Two simple Eden Energy Medicine techniques have been used at a Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic to alleviate the pain associated with endometrial ablations. These techniques were done both before the procedure and during and resulted in increased comfort for the patient, rapid recovery, and a tremendous savings in medical costs. It is an excellent example of the blending of Energy Medicine and mainstream medicine to create a better outcome for the patient and the professionals caring for the patient.
Gail Jett is a family nurse practitioner working at the Bend Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic in Bend, Oregon. Gail has been studying Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) and has introduced it as one of the services offered that the clinic.
Once of the procedures undertaken at the clinic is a process called Endometrial Ablation. This procedure is performed with a lighted viewing instrument and other instruments to destroy the uterine lining (endometrium). This is done to stem the excessive flow of blood and may be considered in a number of different cases. It is not a long process, but for the 90 seconds or so that the endometrium is being destroyed there is a very intense pain. Patients undergoing the procedure normally receive a spinal block or general anesthesia.
As mentioned above, Gail has introduced energy medicine to the clinic. She has performed a Brazilian Toe Technique on the doctor and he is aware of how powerfully relaxing it can be. Gail thought that this technique, combined with others, could be used to assist patients going the painful ablation process. So far she has worked with three patients doing just that.
In preparation for the procedure she did the Brazilian Toe Technique for 15 minutes. Then during the procedure she performed a Mini Black Pearl. And one one of the patients she also did some deep breathing during the ablation process while holding the frontal neurovasculars and the back of the head, including the occipital ridge.
The partients did receive paracervical blocks which involve injection of novocaine into the cervix to help reduce the sensation of cramping pain when the instruments are introduced through the cervix. And they also took a dose of medicine called Cytotec, which helps to soften the cervix, making dilation less traumatic. BUT, they required no anesthesia at all. No general anesthesia and no spinal block.
This has immediate practical consequences in addition to the benefits of not subjecting their bodies to the anesthesia.
- These patients would have had $2,000 - $4,000 in anesthesia related costs had they gone a more traditional route
- Both were able to walk in and out under their own power. Had they been anesthetized they would have needed someone to drive them home
Both patients reported how relaxed they felt. They rated the pain at a level 8 (out of 10) during the actual ablation, but both felt it was tolerable. Equally important, the doctor and the nurse conducting the procedure observed a noticeable different in the way these two patients handled the process compared to patients they had worked on.
This has been a remarkable outcome and Gail indicates that they will be continuing to offer it to their patients.
Gail is available to discuss this with interested parties and can be reached at: [email protected]
(Compiled by Jeff Armstrong, November 2009)