt was informed by the shaman that he too was a shaman. Matt would go on to apprentice under three Master Shamans: Jan Castro, Micheal Achilles, and Arrileo Guzman. Matt’s practice of shamanism includes working with patients who have been diagnosed with “incurable” diseases, using shamanic ceremonies, plant medicine, and divination. Matt holds certificates in Shamanism, Trauma Informed Care, Reiki I, II, III, and IV, Quantum Healing, Breathwork, and Meditation.
Clearing Self-Sabotage: Unmasking and Healing the Inner Tug-of-War
By Junia Chou

Self-sabotage can be a type of energy that is stuck, scrambled, and knotted in the field. Sometimes, we can (un)consciously get in our own way and block our own happiness. The struggle is real, and it originates from within. In this workshop, we will work with energy testing, specific priority statements, Meridian energy points, and Neurovascular Reflex Points to soften, unscramble, and release the energy blockages that have manifested. This will allow vibrations to rise and life force to flow more fully again. Join us for a deeply reflective and experiential workshop on unveiling components of self-sabotage. Walk away with how to set goals-with-soul, create a personally tailored mantra affirmation in your back-pocket, and practice a DIY self-care reprogramming process using specific Meridian power points, clearing statements, and specific eye movements. Leave feeling more you - empowered with more clarity, compassion, and life energy.
Junia Chou is an international speaker and holistic wellness practitioner passionate about self-empowerment. When Junia’s mother fell ill, Junia was propelled on a seeker’s quest for answers as she received her Doctorate in Natural Medicine, became a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Touch for Health Instructor, and Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and Teacher. When Junia’s mother got better, she encouraged Junia to share her heart and learnings with the world. Junia currently facilitates mind-body health classes and self-care trainings for K-12 schools, Bay Area companies, and hospitals.
Embracing Goddess Energy: Ancient Wisdom through the Five Elements
By Titanya Dahlin

There is a deep longing in women to awaken our sensual divine nature and heal the past that is embedded in our cells. The time has come to heal the planet’s energetic wounds and it starts with ourselves. In this course we will connect to your own divine energy and embrace the seasons of the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Through Titanya’s enriching stories, she will weave her magic to make the Goddesses come alive through guided movement, storytelling, sacred ceremony, and energy medicine techniques. As you embody the Goddess in her many different forms, you will connect to your own unique feminine warrior within. You will find a new empowering relationship to each of the elements, while embracing those that are a bit more challenging. Divine shifts occur when we break through our own inner obstacles by tapping into the authentic movement your body wants to speak, within its own elemental rhythmical flow.
Titanya has studied many forms of Dance, becoming a professional Belly dancer and Polynesian dancer for about 35 years. She is a lifelong student in the Esoteric and Healing Arts and has always researched the sacred connections to movement as a healing force. Titanya is “The Story Dancer”. As a professional Storyteller and Sacred Dancer, she incorporates dance and cultural stories of strong Goddesses and courageous Women in her one-woman shows. She created Energy Dance and Five Element Belly dance in 1996, based on teachings learned from her mother, Donna Eden. Titanya is also a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and an Intuitive Life Color coach.
A Path to Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood
By Susan Edwards

This will be a highly interactive, engaging workshop that Susan has been invited to present countless times over the past 40+ years to enthusiastic audiences. Through audience participation, she introduces the concept of family systems and helps participants identify the roles they played in their family of origin and how this affects their current relationships and lives. The workshop describes 5 Stages of Healing and motivates people to do personal healing work. Attendees leave grateful for the positive impact this seminal information has had toward their personal growth and healing.
Susan is a native of St. Louis and a widow, with two adult daughters and four grandchildren. She was a private practice psychotherapist (30 years), as well as a workshop presenter and professional speaker. BUT she is most qualified to present her workshop because of the GIFT of her decades-long journey to emotional health and wholeness. She is known for her keen sense of humor and ability to illustrate difficult issues in a non-threatening manner with which people can easily identify. Her story was published in 2019 in a book entitled “The Top Ten Traits of Highly Resilient People”, with a 2nd edition republished in June 2023.
Psycho-Spiritual Dimensions of the Radiant Circuits
By Susan Stone

