For people tired of struggling with their weight comes a powerful, NEW, and effective approach that doesn't rely on fad diets or strenuous exercise ...

Use Energy Medicine To Achieve Your Desired Weight...

(Even If You've Never Been Successful Before)

Donna Eden's Energy Medicine methods have shown to be powerful tools in helping people reach their happy, healthy weight. Join Donna and 2 highly acclaimed energy experts, Madison King and Kim Dowdell, as they empower you with 38 tools and techniques designed to move you to the right weight for you

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2-Days of Recorded Training
with Energy Medicine Weight Experts

Learn from the comfort of your home!

Are you happy with your weight?

Do you feel dissatisfied and a little down every time you look in a mirror? Maybe you don’t wear shorts or dresses anymore because you don’t like your legs, or maybe you feel like your belly is too big and try to hide it under oversized clothes. Or maybe it’s your chin. Or your butt. Or…

You might long for a time when you fit into your favorite jeans and you felt good in your body - energized and ready to go. Maybe even sexy.

Or …

Maybe you absolutely love how you look but you don’t feel very good. Maybe your knees ache if you go for a long walk or maybe you find yourself taking a pass on a fun outing for fear you can’t keep up.

Maybe you're worried that carrying too much (or too little) weight will lead to issues down the road like diabetes or heart issues.

The typical solution is some combination of diet and exercise. You commit to a diet. You sign up for the gym or buy the expensive fitness machine.

But after a time, it’s hard to make yourself keep those commitments and the weight comes back.

Why is it so hard to achieve your desired weight? What's going on?

Why is this all so difficult? Why can't we flow toward (and maintain) our perfect, healthy weight easily and effortlessly. 

Of course, social media and societal norms aren't helping. We are so bombarded by unrealistic images of “what we should look like that it can be very difficult to even discern what is a healthy weight for you!

But there's another, deeper reason.

Something that most methods overlook.

It's the reason that most people continue to bounce back to their original weight - even after achieving some marginal success.

It's the reason behind the struggle.

And it all has to do with the one invisible element that Donna Eden has made it her mission to share with the world: ENERGY.

All those things that you "will yourself to do” - the diets, the exercises - all those external solutions often fail when your underlying energy is stuck or blocked or holding onto old unhealthy habits.

Work on that underlying ENERGY, and your body, your weight, and your health will get better.

A Key to a Sustainable Healthy/Happy Weight

Donna discovered the power of energy when she was given a death sentence by several doctors in her late 20's. Western Medicine had given up on her and she had to go within - look to her own energy - to save her life. She started working with her own energy to see what techniques worked and what didn't. And after a time, about two years of trial and error, she figured out how to unlock a powerful healing force that was inside her.  A healing force that's inside all of us - and Eden Energy Medicine was born.

And ever since, she's made it her life's mission to share this discovery with the world and thousands of people have seen some incredible results from her methods. (People like Madison King and Kim Dowdell who will be your teachers in this class.)

Your underlying energy gives you the strength and vitality you need to live a fulfilling life. It is the foundation of your vibrancy, power, spirit, liveliness, resilience, peace of mind, and natural joy.

Your energy systems are also a key driver behind your weight.

Your body's energy systems (Donna has identified 9 primary systems) play a huge role in your digestion, your cravings, and your metabolism. 

They are behind your emotional and stress responses. (Have you ever reached for a sweet when you're sad or stressed?)

They are even the keeper of habit - both good and bad.

Overtime, stress and societal pressures can take a toll on you and your energy systems.

A lot of us put very high demands on ourselves to look a certain way, work tirelessly without breaks, raise perfect families... And this means our energy has to go into overdrive to keep up with these demands and as a result, it can't effectively do what it's designed to do.

It can’t flow energy where it's needed like it usually does. 

It can't renew and refreshing your cells and organs like it should.

It can't even release unhealthy habits for fear that you won't be safe with change.  

And when that underlying energy isn't functioning at peak capacity, you are not functioning at your best. You are out of balance.

And, that disfunction is a key driver behind not feeling good and frisky in your body - and often results in not being at your individual optimum weight - not the weight someone else thinks is right for you. The weight YOU think is right for you.

