Class Has Completed. Recordings are Available Below.
For anyone struggling to find lasting relief from autoimmune illnesses comes a brand NEW class from one of the most respected energy healing schools in the world ...
Learn 31 Powerful Self-Healing Energy Tools Designed to Alleviate the Chronic Symptoms of Autoimmune Illnesses
Eden Energy Medicine can often relieve painful and nagging symptoms that Western Medicine has difficulty addressing.
Discover the Missing Link to Healing and Get Your Life Back!
Watch this video with Dondi and one of your teachers, Adriana Barraza
Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses
2-Day Online Recorded Class
Have you been suffering for some time now with an autoimmune illness?
Do you experience unanticipated flare-ups? Or chronic symptoms that just won’t go away no matter what you try?
Do you have trouble sleeping because your joints hurt or maybe your nerves tingle? Maybe you can't even walk anymore.
Bone weary fatigue, painful (and often embarrassing) skin rashes, persistent nerve tingling, inflammation, joint pain…
All these symptoms can signal an autoimmune illness.
And sadly, autoimmune illnesses are often difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat.
In fact, Western Medicine considers them incurable.
That can leave you feeling like you’re going to have to live with your flare-ups and pain (or any other symptom caused by your autoimmune illness) for the rest of your life.
That’s a pretty bleak picture but one that over 28 million people face worldwide.
Where do you turn when you need answers? When you want more than just to learn to "deal with it"?
Thankfully, renowned energy healer Donna Eden has an intimate knowledge of autoimmune illnesses.

Donna knows because she faced one herself in her late twenties.
Like many people, she hit a dead end with Western Medicine when it came to her Multiple Sclerosis.
She heard those words that everyone dreads:
“Time to get your affairs in order...”
In true Donna fashion, instead of sending her into a panic, those words lit a fire under her to cure herself. (No one was going to take her away from her two daughters.) Able to see subtle energy since birth, she decided to use her ability to figure out what was going on energetically with her body. And sure enough, after some experimentation, she discovered ways that she could shift her energy and begin to eventually walk again and be free of pain.
The key was energy.
It wasn’t medication. It wasn’t expensive treatment. It wasn't something outside of her. The key was within.
It was energy.
The same energy that sits inside you right now.
She learned how to activate her body’s healing energy to retrain her immune system so it would stop attacking her.
And she healed herself.
That was over 50 years ago.
She has since fine-tuned a method and a set of tools that anyone can use to ease their autoimmune symptoms.
And this is exactly what you’ll be learning in this class -- a healing approach that’s unlike anything you’ve likely experienced or tried when it comes to addressing autoimmune issues.
You’ll learn exactly how to gently and effectively redirect and retrain your energies to support your immune system to “step down” from attacking your body and instead engage fully in protecting and defending against invaders.

What is an Autoimmune Illness?
An autoimmune issue is defined as:
A condition in which the body recognizes its own tissues as foreign and directs an immune response against them.
Here’s a list of common autoimmune illnesses:
Western medicine is often stymied when it comes to autoimmune issues because it's difficult to find a physical explanation for why the body would turn on itself.
It just doesn't make sense why this evolutionary marvel would all of a sudden behave erratically.
And yet...
Your immune system is operating in a world that is very different from the world in which it evolved. Just think how much has changed in even just the last 30 years with the advent of technology alone. Our stresses are different than the stresses of our early ancestors.
Try as it may, our immune system can have a hard time keeping up with all the changes, and as a result blur the lines between friend (your body) and foe (harmful antigens). This autoimmune "confusion" can result in the body attacking itself.
And this is where Eden Energy Medicine, with its ability to address and correct the underlying energetic confusion, provides the missing key to finding relief from autoimmune illnesses.
Why Eden Energy Medicine is So Good for All Varieties of Autoimmune Illnesses

Founder of Eden Method
"I don’t know of anything better than Energy Medicine to help with autoimmune illnesses."
- Donna Eden
One of the reasons that autoimmune issues are so baffling to many conventional modalities is that they display such a variety of physical symptoms, from joint pain to nerve pain, to rashes, fatigue, to diabetes, etc. You name it.
But when you look at the energy behind autoimmune illnesses, the findings may surprise you.
It turns out that underneath autoimmune illnesses, on the energetic level, some very predictable and common energetic patterns and imbalances begin to emerge.
These patterns are lodged in your energy systems.
Address these energetic patterns and imbalances (with the tools you’ll be learning in class) and you can begin to alleviate your autoimmune symptoms.
Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses is 2 full days of deep exploration into the energetic roots of autoimmune issues. Taught by two of our most senior Eden Energy Medicine faculty members, Adriana Barraza and Marjorie Fein, class will show you the tools and strategies that have helped thousands of people with their autoimmune illnesses.

