Energy Medicine Brings Relief for Respiratory Illness

Valerie McCarney used Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques on a friend suffering from acute symptoms of a severe respiratory illness. Her friend, Joann, had been hospitalized in a crisis situation because of breathing difficulties and was receiving intravenous medication. As this scenario of hospitalization has become more common for Joann in recent years, Valerie was hoping that Energy Medicine might provide some relief.

Valerie had never participated in Donna's advanced training, though she had taken several shorter workshops, studies the taped classes, and used the Energy Medicine book extensively. She applies Energy Medicine to herself, friends, and family.

Joann has been asthmatic since birth, and now at 58, has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD is a disease in which the lungs are damaged, making it hard to breathe. In COPD, the airways -- the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs -- become narrowed. This limits the flow of air to and from the lungs, causing shortness of breath. The natural progression of COPD involves acute exacerbations, or occasional sudden worsening of symptoms, that are typically caused by infections or air pollution.

While Joann was suffering through one of those periods of worsening symptoms, she was in the hospital for two weeks receiving intravenous prednisone. Prednisone is prescribed as treatment for the symptoms of low corticosteroid levels and is also used to treat other conditions, such as arthritis, severe allergic reactions and certain conditions that affect the lungs, skin, eyes, kidneys, blood, thyroid, stomach, and intestines. It is a medication with significant side effects. Joann's condition required such high dosages that other organs were beginning to suffer. After two weeks, she still was not stable. Each time the dosage was lowered Joann would have a breathing crisis.

While Joann was in the hospital, Valerie attended a weekend workshop with Donna at Omega in Rhinebeck, NY. During the workshop, she asked Donna and other practitioners what techniques might be good for the lungs. On Sunday evening after the workshop, she and her husband visited Joann in the hospital. Valerie worked with Joann for two hours, checking chakras, determining whether Joann’s energies homolateral, and testing the neurolymphatic reflex points on her chest and lung. She also had Joann remove her wire bra and tested lung alarm points. Not surprisingly, lung meridian was particularly weak. The treatment consisted of holding the lung strengthening points, flushing the lung meridians, and holding neurovascular points on the head. At the end, Valerie walked Joann through the Daily Energy Routine, including the Celtic Weave. She tested Joann again and found strength where there had earlier been weakness. When she left, Joann was very relaxed.

The doctors had already planned to lower the medication that night and were going to vent her if she again went into breathing crisis. While Valerie was working with Joann, the doctors started the lower dosage. The next morning, Valerie received a call from Joann who told her that her dosage had gone down from 400 mg to 125 mg and she was stable. The medicine was available in pill form at that dosage, so they planned to send her home later that day. According to Valerie:

"Although I believe we all have the power to heal, I still was not certified in energy medicine and this could be a life or death situation. But since my back was against the wall, I just did it and it worked. Joann still uses the Energy Medicine print outs and has not had to be in the hospital like that [in the five months] since. She believes Energy Medicine is what helped her get better and is what is helping her stay well."

(Compiled by Jeff Armstrong)

The Daily Energy Routine with Donna Eden:

8 simple energy exercises to optimize your health