Energy Medicine can show you how to apply powerful energy-based tools to positively transform your relationship with your body and food.

This class stands out from most other weight classes because it works with your underlying ENERGY systems to get you to a healthy/happy weight. 

It acknowledges that we are all different and things that might have worked for your friend, might not work for you.

It leverages a power and intelligence within to free you from unhealthy habits and move you toward your goals.

Work with your energy and you can get results that will last far longer than if you just use diet and exercise alone.

That’s why, Donna Eden, along with two master energy practitioners, Madison King and Kim Dowdell, presented an ONLINE class titled, The Weight Class: Using Energy Medicine to Fall in Love with Your Body & Achieve Your Desired Weight.

They want to empower you with techniques and strategies so you can end the struggle with your weight, and finally feel wonderful in your body. 

It’s going to be an exceptional, one-of-a-kind class unlike any you’ve seen before. 

In this class, you will learn how to:

Release Unwanted Weight Naturally...

In a way that's easy and in full alignment with what you and your body needs.

Transform problematic behavior and thoughts behind unhealthy food choices...

And build a better and more supportive relationship with food

Apply Proven-to-Work Energy-Based Tools like the Buddha Belly & Belt ...

And ease your way to your desired weight

Release cravings with acupressure points ...

Learn which points you need to work with whenever you need to address and release food cravings.

Let go of negative eating habits...

Gently tackle your energetic "habit field" so you can adopt healthy new habits with far less effort.

Get clarity on why you are drawn to certain foods and what to do about it

Identify your personal Element from The Five Elements so you understand your unique tastes when it comes to food.

Stop asking too much of food... see it as a wonderful source of nourishment...

Safely rewire your thinking so food can nourish and support a healthy, fit, and strong body for the rest of your life.

Work with your Vagus Nerve so you don't stress eat ...

Learn powerful tools to help manage your stress  so you don't have to reach for food to calm your nerves.

Develop expertise in energy testing your food so you know what's good for you ...

Learn to get immediate feedback from your body so you can confidently make healthy food choices.

Cultivate a deeply loving relationship with your body ...

So you can stop beating yourself up and even have fun reaching your healthy weight!

Meet Your Teachers

Meet Donna Eden

Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.

Having healed herself from MS, an “incurable” illness, at age 27, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.

Donna has been teaching since 1977, is a New York Times Bestselling author and is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.

Meet Madison King

Madison’s early teenage development in the Twiggy era, meant weight and the right body ‘image’ was always at the centre of her world. This, mixed with an energetic patterning from post-war rationing in the UK, ensured that weight became an issue for her throughout her life.

If a diet was written or talked about, Maddie probably has tried it. Nothing really worked until she discovered how to weave Donna’s Eden Energy Medicine into a pattern that supported a healthy and more permanent weight.

Working in this way, Maddie is at peace with her body. She has achieved a healthy weight that supports all her bodily functions, improves her breathing,  nourishes her skin and hair, and puts less pressure and burden on damaged knees, providing a noticeable reduction in pain and increase in flexibility and movement.  

Madison first had a career in mainstream London advertising, where looks (and shoulder pads) counted for a lot in those days. After achieving success in that profession, she felt drawn to and has been involved in natural healthcare for decades. She has worked with Donna for over three decades; teaches and runs the EEM Advanced Level 4 training in the USA (and UK) as well as the official training at other levels.  She has 7 books published and the 8th is due out this Summer (EEM for your Horse).

Maddie is known, by the thousands of clients and students she has worked with,  for her fun, authentic approach and being able to share wisdom in an easy,  practical  and inspiring way.

Meet Kim Dowdell

Kim Dowdell has nearly 30 years’ experience in the Holistic Health field. She has trained in Acupuncture and Cosmetic Acupuncture, Mindfulness, Reflexology, Colour Therapy, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Kinesiology, Crystal Therapy, and Crystal Acupuncture.

Kim is passionate about sharing natural ways  to understand life and health and over the past 3 decades she has worked with 1000s of students.