Eden Energy Medicine is designed so anyone can do it - even if "energy healing" sounds foreign to you.
In this class, Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses, you’ll learn how to work on an energetic level to get your immune system to work for you instead of against you.
It may sound too good to be true or something you could never achieve, but...
Your body is designed to heal itself. Pause and soak that in for a minute. Your body is designed to heal itself - in fact that's at the very heart of your immune system - the ability to fight off attackers and heal.
So, if it's not healing, something else is going on. And that "something else" is all about your energy. Fix, support, and balance your underlying energy, and your body can return to its natural state of health and wellness.
That's exactly what Adriana and Marjorie, two of Donna's most advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioners, are going to teach you.
And the best part?
Anyone can learn these techniques. You are not the healer. Your body is. So, once you learn how to use these relatively simple energy-based tools, your body does the rest.
Just look what happened when one of Marjorie's clients walked into her office after struggling with a mysterious and very painful rash for 6 months!
After Just One Session...

Marjorie's client had been struggling for 6 months with the above rash (pictured left). She had been to several doctors who told her the rash was probably some sort of autoimmune response. They prescribed medication which gave her no relief whatsoever.
Disappointed and a little desperate, the client booked a session with Marjorie. During their time together, Marjorie worked on the client using energy-based tools (the same tools you'll be learning in class). She also showed the client how to apply some of the tools on herself at home.
After just one session with Marjorie and just 2 weeks of applying the tools at home, the client saw the rash disappear - for good!
And the above is just one of many stories where Eden Energy Medicine worked when nothing else would.
Even if you have a rare autoimmune illness, it is worth giving Eden Energy Medicine a try. It gets the body in a space where its self-healing abilities can do their job - and that makes it an extremely powerful tool for whatever autoimmune issue you are facing.
In this class, you will learn how to:

