Laughter is the Best Medicine!
You’ve probably heard people say “laughter is the best medicine.” This turned out to be literally true for author, editor and UN Peace Medal recipient, the late Dr. Norman Cousins. Back in the 1960s, after a stressful trip overseas, he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, an incredibly painful degenerative disease that causes inflammation to the joints and ligaments of the spine and restricts movement. The condition was so severe his doctor gave him just a few months to live. Determined to disprove the diagnosis, Dr. Cousins decided to take matters into his own hands.
He reflected on the fact that before his stressful journey, he was perfectly fine. This led him to conclude that if stress had caused his condition then positive emotions just might make it go away! Without wasting any time, he put himself on a regimen of high doses of Vitamin C and a continuous stream of funny movies, TV shows and reading material -- anything that made him laugh.
Dr. Cousins’ unusual remedy worked. His condition slowly improved and he eventually regained mobility in his limbs. Within six months he was back on his feet, and within two years he was able to return to his full-time job. He later said that just 10 minutes of rip-roaring laughter gave him hours of pain-free sleep, when nothing else helped!
This is undoubtedly an astonishing -- and maybe even miraculous -- story. While not everyone will necessarily experience these results, there is something powerful and incredibly hopeful about Dr. Norman Cousins’ spontaneous healing experience with the joyful Radiant Circuits energies. As Donna says,“the Radiant Circuits are a magical, spiritual energy that can take you to your knees in gratitude!”