New from Eden Method: A Class Designed Specifically for Women

Learn 31 Energy Medicine Tools to Overcome The Physical and Emotional Challenges You Face as a Woman and Tap Into A Source of Vibrant Energy, Lasting Health, Confidence, and Power!

Empower yourself with Eden Energy Medicine, a highly regarded, time-tested self-healing method that has helped thousands of women release pain, easily navigate cycles, and discover their joy, with three of Donna Eden’s Most Advanced Practitioners 

Our bodies are amazing. What they go through to sustain our ability to give birth is nothing short of a miracle. It's an exquisite dance of energies, hormones, and your organs all functioning in harmony.

The flip side of this ability is that our bodies can have their fair share of challenges when that dance is disrupted.

Have you ever found yourself burning up one moment, for no apparent reason, and then freezing the next?

Or been afraid to sneeze or laugh too hard for fear you would leak a little?

Do you dread menopause because you fear you’ll gain belly fat, dry up, lose your libido, AND feel depressed? (Or are you already menopausal and having a tough time with it?)

Or had concerns about your breasts ... your ovaries ... or your uterus?

There's a lot going on in our bodies. 

And Western Medicine still doesn't quite get us. There is a long history of trivializing our issues, of us not being believed. So much so, that we can sometimes question ourselves and wonder what's wrong with us? Why are we feeling this way?

And the solutions we are most often offered for our "female problems" are surgery or medication. We can have them "cut out the problem" or "mask it with medication". While this has certainly saved lives, it usually comes at the cost of nasty side effects or potential complications down the road. 

But what if there was a way to take control of your health? What if there was a more subtle way to address your issues?

What if there were self-healing tools you could learn to apply to different areas of your body so that you could overcome the challenges you face as a woman?

Our health may be a mystery to a lot of the Western World but it doesn’t have to be a mystery to us. We can empower ourselves with energy-based tools that Donna Eden has been using to help thousands of women for over 40 years.  

Watch this fun clip from one of Donna's first Energy Medicine for Women classes.

The True Source of Healing 

What’s Donna’s secret? How has she helped so many?

Donna was born with the unique ability to see subtle energy.

She can tune-in and see beyond the physical body, right into the subtle energy body - the “unseen” energy beneath or surrounding the physical body. 

She doesn’t have to guess whether one of her techniques works. She can see the energy shift. She can see what healthy flowing energy looks like. She can see (and feel) the self-healing power of the body's energy at work.

This gives her a tremendous advantage in mapping the body's energy and developing energy healing tools that anyone can apply. 

And when it comes to the often misunderstood female body, these tools take on an extra importance. For that reason, Donna developed a branch of her work designed just for women. 

As Donna said in the video above: 

“Energy is the foundation for hormones. But next to energy, hormones are boss! They run all over your body trying to maintain some exquisite balance. And they can screw you up when they are off.“

Her techniques for women address the energetic drivers behind free-flowing, balanced hormones, healthy breasts, and what we call your pelvic bowl, that beautiful power center that sits right in the middle of your body.

When you get your energy balanced with her very specific, energy-based tools, you will feel the difference. The body has an intelligence that when allowed to flow freely, is innately self-healing.

And this in turn can help you navigate your period, perimenopause, menopause, and other health challenges with greater ease.

You Don't Have to Suffer...

Did you know research exists that in some indigenous cultures, women do not suffer during menopause? They don’t even have a word for it.

How is that even possible? The anatomy is the same. Researchers have even measured the same hormone fluctuations.

And yet, there are none of the symptoms we commonly associate with menopause.

We believe a key reason is energy. 

The truth is - you can navigate your period, perimenopause, and menopause either in balance or out of balance, energetically.  And guess which way expresses itself through symptoms?

That’s right. Out of balance.

That’s why learning tools that you can self-apply at any time, is so critical right now. These tools are simple and you can apply them at any time to help you get back in balance and stay in balance. And that means much smoother sailing through your cycles and stages of life.

And that's what we'll be bringing you in our brand new, live, online class called Energy Medicine for a Woman. In our 2 1/2 day class, you will learn self-healing tools that you can use throughout your entire life to make sure your underlying energy is working smoothly to support a healthy, joyful life. 

This class is taught by 3 of Donna's very best advanced practitioners who have a combined 50+ years experience with Donna's Energy Medicine techniques. They will be bringing you practical energy-based tools and strategies to help you thrive as woman in today's world.

Reclaim Your Power and Inner Safety

Too often, we lose a part of ourselves in our efforts to be a good spouse, mother, or daughter. We put aside our needs and wants. We behave. We conform to the expectations placed on us.

And for many of us...

Our bodies have been so scrutinized and often sadly maligned that we have learned to disassociate from parts of them - giving up an enormous part of our power.