Meet Donna Eden - The Founder of Eden Method
Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.
Having healed herself from MS, an “incurable” illness, at age 27, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.
Donna has been teaching since 1977, is a New York Times Bestselling author and is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.
Meet Your Teachers
Meet Adriana Barraza
DR ADRIANA BARRAZA is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Masters in Metabolic Medicine. She has been in private practice since 1996 in Mexico City. Her practice is based on combining Medical Science and Alternative Methods, which she has implemented for over 25 years. She has extensive training in Total Body Modification, Reiki, Medical Bio-Magnetism, Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, Hypnotherapy, Matrix Energetics, Philippine Spiritual Medicine, B.E.S.T and Energy Medicine among others. She has been a faculty member of Eden Energy Medicine since 2006 as well as a Member of the American Academy of Anti-aging since 2014. She has been described as a fun and loving teacher that really cares about her students and their success. In her free time she is an avid cook, reader, student, loves her kids and dogs.
Meet Marjorie Fein
MARJORIE FEIN has been helping her clients cultivate strength, resilience, and vitality through her work as an energy healer for over 20 years. She has been a senior faculty member of the Donna Eden Certification Program since its inception in 2006 and was a contributing designer of the Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner program. She travels throughout the country teaching classes in Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and Aromatherapy.
Program Information
Here's What You'll Experience with Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses ... Learn 43 of the Most Effective Techniques for Releasing Pain from Anywhere In the Body!
Autoimmune Demystified: Knowledge is Power
To begin understanding autoimmune illnesses, we’ll begin by introducing you to both the physical and energetic nature of autoimmune issues.
We’ll cover:
The Importance of the Daily Energy Routine + Self-Testing: A Path to Understanding Your Unique Energy
Learn to open a beautiful dialogue with your own energies, letting them guide you directly to the most effective techniques to use in any given circumstance. In the module, you will learn:
The Main Axis of Your Immune System: The Power Couple
TRIPLE WARMER-SPLEEN form the absolute backbone of the Immune System from the energetic standpoint. This gives them amazing power within the human body and more importantly for this class, within the Immune System. But like many couples we know, their energies could not be more different.
We’ll cover:
Building Resiliency + Creating New Habits: The Radiant Circuits and The Vagus Nerve
When you are resilient you can withstand all of life’s storms, keeping your core intact. This is what an Energy System Donna calls the Radiant Circuits give us.
We’ll cover:
Intro to Irregular Energies: Unwinding The Roots of Autoimmune + Easing Stress Emotions: We Heal Better When We Feel Better
When the energies of the body have been stressed beyond what it is capable of handling, our energies often go into a state of coping. In Eden Energy Medicine, we call this "Irregular Energies".
In this module you will learn how to:
Irregular Energies in Our Bodies: Optimizing the Function of Our Organs
In this section we will look at our physical organs through the lens of irregular energies, and explore two simple, yet powerful ways to correct these conditions. This will bring our organs into a more adaptable state that can move towards more optimal functioning.
We’ll cover:
Revitalize Yourself: Clearing out Toxins in Your Body
One of the functions of the Immune System is clearing toxins out of your body. The more you help it clear out toxins, the faster you will heal because you will have taken a big load off of your immune system. There are many natural ways of clearing toxins out of our body.
We’ll cover:
Moving Forward: A Game Plan for Success
We will be covering a variety of techniques to help your energy heal from autoimmune illnesses. In the module, we will spend time giving you tools to figure out what techniques will work best for you - including our "Energy Medicine Menu".
We’ll cover:
Success Stories
"I feel SO blessed to be HEALTHY for the first time in my life!"
I struggled with numerous health problems and I spent most of my time in bed or at the doctors, receiving little help or relief from my symptoms. Though I had many wonderful doctors who tried to help me, western medicine was just unable to help. I was led to Eden Energy Medicine, and I feel SO blessed to be HEALTHY for the first time in my life!”.
"I had rheumatoid arthritis, skin lupus, back pain, headaches, IBS..."
Twelve years ago, I could barely walk up steps. I had rheumatoid arthritis, skin lupus, hypothyroidism, back pain, headaches, IBS, and too many allergies to list. I couldn't work.
Today, I have a full-time Eden Energy Medicine practice and cherish every minute that I can bring this gift to others. I can't imagine what life would be like living with this pandemic if I didn't have the tools of The Eden Method.
"The feeling of EMPOWERMENT that these techniques bring is priceless"
I was completely blown away by the effectiveness of sedating the Stomach meridian. My heavens—imagine if every mother knew how to do this for their children! The feeling of EMPOWERMENT that these techniques bring is priceless. As a mother, to be able to DO SOMETHING to help my child—I cannot describe the sense of comfort that brings.
Have you been draining your resources trying to find an answer to your autoimmune issues?
If you have an autoimmune issue, you know that expenses can add up. Often it takes several visits to specialists to even get a diagnosis, never mind the cost once you receive one.
Even if you have great insurance (which many people don't), deductibles and co-pays can add up over time. How much do you think you've spent on your autoimmune issue to date?
No matter how you slice it, living with an autoimmune issue is expensive. Time, money, potential side effects - all that adds up in a year or two or three or...
We offer a different model.
Instead of expecting you to continue to seek outside yourself for answers, we show you techniques that you can use to activate your own healing energy.
Health and wellness are your birthright. And your body has a powerhouse of healing energy inside of it. Energy, that when activated with the right techniques, can create some pretty amazing results. (See our testimonials above.)
Our goal is to empower you with skills you can use for the rest of your life. Skills that you can learn in this class and then continue to apply on yourself anytime you need them.
So, for much less than a visit to a specialist (or more likely a lifetime of care), you can hop into this 2-day class with two of our most senior and highly trained practitioners/trainers.
You'll Also Receive 4 Information-Packed Bonuses That Help You Continue Your Energy Practice After Class.
Bonus 01