The Radiant Circuits assist in the unfoldment and expression of a person's life. The psycho-spiritual dimensions of these energies, when understood, can be further cultivated to bring greater harmony and health. You will expand your knowledge and approach these energies with a deeper awareness and understand more how to increase your radiant energies for boundless health and well-being. This is a magical class of cultivation of beingness. We will be engaging the Radiant Circuit energies through lecture and movement. The movement exercises of the Radiant Circuits expand the capacity of the Radiant Circuits, but when one understands the deeper purpose of a Radiant Circuit, the movement amplifies its effect.
Susan has been practicing the healing arts since 1977. Throughout her life she has sought out and cultivated the deepest levels of understanding the truth in healing. As an acupuncturist, nutritionist, Polarity Therapist, and an Advanced Eden Method practitioner and faculty member, her approach is to help her clients source and manifest their healing. This understanding comprehensively informs and empowers everything she offers. Her classes consistently focus on revealing the “why's” underlying all of the Eden Energy Medicine material and protocols.
Energy Entrepreneurship: Reach More People and Watch Your Income Grow with 5 Proven Business Strategies
By Blaine Wilkes

Discover the art of conscious marketing. This session explores heart-centered strategies to communicate and sell your healing offerings authentically and confidently with no “ickiness.” Learn 5 immediately actionable ways to build your clientele and infuse your messaging with compelling storytelling that lets potential clients know that with you, they’ll get results. You’ll learn specific techniques that ensure your writing resonates deeply with those you aim to serve. Elevate your marketing approach and witness the transformative impact it has on expanding your reach and building a vibrant community around your practice. We’ll cover the most efficient and impactful ways to spend your business-building time including your website, your email list, newsletters, and social media. This presentation includes handouts and a step-by-step roadmap for infusing magic into your marketing efforts.
Blaine is the Chief Operating Officer of Energy Medicine Yoga®. Previously, she spent 20+ years in the business world of western medicine including two of the “Big 4” accounting firms and the FDA. In her entrepreneurial career, she has created, established, and sold a successful yoga studio, completed training as an EMYoga Master teacher and EEM practitioner, founded a thriving online business called “Creating Vibrant Energy” and is currently at the helm of EMYoga marketing and operations. Blaine’s passion is growing businesses through conscious marketing, where healers raise the vibration of the planet and make a great living too!
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Breakout Sessions – 3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Eden Energy Medicine for Caregivers
By Eve Bensky

As caregivers, we are often told to share our calm with our wards. But how do we find our calm to be able to share it? This class is for anyone who is a caretaker for another person, whether that be a child, a parent, a classroom, someone who has home health needs, or anyone else who needs regular care. Caretakers and their needs are often overlooked. In this workshop, you will learn: 1) Grounding and Stabilizing techniques: The more grounded you are, the more calm you can be; 2) Energetic boundary techniques: Necessary for healthy other boundaries in your life; 3) Partner energy techniques: People love these, whether they're 2 or 92 or anywhere in between; 4) Caregiver Time Outs: For when all else fails.
Eve is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, licensed massage therapist, certified personal trainer, and certified corrective exercise specialist. She has worked with clients from 2 weeks old to 94 years old. Eve truly believes that every person has the tools within them to take care of themselves and after learning to care for themselves, are best able to care for those around them.
Self-Care For Turbulent Times: How Music, Laughter, Connection, and Love Can Lead You to Peace Within
By Karen Drucker

We are living in troubling times right now and the best way to deal with our daily stresses is through self-care. Join singer-songwriter, author, and workshop facilitator Karen Drucker for a unique playshop that combines experiential learning with inspiring music.
When we take care of ourselves first, we can be present for the ones we love and help bring peace to this world. Loving ourselves is a psychological and spiritual journey—one most women need to give themselves permission to experience. Our patterns of self-judgment, believing that something is wrong with us, and not feeling like we are enough can translate into anxiety, depression, addiction, burnout, or just a simple suspicion that there is more to life than we are experiencing. With songs, stories, small group discussions, exercises, and lots of laughter, we will learn how to give ourselves permission to love ourselves while we rejuvenate our body, mind, and spirit.
In this playshop you will: Be uplifted by music that inspires and heals. Learn practical tools to create a "practice" for centering and relaxation. Understand how the critic works and how you can "tame" that critical voice. A fun tool of writing your own chant to affirm whatever you want in your life. Create stronger boundaries and learn to say no to what no longer serves. Gain clarity on the next step(s) in your life.
Karen Drucker’s message is all about healing and love – whether singing one of her positive message songs, or sharing stories that are funny, inspiring, and heart opening. She is a keynote speaker, women’s retreat facilitator, and entertainer who has recorded 22 CDs of her inspirational music and is the author of the bestselling book: “Let Go of the Shore”. Her chants are widely used around the world and often help people deal with illness, loss, or just feel more centered for the day. Karen’s intention is to make a difference by using her music to open hearts and share a message of hope, acceptance, and love.
“Being Sung” Vocal Healing Experience
By Celia Farran