This class is not just about overcoming physical symptoms. We will also give you tools to help you feel safe and strong in the world. Tools to restore your confidence and reclaim the parts of you that have been lost.

Tools to reclaim your true power as a woman. Look out world!

Energy Medicine for a Woman is an empowering, life-enhancing class uniquely designed for women who want to take charge of their health and happiness once and for all. There’s no other learning and healing experience quite like this one!

In this class, you will learn:

  • Self-healing tools to balance your energy system so you can support and maintain breast wellness.
  • Help balance hormones so you can begin resolving issues like painful menstruation cycles, difficult postpartum experiences, or the many challenging effects of perimenopause and postmenopause.
  • Significantly increase your mental, physical and emotional stability to stay happy, and healthy in your body, mind and spirit throughout the day.
  • Ignite -- or reignite -- your innate sexuality so you can experience increased pleasure, satisfaction and authentic intimacy in your romantic relationships (no matter what your age!)
  • Successfully address physical challenges like incontinence, difficulty falling or staying asleep, low energy, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, and more.
  • Understand how to prioritize self-care while caring for loved ones so you can deepen into the next-level of empowerment and adoration for yourself as a woman and start living the life you want (and deserve!)
  • Cultivate life-enhancing skills using your hands and skin as sensory tools to regulate your body’s internal systems and quickly improve your overall sense of wellbeing.
  • Protect your personal energy from draining influences such as the toxic news cycle, or difficult people like bosses or challenging family members and friends so you can feel calm and confident no matter who you’re with or what’s happening around you.
  • Safely release distressing emotions such as shame, guilt, grief, and heartbreak as well as embodied trauma so you can enjoy a strong sense of inner safety and autonomy.
  • Reconnect with your positive core personality and purpose so you can start to experience an ongoing flow of creativity, motivation, inspiration and passion for life.

Meet The Founder of Eden Method

Meet Donna Eden

Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.

Having healed herself from MS, an “incurable” illness, at age 27, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.

Donna has been teaching since 1977, is a New York Times Bestselling author and is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.

Meet Your Teachers

With 50 Years of Combined Experience with Eden Energy Medicine!

Meet Eva Gold

EVA GOLD, EEM-AP, CNHP, is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and a member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Faculty.

For the past fifteen years, Eva has been traveling throughout Canada, the United States and Europe teaching all four levels of the Eden Method and  exposing students to energy strategies beneficial for prevention and healing. She’s also introduced Energy Medicine concepts at the International Wellness Conference in India and organizes EM Conferences in Toronto, Ontario. 

Eva credits EEM for much happiness and wellness in her private life and shares EEM ideas with different institutions such as The McGill Research Center, The Transense Holistic Center, The Omega Institute, and the Wellspring-Cancer Support Network. 

 An Admirable Mix of The Technical and Intuitive

I wanted to let you know how inspiring you are, both as a practitioner (watching you work is like performance art) and as a teacher.  You convey so much wisdom, with such an admirable mix of the technical and the intuitive.  There is an elegance and grace to your healing that serves as a perfect visual demonstration of the true beauty of our divine design. 

 - HL

Meet Amy Galloway McDowell

Amy Galloway McDowell is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and a member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Faculty.  Specializing in trauma release, ancestral healing, immune support, and women’s wellness, Amy offers remote sessions and classes with an emphasis on empowerment and self-care. She has been immersed in energy work since 2007 after a background in education, team building, and staff training.

Amy is thrilled to be a part of the Eden Method tribe and to be offering support to students and clients as they build awareness of how to connect with their own energies and intuition in this remarkable modality. Amy has a deep love for energy work and a profound respect for the brilliance of each person’s innate inner wisdom. She is immensely grateful to be sharing this work in the world.

 A Masterful Healer

Amy is an exceptional healer.  Her grace and ability to hold safe space for real healing to occur is masterful. All alongside her excellent knowledge of energy medicine and impeccable intuition, I always leave a session with a positive change and with a path forward for my energies and beyond. 

- BL

Insert Testimonial

Meet Janel Volk Hubbard

Janel Volk Hubbard M.Ed., LPCC, EEM-AP, is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and a member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Faculty. She believes in using the living connection with nature as a guide to connect women with their true nature. Janel has an active private practice and is dedicated to empowering clients through her expertise in holistic psychotherapy combined with Energy Medicine. She's been using Energy Medicine for over 20 years!

Her philosophy is to view you through the lens of wellness honoring the dynamic relationship dance between your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Whatever imbalances you face as a woman, she extends an invitation to rediscover your true nature of peace and inner harmony.