The Nine Energy Systems with Donna Eden
1-hour streaming video
The body’s energy anatomy is as intricate and multi-layered as its physical anatomy. Donna has identified nine primary, interrelated energy systems that are at the basis of good health.
The nine primary energy systems are: Meridians, Chakras, the Aura, Radiant Circuits, Triple Warmer, the Celtic Weave, the Five Rhythms, Electrics, and the Basic Grid. This engaging video offers a closer look at all nine of these important systems and suggests ways you can help to keep them in balance.
Neurolymphatic Reflex Points with Donna Eden
Donna shows you how to massage your neurolymphatics. Deeply stimulating the Neurolymphatic points will help to:
- Energize you
- Remove toxins from the body
- Clear hormonal, emotional, and physical stagnant energies from your energy systems
- Balance the meridians and their related organ systems
Bonus 03
![Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine [OFFICIAL VERSION]-low](
The Daily Energy Routine with Donna Eden
This simple set of energy techniques will help stimulate each of the vital energy systems of the body and bring them into harmony and balance. These simple techniques can benefit nearly anyone living in the stress-producing, polluted, nature-alien, energy-scrambling environments that have gone hand in hand with our technological progress.
The Daily Energy Routine combines these exercises into a quick routine you can do every day. Done repeatedly, it builds positive habits into your energy field to keep you free of pain and functioning at your best.
The Daily Energy Routine PDF
This beautifully illustrated, 4-page handout walks you through a simple set of energy techniques that will help stimulate each of the vital energy systems of the body and bring them into harmony and balance. These simple techniques can benefit nearly anyone living in the stress-producing, polluted, nature-alien, energy-scrambling environments that have gone hand in hand with our technological progress.
The Daily Energy Routine combines these exercises into a quick routine you can do every day. Done repeatedly, it builds positive habits into your energy field to keep you free of pain and functioning at your best.
"Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee
We stand by the quality and the results you can create with all of our programs. So, if you're not completely satisfied, or if for any reason, you feel that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email within 30 days of class and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked.
We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Eden Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.
And if you have any other questions - please contact us.
Click the "Buy Now" Button Below and Start Your Journey to Finding Lasting Relief from Your Autoimmune Illness
Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now:
Learn 31 Powerful Self-Healing Energy Tools
Eden Energy Medicine
for Autoimmune Illnesses
Recorded Online Class
Prices are in USD
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
Stay On Your Current Path or Try This Powerful Approach to Healing That Has Worked for Thousands?
If you suffer with chronic pain, rashes, inflammation, flare-ups, or any autoimmune related symptom, we know you would give anything to get rid of them.
They take a toll on you physically AND they can also take a huge toll on you emotionally.
“Will I be able to sleep tonight? Will today be a good day? Will I be able to climb out of bed? Can I make my child’s graduation/wedding/birthday? Will it come back?”
These thoughts can be relentless.
And frankly, they are exhausting.
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried lots of different supplements, exercises, and medications to ease your symptoms.
And at Eden Method, we totally respect the journey that you have been on. It took Donna going to several doctors before she gave up on the system (or as she says, the system gave up on her). We get it.
Right now, you have a choice before you.
Continue on the path you’ve been on. Keep making the best of your autoimmune disease. Visit costly specialists. Take medications that often come with nasty side effects. Learn to tough it out. Live with it.
What if there is another option? Another route to take?
What if you could learn to harness your own energy and actually ease your symptoms without expensive treatment or medications?
What if, as Donna discovered and has seen time and time again, your underlying energies have gone awry, and if you learned how to get them back on track, it could make all the difference for your health.
What if you could heal?
That is what Donna has spent her life teaching - energy tools that anyone can use to dramatically improve their health.
And that includes you.
You can do it. You can take control of your health. You can become empowered to harness your own healing energy – just like the people she’s helped all these years.
The choice is yours.
We hope you’ll join us and give your immune system the opportunity to right itself.
You deserve that.
Few thing are worth more than your health
We look forward to supporting you on this next leg of your healing journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who will benefit from "Eden Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Illnesses"?
Q. Do I have to be a healer to take this class?
Q. Will I be able to ask questions during class?
Q. If I have to miss part of the class, is it recorded?
Q. What is the schedule?
Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Click the "Buy Now" Button Below and Start Your Journey to Finding Lasting Relief from Your Autoimmune Illness

Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now:
31 Powerful Self-Healing Energy Tools
Eden Energy Medicine
for Autoimmune Illnesses
Recorded Online Class
Prices are in USD
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.