There are countless physical, energetic & emotional benefits to singing. Join us for a unique experiential sound event as we co-create with the intentional power of the human voice. Celia brings her high vibrational presence & vocal resonance to the sound healing world creating energy and balance by toning directly into the chakras from the back of the body through cupped hands. Those who have received this healing describe it as an otherworldly feeling of “Being Sung”. Each individual receives a sample chakra toning and also holds space and lends voice for the healing of others. Together we raise the healing frequency of each body, the energy field of the entire room, and beyond. This is a visceral and sensory experience like no other.
Celia is a Singer/Songwriter, Looping & Recording Artist, Sound Healer, Vocal Coach, Producer, Comedienne, Activist & All-Around Everyday Goddess-High Priestess of Herself. She has been described as “A cross between an Earthy Enya, Joan Baez, and Tina Fey.” Celia has opened for notable authors: Marianne Williamson, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Susan Weed, Donna Eden, and Swami Beyondanonda (aka Steve Berhman). She gifts her audience with a warm, deep, and resonating experience touching your heart, your skin, your whole being.
Free Your Intuition Using Body Awareness with Movement
By Lori Chortkoff Hops

Participants will discover how personal connections with embodied intuition and body awareness can enhance daily living, relationships, creative expression, problem solving and energy work applications. By being more aware of sensory experiences, body movement and intuition, energy practitioners have greater access to cognitive, somatic, emotional, and energetic faculties. They will explore the sensory world of intuition based in physical and subtle awareness while also reviewing an academic summary of intuition based in recent research and theory. There will be in-class skill building through vocalizing, writing, body movement, guided visualization, and partner work, as well as demonstrations of the dynamics of movement, including direction, length, speed, rhythm, and quality. Participants will customize a plan to use at home for personal and work applications.
Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, DCEP licensed Psychologist, DCEP (Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology), Certified Practitioner and instructor in Logosynthesis, and Reiki Master with a private psychotherapy practice. Dr. Hops is Past President of ACEP. She teaches online courses on Embodied Intuition, and Centering and Grounding. She has taught internationally about energy psychology and energy practices, intuition, and movement. Lori has danced since age three, with teachers and styles representing modern, ballet, belly, jazz, and folk dance. She hosts an interview podcast show "Healing Tips from the Heart: Intuition with Helpers, Healers and Guides". She also writes and paints.
Creating Synergistic Partnerships Between EEM Practitioners and Mental Health Therapists that Result in On-Going Referrals
By Rachelle McCloud

This workshop is designed to inspire and empower EEM Practitioners to intentionally create synergistic relationships with mental health therapists that benefit the client, the practitioners, and the growth of EEM at a greater level than these practitioners could achieve practicing independent of each other. You will learn how to create synergistic partnerships with mental health therapists that result in on-going referrals.
We will explore together: 1) The myths that prevent EEM practitioners from partnering with Mental health therapists; 2) Why Mental Health Therapists want you to partner with them to help their clients heal; 3) Benefits of Mental Health Therapists partnering with EEM Practitioners; 4) How to get a Mental Health Therapist’s attention; 5) The logistics and what to expect when partnering with a mental health therapist. This class will be a combination of lecture, interactive and hands-on energy work.
Rachelle McCloud, LCSW is a Mental Health Therapist and Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. She owns and operates a private mental health therapy practice where she specializes in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma disorders. She is a YouTube, Facebook, and Blog Content Creator where she hosts over 150 videos and 50 blog entries. Rachelle is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Thought Field Therapy at the Optimal Health Level, and Emotional Freedom Techniques Level 1.
Recreating Your Reality: The Energetic Blueprint for a Life Beyond Trauma
By Camille Pipolo & João Pestana

The presenters believe that a practitioner's gifts and skills when helping others are directly related to one's ability to identify and heal their own trauma. Through the use of energy testing, participants will be guided in identifying and balancing energy disruptions influenced by past traumas that can inhibit their greatest potential as practitioners. Camille and Joao will provide a theoretical blueprint for the work and demonstrate protocols and guide participants on how to apply them on themselves and on others. Participants will leave this class with the knowledge and practical skills needed for continued personal transformation, building greater personal and professional resiliency, health, vitality, and success.
Familiarity with basic energy testing is recommended.
Camille is one of a highly regarded team of master healers teaching Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Certification and Advanced Programs since 2009. Camille is an EEM Advanced Practitioner with an active in-person and remote private practice based in Los Angeles. She is also licensed through the Agape International Spiritual Center as a Spiritual Counselor.
João is a Portuguese Clinical Psychologist (Specialized in Clinical Health Psychology), an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP), a Level 1: Fundamentals Teacher, in both Portuguese and English, and a Faculty Member on the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Programs.
Tinnitus: What is that Ringing in your EARS!
By Kim Wedman

