Eden Energy Medicine for Allergies: How 3 Women Resolved Severe Allergies They Were Struggling with for Years

Do you know that more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies every year and that allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illnesses in the United States? Globally, over 40% of the population is sensitive to pollen, dust, or mold, and according to the World Allergy Organization Journal, allergic airway diseases such as asthma have reached epidemic proportions worldwide!

The following article explores the use of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in helping three women overcome their allergies, which they estimated as being in the severe to life-threatening range. Their stories are based on records and reports from practitioners as well as treatment outcomes through client interviews, questionnaires, validated inventories, and medical records. Please note that names and other identifying information have been disguised.

"EEM Put Me Back in Charge of My Life"

“Angela”’s encounter with severe allergies started in September 2008 while visiting a friend who had a cat. Angela had been allergic to cats since she was a child, but this time, when she returned home, her symptoms persisted for weeks without relief. When things took a turn for the worse, Angela went to see her family physician who prescribed mild antibiotics. Unfortunately, the medication failed to relieve her symptoms. Angela was then put on a stronger dose of antibiotics but that didn’t help either. Her primary care provider then advised antihistamines, both oral and nasal. While this produced some relief, her symptoms did not disappear.

Angela was then referred to an allergy specialist who conducted a skin prick test to determine which allergens were most problematic. The test results indicated that pollen was not a problem for her, even though she felt significantly worse during pollen season. The results also indicated an allergic reaction to dogs, but she’d been a dog owner for years with no new issues or allergy. The allergist said Angela was showing signs of asthma and recommended a number of solutions including an air purifier, allergy medication and an inhaler.

Despite following his advice, Angela’s allergies continued to flare for the next two years. She struggled with constant nasal congestion and pain, and her symptoms were so uncomfortable that she had trouble sleeping. Looking back, Angela realized that the year her allergies became severe was also the year her beloved father died unexpectedly. Angela remembered that she wasn’t able to begin grieving or even to cry until about five to six months after his death, which corresponded with the time her allergies worsened.

After considerable inner work, Angela recognized a possible connection between this loss and the start of her struggle with severe allergies. In 2010, Angela came across the Energy Medicine for Women book, which describes EEM routines for health and well-being. Angela started doing these on a daily basis, and began feeling better in just two weeks. This success prompted her to try addressing her allergies more directly with EEM.

When allergy season arrived in 2011, Angela added EEM practices that target allergies into her daily energy routine. She also began keeping bi-weekly appointments with a local EEM practitioner. One day, after a session with her EEM practitioner that focused on a “subtle energy” system called the “electrics” (this is a fundamental system that connects all the other energy systems), she got into her car and felt her nasal congestion dissolve and physically disappear.

Her symptoms continued improving, and Angela described the effects of EEM as “remarkable and empowering.” All of her allergies have since cleared, including her lifelong allergy to cats. In 2021, Angela rated her 2008 allergies as a 10 out of 10 in overall severity. By 2011, after working with EEM, she estimated that they were a 2. Today, she reports that they’re a 0, “non-existent.”

"EEM Changed Everything"

As a girl, “Denise” had seasonal allergies and allergies to dust, animals, and food. Her symptoms included hives, wheezing, sneezing, congestion, runny nose, and itchy, swollen eyes. Denise was also diagnosed with asthma, and her asthma attacks were severe enough in childhood that she was repeatedly sent to the emergency room for nebulizer treatments. One specialist commented, “You know how some people say they are allergic to everything? You really are!”

Around age 7, Denise received allergy shots and began other treatments. Within a few years, her allergies and asthma had improved significantly. However, when Denise was 22, the asthma and allergies returned along with symptoms like hives, wheezing, swollen eyes, congestion, and runny nose. Denise’s doctors prescribed various medications and treatments, including new and experimental options, but the treatments didn’t provide much relief.

Then, during the summer of 2011, Denise became severely sick with a virus that led to significant breathing problems. She was wheezing and felt out of breath and lightheaded just walking across a room. Unable to sleep well or go to work, Denise had to use all of her sick leave and all her short-term disability days. She was taking multiple medications, as advised by her doctor, including using a nebulizer, Advair, prednisone, and a prescription cough drop. But even after these remedies, she was still sick.

Denise then went to a pulmonologist who added additional medications, including different types of inhalers and a new medication given through the nebulizer. She was taking six different medications multiple times per day and experiencing unwanted side effects, but her allergies stubbornly remained. After a few weeks of no progress, she returned to the pulmonologist, who told her the health issues “might be all in your head.”