Kim has developed the Vagus Nerve method and to date has taught levels 1-4 Vagus Nerve workshops.

She runs her own Crystal Therapy Training School and since 1995 has been the founder and director of Vision for Living, a company dedicated to promoting Natural Health events, workshops and festivals.

For nearly a decade Kim worked closely with Donna Eden – supporting EEM (The Eden Method) and organising and running her tours and workshops in the UK.

Program Information

Here's What You'll Experience with The Weight Class: Using Energy Medicine to Fall in Love with Your Body & Achieve Your Desired Weight!



How to Energy Test and Eat What’s Best For Unique You

This first section is going to spotlight the one thing that has stood out as consistently being the most ‘useful’  ‘tool’ in achieving a healthy weight. It is being able to accurately ‘energy test’ what foods suit your personal body chemistry and which don’t. 

We’ll cover:

  • Different ways to energy test and how to become good at testing
  • Common pitfalls of energy testing and how to avoid them
  • How to know what brand of a particular food suits your body best or what quantity is right for you today
  • What’s the best time of day for you to eat
  • How to get right back ‘in the zone’ – making everything so much easier
  • How to love ‘eating for energy’ until it feels the most natural thing in the world



Eliminating Emotional Self-Sabotage

We all know exactly what we should be doing to gain and maintain a healthy weight, but do we do it?  What can sabotage us?  Are you your own worst enemy? 

In this module, we will learn:

  • How to identify the underlying emotional gremlins that undermine your personal weight goals. Turn these around and you will have support
  • Get underneath and shift negative thought patterns (I hate my body. I’m never going to reach my goals.) so you can get back on track.
  • Get in the zone of making wise, healthy choices so it becomes a natural, everyday habitUnblock the “energetic gatekeepers” that are blocking your success. Once unlocked, you will feel a surge of energy supporting your efforts
  • Calm the stress response that can often hijack your personal goals



Reconnect With Your Body Plus...
A Fun Way to Make Lifestyle Decisions

In this section, Madison explores ‘coming home to you’  - learning to reconnect with your body, to love it, like it, nurture and care for it. Make friends with it again.  

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to love who and what you see in the mirror 
  • Energetic techniques to change your body image so you can at ease with your body
  • A simple and fun way (that does not involve energy testing) to shine the spotlight with pinpoint accuracy on what ‘lifestyle choices’ will benefit you the most in achieving your desired weight
  • How to let go of behaviors that don't serve you



Feeling Satisfied. What Are You Really Hungry For?
plus... Madison's Tried and True Tips

What are you REALLY hungry for?  When you satisfy other non-food hungers, suddenly actual ‘food’ cravings begin to diminish. Food is no longer ruling your thoughts and you can break free of old habits with more ease.

This session is filled with quick, simple ideas, and crafty tips that have worked for her and for friends and clients. Enjoy exploring them to see what works for you. Because it’s not just about what you eat...

  • Learn how breathing can shift the pounds
  • Create new habits and visions by working with Triple Warmer energy, the "keeper of habits"
  • Feel comfortable putting yourself first
  • Give your metabolism a boost by giving your Thyroid and Spleen a helping hand. 
  • Reset your valves to improve digestion and prevent toxins from building up
  • Learn about the Scandinavian art of dry skin brushing
  • Tips to help your skin shrink with you
  • The role that sleep plays in weight management
  • 12 points to massage to give your entire body a quick boost
  • How a sloppy kitchen makes you munch
  • The Edwardian craze for chewing 
  • Learn to love that empty feeling
  • Are you a ‘Mindless Muncher’?
  • Learn how to do a non-surgical tummy tuck



The Five Elements and Your Healthy Weight - Energy Power Not Will Power

We are all a wonderous mix of the 5 Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal). Each of us has 1 or 2 elements that really lead the way in how we experience our life – how we think, feel, act and EAT!

