New: The Missing Piece to Understanding Yourself...
Discover Your Life Color and Find The Key to Creating a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life That Honors Your Deepest Nature
This 2-Day Class Will Help You Develop the Confidence and Clarity You Need to Create A Life of Greater Abundance, Better Health, and Healthier Relationships.
This is a recorded LIVE class.
Why Your Life Color Is So Important Now!
Recent events have have shined a spotlight on our lives like never before. We are all under some measure of heightened stress, and if you’re not living a life in tune with your deepest nature, it’s going to make itself known.
Maybe you’re questioning whether you can continue in your job? Maybe all this “together time” has put a strain on your relationship?
Or maybe you’re just ready for a change, but you’re not quite sure where to go.
Without a clear understanding of your life’s purpose and path, it’s easy to second-guess yourself and lose your sense of direction.
Your life may look fine from the outside as you check off the expected milestones of family and career, but inside you feel something is missing.
How can you get a clear understanding of your life’s purpose and path? Where DO you look for the validation that can give you confidence and guidance?
The answer is coded in in a fascinating aspect of your unique energy field.
It’s called your Life Color.
Your Life Color Is a Reflection of Your Soul
Your aura is full of colors that move and change – except for one color which is constant throughout your life. You were born with it. And THAT color is your Life Color.
Your Life Color is fundamental to who you are. It reflects your soul and carries the energetic blueprint of your life’s purpose.
Your Life Color reveals a theme – a particular set of characteristics, conditions, and preferences associated with it. (For example, blues love to support and take care of others. Donna is a double blue. Titanya is a blue/red.)
When you understand your life color and its theme, you are unveiling the energetic blueprint for your life.
That’s incredibly useful information.
It validates who you are at a fundamental level. For many, that is a very freeing feeling - knowing you were “born this way."
It gives you the confidence to embrace who you are and who you’ve been. Past event and life choices come into clearer focus. Your path makes more sense.
And just as importantly, you now have a blueprint and map for your future.
You know who you are and why you do what you do.
Align with your life color - your true self - and you are on your way to creating an exciting future full of abundance, purpose, and joy!
In this training, you will:
Instructor Profile
Meet Titanya Dahlin, an intuitive healer who is an expert in the field of Life Colors!
Titanya Dahlin has been teaching alongside her mother, holistic health pioneer, Donna Eden for over 20 years. She is a 3rd generation intuitive who has a gift when it comes to reading Life Colors.
Titanya started reading Life Colors in 2006. As she puts it, “I know that life colors chose me; they opened up to me at a workshop in 2006. ” It all started when a panicked woman came up to her at a Donna Eden workshop looking for some information on her life color. (Donna used to include a person’s life color when she signed their copy of her book. However, this woman’s color was unusual and she couldn’t find any information on it.)
At that moment, much to her surprise, Titanya offered her a reading. Titanya couldn’t believe what she had done and frankly was a little terrified that she misspoke. However, she felt called to give the woman a reading - during which the woman’s eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped open as she looked at Titanya and said, “You just told me my whole story.”
From then on, Titanya knew that sensing and reading Life Colors was one of her gifts. And she has followed that passion vigorously, expanding her intuition and opening up to more and more colors until today she is considered one of the top experts in Life Colors.