Tinnitus is an auditory and circulation problem around the ear, neck, or shoulder region. The ears are the openings via energy from the kidney, and they are also important pivot locations for the meridians to communicate with each other. Eden Energy Medicine works directly in this area to move energy and open all the pathways that can contribute to deep healing in this area of the body. Kim will demonstrate protocols from Eden Energy Medicine that can potentially contribute to unwinding the habit pathways Tinnitus has established. Using PowerPoint, lecture, and time to practice, we will explore what Tinnitus is and how we can work with healing that imbalance in the body from an Eden Method standpoint.
Kim is a founding and current faculty member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification program. As a master teacher and trainer, she has utilized Donna’s foundational methods for the past thirty years to help students, clients, and fellow practitioners from around the world learn and benefit from the power of Energy Medicine. In private practice since 1990, she continues to teach and develop practical, proven techniques to clear, balance, and direct the body’s natural energies.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Sunday Breakout Sessions – 8:45 to 11:15 a.m.
I Put a Spell on You: Undoing the Hold of Addiction and Unhealthy Habits Using Energy Medicine Heart Rate Variability
By Deborah Borne, Matthew Bennett & Shawn Doubiago

Addictions and unhealthy habits impact everyone. In this class we combine innovative physiological and energy medicine approaches to address addiction and unhealthy habits. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the best tool that accurately measures one of our strongest internal change agents: the vagus nerve. Using a participant-centered approach, including didactics and interactive activities, participants will: 1) Understand the neurobiological and energy anatomy/physiology of addiction, habits, withdrawal, and behavior change; 2) Learn energy tools addressing the five stages of change - EFT, the NADA protocol, EEM and other energy approaches; 3) Recognize how HRV measures the health of the vagus nerve, and how it is used as a tool for recovery and preventing relapse; 4) Identify “habits worth keeping” to support healthy energy systems. This class is applicable to all who want to better understand the energies of addiction and unhealthy habits, as well as learn easy-to-use approaches to address these issues.
Deborah Borne has worked in addiction and healing for 35 years as a social worker, researcher, educator, physician, and energy practitioner. Deborah is board-certified in family and addiction medicine; and is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner. In addition, Deborah has been trained as an herbalist, therapeutic yoga, Compassionate Inquiry (Gabor Mate), Medical Acupuncture, EFT (ACEP), Heart Math instructor in trauma and resiliency, and Search Inside Yourself mindfulness trainer. Deborah has an active clinical practice with people experiencing homelessness, using substances and health staff in recovery from addiction, trauma, and over-caring.
Matt Bennett is an advocate for trauma-informed-care and interventions that help people and communities heal. Matt combines his masters’ degrees in community psychology and executive development/nonprofit management with his practical experience as a therapist and leader to develop research-based solutions to improve the health of individuals, staff, organizations, and systems.
Shawn Doubiago PhD, is an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP) and EEM Fundamentals Teacher. She is passionate about working with others to support healing, and vitality. Shawn integrates her 22+ years of teaching Comparative Literature and Humanities with her in-depth practice and teaching of Eden Energy Medicine in order to support people as they uncover their body’s natural healing abilities.
Understanding the Five Elements through a Celtic Lens
By Janie Chandler

Gain meaning, context, and perspective on life from a big-picture level through a lens merging the models of the Chinese Five Elements and the Celtic Seasonal Calendar. This class is not about the personality traits or physiology associated with the elements. Rather, it provides a metaphysical perspective of energy as it undulates through every expression of life on earth. This approach delivers spiritual insight into the phases of life a person is experiencing and cultivates the qualities of connection, purpose, and meaning for greater peace of mind and ease of heart. Looking to nature as our guide, we find evidence of energetic patterns that illustrate how all things begin and end — and that the workings of the universe are somewhat predictable. When we can speak to our clients’ individual challenges from this big-picture perspective we offer them context, comfort, and insight on their journey as an embodied human.
Janie is a teacher, writer, and hands-on practitioner with decades of experience in the fields of energy medicine and therapeutic massage. She is a 1987 graduate of the Boulder School of Massage, an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, a Founding Faculty Member of The Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program and has been a guest speaker and teacher at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York. As a Ceremony and Ritual Officiant for 25+ years she has officiated unique weddings, memorial services, and personalized ceremonies for life transitions. Janie integrates energy medicine with meditation, spiritual study, ritual, and affirmative prayer.
Cancer and Energy Medicine: A Healing Journey
By Dianne Faure