  • Call on the element power of your plate!
  • Learn how to be a Five Element Foodie - the 5 tastes/flavors. Your favourite will tell you a lot about your energy
  • We will explore some of the most nurturing foods for each element
  • Do you really need those carbs? Well depending on your Element, you just might...
  • To live your best weight do you need structure, a plan, or food freedom? Knowing your element can help you understand the optimum way for you to achieve and keep your best weightI
  • t’s all down to the Ground! The “Earth” energy in each one of us  is the vital energy stream we need to beam balance for us to have a healthy, happy relationship with food and achieve our best weight. Find out how you can create your radiant Earth energy



The Mighty Vagus Nerve and Your Best Weight 

Why do we need to work with The Vagus Nerve for our weight management success? Well, this mighty wanderer of our energy system influences every major bodily function in our body  - including our weight.

In this module, you will learn how to energetically balance and support your Vagus Nerve. Here's why:

  •  An efficient digestive system relies on the Vagus Nerve
  • The Vagus Nerve sends signals to our brain to tell it when our stomach is full
  • Our habits, including our food/eating habits are influenced by the energetic health of our Vagus Nerve. Need a build a new healthy habit then you need a healthy Vagus Nerve!
  • Stress versus relaxation – Stress is a major contributing factor to both weight gain and loss and for stress control we need our Vagus nerve!



What’s in Your Way? Kim's Top Tips, plus strategies for Triggers, and Trip-ups

Learn how to overcome some of the potential pitfalls on your journey to your best weight Triumph over the trip-ups and triggers!

  • Kim's top tips for weight management 
  • Do you “eat” your emotions?  Learn the acupoints to help with emotional eating 
  • Do we expect too much from Food?
  • Are you resisting change? – discover why you may be finding change so hard and how to switch that around
  • Your Craving brain and how to re-program it
  • Activate your energy flows of self-love, self-confidence and self-care
  • You need to sleep to balance your weight – the BEST sleep acupoints!
  • That tired out feeling - fill yourself with energy not food!



Create Your Own Daily Weight Management Program

To set you up for success, we are going to have you create your own 10 minute weight balancing routine. It's easy to do and all just for you.  

We'll show you the BEST acupoints for:

  • Digestion
  • Metabolism
  • Sugar Levels
  • Food Cravings
  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • BloatWater Weight
  • Fatigue
  • Overwhelm

What Students Have To Say About Madison and Kim

"After many failed attempts to shed pounds, I now have more energy, more life, and a spring in every step"

Madison has been such a help to me. After many failed attempts to shed pounds, she helped me think more long-term. I now have more energy, more life and a spring in every step. She’s amazing and as brilliant and as lovely inside as out. I’ll never look back now thanks to Madison.

Ali Large
Marketing Consultant

"Kim is one of the very best teachers I have met ... her teaching style is so engaging, light-hearted, and humorous."

I have been studying and applying different energy healing modalities since 2004 from many teachers around the world. Kim is one of the very best teachers I have met and keep learning from. Kim´s teaching style is so very engaging, light-hearted and humorous and it is this combination of her teaching style with her high professionalism and comprehensive erudition in so many areas of life and healing, which makes her classes fascinating and fun. 

Natalia Savelieva Ginko, aka Natasha

"I am finally feeling a sense of empowerment, freedom, and joy in my choices for nutrition and movement!"

Madison is just a delight to work with and encourages your journey with deep compassion and understanding. With these new tools and understanding about my body's unique needs, I know I am on the right path and I am finally feeling a sense of empowerment, freedom, and joy in my choices for nutrition and movement!  Thank you for offering this much needed work Madison!

Elizabeth Caruana

Therapist and EEM Practitioner

"She is a beautiful soul - her love and humour shine through her passion for energy work."

I have taken several workshops with Kim. She is very knowledgeable and presents clearly and concisely. She is a beautiful soul - her love and humour shine through her passion for energy work. I am very grateful to have discovered Kim and to continue to be able to learn from her. Thank you Kim.

Anann Yassin

"... the confidence to tackle food issues I usually find overwhelming. "

Working with Madison has given me the confidence to tackle food issues I usually find overwhelming. She brings an understanding that empowers me to make the changes I need to succeed.


"... a delightful teacher with such wonderful humor and excellent explanations."