By this time, Denise was exhausted and feeling defeated. She remembered how several years earlier, she had tried acupuncture to treat her allergies and asthma. It improved her symptoms to a point, so she decided to try it again. As it turned out, her acupuncturist had recently trained in EEM, and after just one session, Denise could breathe fully for the first time in over two months.

The acupuncturist suggested that she start using a daily energy medicine routine
at home, and after two weeks, she reported having more energy than she’d had in years! Delighted with the results, Denise added EEM practices specifically for allergies and asthma. She quickly and continually progressed and gained strength. In time, her symptoms diminished, and she experienced other health benefits, including improved mood and memory.

Today, Denise reports being in “great health.” She described her experiences with EEM as having been “life-changing.” This prompted her to train and become an EEM practitioner herself, and she’s been practicing EEM professionally for the past decade. On a scale of 0 to 10, Denise retrospectively rated her previous symptoms as between an 8 and a 10. Today, the symptoms are a 1 at most times of the year and can go up to a 3 during allergy season, when they are managed by combining EEM techniques and an inhaler.

EEM Saved My Life

“Erma” has a history of multiple severe allergies, including sensitivities to chemicals, dander, dust, food, and medications. Her reactions began in 1995 when she was 19 and working at a department store. One day, she was asked to help in the fragrance area where perfumes and colognes are sold. Within five minutes, she felt ill, dizzy, and nauseated.

Her reactions to scented products accelerated over time, and she also felt sick when exposed to cleaning products, air fresheners, laundry detergents, and people wearing fragrances. She had an allergy to dust and cat dander, which led to itchy eyes, a runny nose, difficulty breathing, and burning sensations in her face. She had also become highly sensitive to bright lights as well.

In 2012, Erma was bitten by a tick and contracted Lyme Disease. Six months after the bite, her allergic reactions were exacerbated to the point that when Erma was exposed to certain
chemicals (as well as some foods), she would experience vertigo, migraines, rapid heartbeat, throat constriction, and/or vomiting. Initially, she tried to avoid the triggers, but as her sensitivity increased, she started seeing doctor after doctor seeking help.

They prescribed various medications, including an EpiPen, but she had severe side effects to many of the medications. One primary care provider told her she couldn’t possibly be allergic to chemicals and suggested she try psychiatric medications.

By 2014, Erma’s allergies were so severe that she had to wear a face mask and air filter whenever she left her home. When her family members returned after being outside the house, they had to change their clothes so Erma would not react to them. Her migraines, nausea, and vertigo made it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work. In 2016, an allergy specialist confirmed her allergies to chemicals and other substances and diagnosed her with multiple chemical sensitivities. He also said she had a gluten allergy, which was inflaming her throat and exacerbating her reactions when she was exposed to other allergens.

Erma’s symptoms finally began to alleviate later in 2016 after she had an appointment
with a primary care provider who was familiar with EEM. The physician taught her an energy medicine routine to do at home and another for testing how specific foods would be tolerated by her body. Within six months, she could go into the grocery store or a doctor’s office without her face mask and air filter.

In 2017, Erma started seeing an EEM practitioner for monthly appointments and evening classes, focusing mainly on grounding and stress.About six months into her work with the practitioner, she was stable enough for one of the most advanced EEM procedures, which involves repairing the “Basic Grid,” the body’s deepest energy structure. While not a method routinely used for working with allergies, it promoted her overall health and well-being.

In 2021, Erma commented, “EEM saved my life.” She reported functioning like a “normal” person and was so impressed with the approach that she started training to become a practitioner herself! She projected that on a scale of 0 to 10, she’d rate her former allergic reactions “as off the charts at a 25,” but today, the reactions are at a 0 or 1.

Achieving Good Health and Maintaining a Good Quality of Life

Angela, Denise, and Erma’s allergies ranged from serious to life-threatening, but after going for regular EEM sessions and applying at-home techniques designed to bring their energy system into a better balance, they noticed significant improvements in their symptoms. In each case, some improvement was almost immediate, and the symptoms decreased or disappeared entirely as the treatment progressed.

All three women reported using EEM to help manage the few remaining symptoms, which helped them feel empowered as they finally achieved good health and learned to maintain a good quality of life.

Additional Reference and Information

This article is based on research done by clinical psychologist, author and expert on Energy Psychology, David Feinstein, Ph.D and the world’s leading energy medicine teacher and author, Donna Eden. The original paper is entitled "The Use of Eden Energy Medicine in the Treatment of Allergies: Overview and Case Series” You can read and download the full paper here.