The Five Spirits of Mt Kunlun: Energy Medicine Protocols for Perceiving Everything Everywhere Correctly All The Time (Chapter 1: Climbing Mt Kunlun)

About Sara Allen

Dr. Sara is a doctorate level holistic health practitioner. She has studied extensively food as medicine as well as supplemental & herbal medicine. Her specialty is a particular self-brand of energy medicine – best described as a combination of ancient Chinese and East Indian modalities that are systematized via energy kinesiology. She is deeply skilled in Eden Energy Medicine, Pranic Healing, Touch for Health, EFT, Advanced Psych-K, Animal Energy Medicine, and she just cannot stop talking about the fascinating world of German New Medicine. Dr. Sara has a private energy medicine practice in Asheville, NC. She is senior/founding faculty at the Eden Energy Medicine School.

Class Description

We make mistakes in our perceptions all of the time about our environment and we suffer for it. Our ability to perceive the world around us is essential for survival. We must be alert and aware at all times, right? Watch your step. Look both ways. What’s the expiration date on that milk I just poured in my coffee? We gotta do it to be ok. Watch yourself before you wreck yourself.

So what happens to us when our ability to perceive correctly gets sick? Here is what happens: When our perceptions get sick - we get sick.

Think about the mysterious actions of a body caught in the turmoil of an autoimmune disease. We know that that body is not perceiving things correctly - sensing danger at every turn - and that sweet body is exhausting itself to DEATH with over protection. Correct perception is the basis for all well-being. For my body, for my mind, for my spirit, for all of these systems to behave correctly they all must be perceiving correctly. It’s a big deal to know what’s going on and to know how to respond accurately.

The ancient Chinese knew this and they treated the perceptors - our senses. They treated our five senses with what is called the Five Spirit protocols. I really love treating the senses with these protocols. What I was not prepared for was that is when I treated my Five Spirits - my five senses- my nervous system could take a breath.

Here is what I now know - and this is what I so am longing to share: When you treat the Five Spirits - when you treat the five senses- the nervous system relaxes.

When the nervous system relaxes the immune system changes and alters. When the nervous system changes and alters the body can renew, and regenerate and transform.

Treating the Five Spirits creates the deepest and most permanent changes I have witnessed. No one gets better if the Five Spirits are not better. Period. It’s essential to all things that make us better. It’s bedrock. Learning some mastery about the Five Spirits will rock your world.


Class Details

Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
8:30AM - 4:00PM
Cost: In Person:
$129 (does not include meals) Livestream: $99

In-Person Registration:
use the In-Person Registration form.
Livestream Registration:
Scroll Down. Classes sold separately.

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Donna, along with her husband, David Feinstein, Ph.D., have created an amazing gathering of energy healers and experts. Join them and their guests for 4 high-vibration days of learning, fun, community, and positivity.

Here's what you'll receive when you sign up for Energy Fest Livestream: 

  • 4 inspiring keynotes by speakers who will expand your mind in the most amazing way. We've seen attendees from past sessions leave these keynotes with tears of joy and hope.
  • An immersive 4-day online experience where energy healing is the star of the show.  This event is dedicated to sharing the latest energy healing techniques so you leave the event uplifted and empowered.
  • Two featured presentations that will inspire and inform our community. Wait til you hear these presentations!
  • Access to 21 breakout sessions (you'll choose 3 when you register) that show you what's possible when you take Energy Medicine and make it your own. 

Energy Fest
Sept 5-8
Livestream + Recordings

$345 $195

Prices are in USD

Learn Life-Changing Skills in these Optional Pre and Post Classes

Sold Separately

The Biology of Personal Empowerment: Thriving in a World of Change

Day-Long Pre-Conference Workshop with Bruce Lipton
Wed, Sept 4
8:30AM - 4:00PM

$129 $99

Prices are in USD

The Five Spirits of Mt Kunlun: Energy Medicine Protocols for Perceiving Everything Everywhere Correctly All The Time (Chapter 1: Climbing Mt Kunlun)

Day-Long Pre-Conference Workshop with Sara Allen
Thurs, Sept 5
8:30AM - 4:00PM

$129 $99

Prices are in USD

What Is This Tapping Stuff?

3-Hour Pre-Conference Workshop with David Feinstein
Thurs, Sept 5
1:00PM - 4:00PM

$79 $59

Prices are in USD

Movement Medicine

70-Minute Pre-Conference Workshop with Steven Washington
Thurs, Sept 5
9:00AM - 10:15AM

$40 $25

Prices are in USD

I Give Myself Permission To...

3-Hour Post-Conference Workshop with Karen Drucker
Sun, Sept 8
5:00PM - 8:00AM

$79 $59

Prices are in USD

Your Healing Voice

3-Hour Post-Conference Workshop with Shamini Jain
Sun, Sept 8
5:00PM - 8:00PM

$79 $59

Prices are in USD

Deep Dive into Body Health with Ronan

3-Hour Post-Conference Workshop with Ronan Diego de Oliveira
Sun, Sept 8
5:00PM - 8:00PM

$79 $59

Prices are in USD


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