Thank you Kim~ I love your classes ~ you are such a delightful teacher with such wonderful humor and excellent explanations. You always have such  beautiful expansive education to share with us.

Lulu Martin

"... tools and tips to face weight loss with confidence and balance has made a huge difference"

Working with Madison and having the tools and tips to face weight loss with confidence and balance has made a huge difference in gaining success with my goals.  She is amazing!

Jayln Noel

Business Woman

Are you ready to finally reach your goal weight? 

An Empowering and Lasting Solution That is Yours for the Rest of Your Life.
That. Is. Priceless.

The trend nowadays, especially with COVID, has been to invest in some sort of exercise machine you can use at home. Many people purchase treadmills. Some have gone to fancy stationary bikes. These investments can be in the $1000s  and often require a monthly fee to stream workouts down to your system.

They're expensive. And even if you downsize and just purchase a gym membership, that can also cost you hundreds a year.

Although exercise equipment can have a place in creating a healthy lifestyle, without understanding your key energetic drivers, those expensive machines can, and often do, end up as a lovely piece of metal tucked into the corner of your garage. 🙂

And that gym membership? Well, even the best-laid plans…

For a fraction of the cost of an exercise machine or a monthly gym membership, you could empower yourself with the knowledge and tools that have the power to move you toward your healthy/happy weight. Knowledge and tools that will last a lifetime! 

Energy techniques and understandings hold the key to lasting and sustained change.

Address your underlying imbalances and you get a powerful tool to help eliminate cravings and change unhealthy habits - whenever you need them. At the moment you when you need them. 

It’s energy power over will power and we are passionate about sharing it with you. We want to replace the struggle with ease. We want to get you to work with your energy instead of over-powering it.

Join the Online Weight Class for just $399 and get the results you're looking for. 

And who knows?  Maybe you’ll pull that machine out of the corner and fire it up again  - if that’s where your newly balanced energy wants to flow. And of course, maybe not. 😉

And there's more...

You'll Also Receive 4 Bonuses To Help You In Your Journey Toward the Right Weight For You! 

Bonus 01

The Weight Class Quick-Start Guide

by Kim Dowdell

Kim has prepared a special quick-start guide to help "newbies" catch up on the basics of how energy flows in the human body. 

This guide is a beautifully illustrated multi-page downloadable e-book designed just for this class.

Bonus 02

The Daily Energy Routine Booklet

This beautifully illustrated, 4-page handout walks you through a simple set of energy techniques that will help stimulate each of the vital energy systems of the body and bring them into harmony and balance. These simple techniques can benefit nearly anyone living in the stress-producing, polluted, nature-alien, energy-scrambling environments that have gone hand in hand with our technological progress.

The Daily Energy Routine combines these exercises into a quick routine you can do every day.  Done repeatedly, it builds positive habits into your energy field to keep you free of pain and functioning at your best.

Bonus 03

How to Trace Your Meridians with Donna Eden!

A video guide with Donna Eden

The meridians are like rivers that carry energy around your body.  In class, you'll hear a lot about the role that meridians play in maintaining a healthy weight. Here's a quick and simple routine that shows you how to keep your meridians balanced and flowing by tracing them. Clear, balanced meridians play a key factor in helping you remain balanced and in good health.  

In this video, Donna walks you through a simple routine to trace all of your meridians at once. Do this everyday to keep your energies humming!

Bonus 04

Learn How To Energy Test Your Food

eBook by Madison King

This beautifully illustrated, 9-page downloadable eBook, by Madison King, walks you through 4 ways to test your own energy so you can know what foods (or supplements) are good for you and which ones are not. 

Your body's energy resonates with items that are good for it. And this energy is perceptible via an energy test. Master self testing and you have a trusted tool to help you get feedback from your body that may otherwise elude you.

Includes links to videos to help you master the techniques.

"The Weight Class" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee

We stand by the quality and the results you can create with all of our programs. So, if you're not completely satisfied, or if for any reason, you feel that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email within 30 days of class and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked.

We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Eden Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.

And if you have any other questions - please contact us

Click the "Register Now" Button Below and Start Your Journey to Your Desired and Healthy Weight with "The Weight Class". 

Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now: 

  • 2 full days of training with Advanced Practitioners, plus a session by Donna, to help you learn powerful and effective energy-based tools to help you achieve your goal weight.
  • 38 energy-based techniques designed to address key drivers that influence your weight. These techniques are powerful, effective, and easy-to-learn.
  • Detailed and beautifully illustrated handouts so you can follow along during class and have something to refer to after class.
  • Lifetime access to the recordings to refer back to time and time again so if life takes a turn, you have a place to refresh your learning and get back on track.
  • 4 information-packed bonuses to help cement your learning and further your understanding of energy in the body:
  • Bonus #1 The Weight Class Quick-Start Guide - This downloadable guide is designed to help people NEW to Energy Medicine find their way around the basic principles of how energy works in your body.
  • Bonus #2 The Daily Energy Routine PDF - This downloadable PDF is a great reference to help you practice Donna's signature set of exercises every day. 
  • Bonus #3 Meridian Tracing Routine with Donna - This easy-to-follow video shows you how to trace your meridians so you can get your underlying energy supporting your vibrant health. Add this into your Daily Energy Routine and you will make great strides towards achieving your health goals.
  • Bonus #4 How to Energy Test Your Food - This is an excellent resource to help you practice and master self testing on your own. 
  • Fast and friendly customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

Achieve Your Goal

The Weight Class 

Use Energy Medicine to
Achieve Your The Right Weight for You!


Prices are in USD

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Will Power vs Energy Power:
Which do you choose?...

You have an important decision before you.

One choice keeps you doing exactly what you are doing right now ... overlooking your underlying energy and relying on will power or discipline to achieve your desired weight.

It’s the path that most people take. It's the one we've been taught to take. And let's face it, it can be a hard, frustrating road. 

And when you look around, the results speak for themselves. 

Has it worked for you? And if it's working, is it easy? Fun? Sustainable?

Some would say it’s the harder path … Donna would say, it’s the harder path. Much harder.


It’s not the only path.

There is a powerful alternative.

An alternative that empowers you.

An alternative that works with your energy rather than against it.

An alternative that leverages that incredible life force energy that is already inside you and uses it to bring you back into balance.

And when you get those energies flowing and supporting you, everything becomes easier - even achieving your desired weight.

What’s it going to be? Will power or energy power? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to feel overweight to benefit from "The Weight Class"?

Q. Do I have to have a lot of prior knowledge of subtle energy to take this class?

Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?

Q. Does this class count for Continued Training Credits for Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners?

Click the "Register Now" Button Below and Start Your Journey to Your Desired and Healthy Weight with "The Weight Class". 

Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now: 

  • 2 full days of training with Advanced Practitioners, plus a session by Donna, to help you learn powerful and effective energy-based tools to help you achieve your goal weight.  
  • 38 energy-based techniques designed to address key drivers that influence your weight. These techniques are powerful, effective, and easy-to-learn.
  • Detailed and beautifully illustrated handouts so you can follow along during class and have something to refer to after class.
  • Lifetime access to the recordings to refer back to time and time again so if life takes a turn, you have a place to refresh your learning and get back on track.
  • 4 information-packed bonuses to help cement your learning and further your understanding of energy in the body:
  • Bonus #1 The Weight Class Quick-Start Guide - This downloadable guide is designed to help people NEW to Energy Medicine find their way around the basic principles of how energy works in your body.
  • Bonus #2 The Daily Energy Routine PDF - This downloadable PDF is a great reference to help you practice Donna's signature set of exercises every day. 
  • Bonus #3 Meridian Tracing Routine with Donna - This easy-to-follow video shows you how to trace your meridians so you can get your underlying energy supporting your vibrant health. Add this into your Daily Energy Routine and you will make great strides towards achieving your health goals.
  • Bonus #4 How to Energy Test Your Food - This is an excellent resource to help you practice and master self testing on your own. 
  • Fast and friendly customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

An Effective Approach

The Weight Class 

Use Energy Medicine to Achieve Your Desired Weight

$399 $399

Prices are in USD

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.


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