This presentation will be based upon the book I wrote: Cancer and Energy Medicine: A Healing Journey. It is designed for anyone who wants to learn how Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology can help someone with cancer move through their treatments with more resiliency and less long-term side effects. How do you deal with the emotional fallout of a cancer diagnosis? How does one navigate the traditional medical approach to cancer while integrating alternative modalities like Energy Medicine into their treatment model? Dianne will share her story as well as lessons and tips she learned along the way to help her manage her side effects and help prevent those side effects from turning into late effects.
Dianne is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine and EFT Practitioner who had a busy practice in the DC Metro area for many years. One of her specialties was working with cancer clients and their loved ones, teaching them how Energy Medicine could support them during their treatment. Three years ago, Dianne was stunned when she herself was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer. Without undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation she most likely wouldn’t have survived six months. Dianne dug deep into her Energy Medicine training to devise ways to manage her symptoms and counteract her side effects. Now, she wants to share her story with you and teach you the simple things she did, to not just survive cancer, but to thrive after her illness.
Skeletons in the Closet: Unveiling the Secrets to Strong Bones
By Julie Fowler

You're in for a bona fide adventure to uncover some important tools for optimal bone health! Our bones play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Beyond providing structural support, bones have several essential functions. This class is your opportunity to learn the many roles bones play in our body, and a plethora of strategies to maintain rock-solid bones. You will receive valuable information on how bone loss can occur, and how we can support a healthy skeletal system through nutrition, movement, and our beloved Eden Energy Medicine tools. Equip yourself with the essentials for robust bones, ensuring you can dance through life with strength and vitality. This class will consist of lecture, and interactive energy exercises, as well as complete handouts.
Julie is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and EEM Certification Program faculty member who has been working with energy for thirty years. Julie has a full-time practice working with clients and teaching classes. In supporting her clients, Julie weaves in Eden Energy Medicine, energy psychology (EFT & PSYCH-K®), and her training as a Certified Whole Health Coach™ and Educator™, collaborating with clients, utilizing evidence-based methods to enhance their understanding of health, prevent disease, and foster genuine healing.
Elevate your Resilience: Managing Energy to Step Out of Burnout
By Sabrina Queiroga

Sabrina’s goal with this workshop is to show people who are exhausted or experiencing burnout that they can start with very simple steps that won't take much of their time to do. Once they have done work to get out of burnout, these tools will support them to be aware and avoid entering into the stress cycle again. She offers a holistic view of burnout exploring why people are suffering from burnout more than ever. In this workshop geared towards beginners, Sabrina will focus on these four simple tools to learn the techniques and when you must use them: 1) Quick Coherence; 2) EFT Basic Recipe; 3) Eco Meditation; 4) Daily Energy Routine from Donna Eden. The goal is to learn why these tools will support you and make a massive difference in your life and health.
Sabrina has been dedicated to empowering women since 2013. Her passion lies in guiding women to overcome burnout and break free from the cycle of chronic stress. By enhancing awareness and energy management, she fosters self-awareness, knowledge, and empowerment. Certified by IIN-NY as a Health Coach and Hormones Health specialist, Sabrina is also a BPR Mentor from the HeartMath Institute. As an EFT Practitioner certified by EFT Universe, she uses energy psychology to support her clients in overcoming limiting beliefs and even trauma. Sabrina has also been a Yoga instructor since 2014, bringing a holistic approach to well-being, including basic tools from Energy Medicine.
T’ai Chi Fundamentals: Fostering Energetic Transformation
By David Rosenberg

The future of the healing professions lies in understanding the balanced relationship between the body's energy fields and its physical and emotional well-being. This workshop offers an immersion experience and an opportunity for energetic renewal and transformation and provides practical instruction in simple movement techniques that can help participants lead a healthier and balanced life. David will provide training in six key functional movement patterns and also introduces important mind/body and energetic principles that foster mind/body/spirit integration, enhance breathing, relaxation, sensorimotor skills, proprioception and overall sense of well-being and grounding. In addition, participants will explore relaxation and sensing energy exercises in standing and moving positions to foster energetic balance and centeredness.
Best of all - No prior experience with T'ai Chi is necessary!
David has been a full-time faculty member at Averett University for the past 28 years and is a department Co-Chair/Professor of Psychology. He has also maintained a private practice as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist for over 26 years. As an Adjunct Instructor for Averett’s PE Wellness/Sports Science Department, David has taught T'ai Chi for over 20 years, and is a Level 4 Certified T'ai Chi Fundamentals® Instructor, Certified Eden Method Practitioner and Authorized Eden Method Instructor.