Donna eden
Founder Eden Method // Eden Energy Medicine
She is the most gifted at sensing colors and their meanings of anyone I have ever known.
I am so excited that Tanya is teaching this class! I think she is the most gifted at sensing the colors and their meanings of anyone I have ever known. She really stepped into her genius when she started giving Life Color Readings. Her knowledge is thorough, her accuracy is spot-on, and her spirit is so very inspiring. Knowing your Life Color will help you deepen your understanding of who you are – and also help you navigate your way to a more purposeful life. You are going to love this class.
Donna Will Be Guest Teaching!
Donna will be jumping into class to show you:
- How to energy test for your life color so you can have another way to identify your color.
- How your life color interacts with the chakras and assemblage point
Plus, she'll join Titanya for a Q&A at the end of class so you can leave class with your questions answered!
What Students Are Saying About Titanya
"A brilliant and masterful interpreter of the life colors..."
Titanya is a brilliant and masterful interpreter of the life colors. The reading she gave me was so nuanced, so accurate and so sensitive, that I felt she had truly touched the heart of who I am as a person. Even a year after my reading, if I find myself in a slump, I go back to her notes and I find myself feeling restored, inspired, and radiant from reading it. I would recommend Titanya’s readings to anyone.
E. Butler
Holistic Creative Coach. Northern California
"What a gift to be seen! I was blown away!"
Dear Titanya, thank you, thank you, thank you! Your life color reading was spot – on – accurate. It spoke to me profoundly and helped me see myself and appreciate myself again. It brought me a lot of joy and clarity. Wow, what a gift to be seen! I was blown away!
J. Folger
Energy Medicine Practitioner
"The best part is that I now give myself permission to do all the things I love and dreamed of."
My reading with her brought me from wishing I could be more fabulous and feeling like I was not enough to being able to stand up and own my beauty and loving nature and to accept that I am perfect just the way I am. The way I see myself has changed from drab to a sparkly rainbow. The best part is that I now give myself permission to do all the things I love and dreamed of.
Dorothy DS
You'll Also Receive Exclusive Bonuses that Perfectly Complement The Program. These Free Gifts Will Help You Heighten and Deepen Your Understanding and
Knowledge of Life Colors
(worth over $60)
Bonus 01
Life Color Audio Descriptions by Donna Eden
Donna explains the significance of a person’s life color and discusses in detail the meaning of each of the major life colors in this Audio Recording. These recordings explores this third, critical dimension of your journey on this planet and how many of your values and priorities and ways in the world are already written in your Life Color.
Bonus 02
$50 Coupon Toward a Life Color Reading with Titanya
If you'd like to learn more about your life color and how you can align with it to move your life forward, Titanya is offering a $50 coupon towards one of her readings. This is a great way to make sense of your personal journey through life.
Titanya's Class Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee
We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, or if you feel for any reason that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email at [email protected].
We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.
And if you have any other questions - please contact us.
Click the "Buy Now" Button Below and Align With Your True Self To Lead a
More Fulfilling Life!
Here's What You'll Receive When You Register:
Order Now!
Life Colors: Your Energetic Blueprint To A Fulfilling Life
2-Day Training
Taught by Titanya Dahlin
(This is a recorded class.)
Unlimited Access

Prices are in USD.
From “Not Enough” to
“Perfect, Just the Way You Are”
The world’s wisest leaders all agree that the answers aren’t “out there,” that you need to look inside for guidance. And thankfully, you have a map encoded in your energy. The map and guide is your Life Color. It’s an important piece of information that everyone should know. It will help you make sense of your life in ways you couldn’t even imagine and give you the validation you need to know you are actually more than enough – you’re perfect.
The Cost of Flying Blind...
Your life color provides an energetic blueprint for your life - a map that can help you create your very best life.
When you don’t know the information that is coded in your Life Color, it’s as if you are flying blind through life. You don’t have a way to “connect the dots” in your life. Events and challenges can feel random. Your life’s purpose can elude you.
And self-doubt can creep in and make you question your path and even have you wonder, “How did I get here?”
It doesn’t have to be that way for you.
You have a map encoded in your life color. It’s right there for you to identify and understand.
Once you do, you have what you need to navigate yourself to a life you maybe always knew was inside you - a life with more passion, better relationships, and even better health.
So, don’t fly blind.
Take advantage of this opportunity to know your soul’s path. It can change the trajectory of your life in ways that will delight you.
Click the "Buy Now" Button Below and Align With Your True Self To Lead a
More Fulfilling Life!
Here's What You'll Receive When You Register:
Order Now!
Life Colors: Your Energetic Blueprint To A Fulfilling Life
2-Day Online Training
Taught by Titanya Dahlin
This is a recorded class.
Unlimited Access

Prices are in USD.