 A Gifted Teacher With a Heart as Big as The Universe

Janel is a gifted teacher and is helping me to discover self-love and achieve personal growth. She has introduced me to energy medicine and all the healing benefits of using the exercises in my daily life.  I am forever grateful and thankful for having met Janel and consider her an angel on earth with a heart as big as the universe. 

 - Michelle T

Program Information

Here's What You'll Experience with Energy Medicine for a Woman ... 31 Powerful Energy-Based Techniques to Help You Feel Healthy, Confident, and Strong!



Coming Home To Your Self

With all the demands we face as a woman in the 21st century, it's easy to lose ourselves caring for our families and/or succeeding at work. In this module, we'll focus on coming home and reclaiming our innate power.

We’ll cover:

  • How you can use your hands to regulate your body’s energy
  • How to befriend your WHOLE self 
  • Tools to figure out what’s going on in your body - energetically - so you know where to begin your process. 
  • Self-care that sticks
  • How to ground as a woman
  • Healthy boundaries and connections that spring from your energy field



Managing Your Cycles (Through All Stages of Life)

Did you know that you don’t have to suffer through or dread the changes that come with being a woman? You don’t have to get heavy or cranky in menopause. You don’t have to feel depressed during your period.

In this module, you will learn to build tools to help you easily navigate the challenges of each stage. 

  • The energetic truth behind your cycles and why you don’t have to suffer through your changes
  • Practical energy-based strategies to navigate each of the stages of life with vibrancy and ease. 
  • Ancestral energy - how it may be keeping you stuck without you even knowing it.
  • Tools you can use in the moment to meet challenges that previously could derail your day. 
  • Ways to attune to nature that support your own organic rhythms



Clearing Health Challenges 

The female body is a creative powerhouse that requires some extra attention to function at its highest level. There are very specific energy systems responsible for maintaining the health of the female body.

In this module, we will delve into energy tools to help heal and nourish your body, as well as foster creativity. 

  • Breast Wellness: Preventative care, Daily maintenance. Learn to move and balance the energy responsible for healthy, happy breasts  
  • Menopause: Mood, Vitality, Bladder Control, and More.
  • Sexual Health: Libido, Immune system, Sense of Sexual Self 
  • The Pelvic Bowl: A Place of Wonder, Power, Stability, and Health! We will explore and connect with your pelvic bowl to help with issues related to your bladder, kidney, uterus, rectum, adrenals.



Celebrating YOU as an EMPOWERED WOMAN

Many women have been trained to contain, mold, or modify themselves to fit a prescribed norm. Have you learned, over the years, that you shouldn’t fully express your true self? 

In this module, you will go deep into discovering and awakening who you really are and bring the authentic YOU into the world with confidence and joy.

We will take time to:

  • Reconnect with the lost parts of you
  • Become clear on who you truly are 
  • Explore a little-known energy system that can be used to bolster your life force and regulate your hormones. 
  • Learn a quick set of exercises for the pelvic floor to stabilize and maintain newly balanced energies
  • An updated Daily Energy Routine that includes "Energy Medicine for a Woman" exercises to help you going forward.

Success Stories

"I feel SO blessed to be HEALTHY for the first time in my life!"

I struggled with numerous health problems and I spent most of my time in bed or at the doctors, receiving little help or relief from my symptoms. Though I had many wonderful doctors who tried to help me, western medicine was just unable to help. I was led to Eden Energy Medicine, and I feel SO blessed to be HEALTHY for the first time in my life!”.

Angela Failor

"... the most life changing information that I have ever experienced."

I was struggling with my health.  I had tried the doctors, specialist, and some alternative therapies but nothing seemed to be helping...It was the most life changing information that I have ever experienced.


"I had rheumatoid arthritis, skin lupus, back pain, headaches, IBS..."

Twelve years ago, I could barely walk up steps. I had rheumatoid arthritis, skin lupus, hypothyroidism, back pain, headaches, IBS, and too many allergies to list. I couldn't work.

Today, I have a full-time Eden Energy Medicine practice and cherish every minute that I can bring this gift to others. I can't imagine what life would be like living with this pandemic if I didn't have the tools of The Eden Method.

Dianne Faure

"The feeling of EMPOWERMENT that these techniques bring is priceless"

I was completely blown away by the effectiveness of sedating the Stomach meridian. My heavens—imagine if every mother knew how to do this for their children! The feeling of EMPOWERMENT that these techniques bring is priceless. As a mother, to be able to DO SOMETHING to help my child—I cannot describe the sense of comfort that brings.

Meredith Brown

"After my Mum's first session, she came home pain free. ...  I would thoroughly recommend The Eden Method to anyone who is dealing with pain."

My mother, who is in her late 70's, had the belief that in your later years you should expect pain in your body and you must silently endure it. One day in conversation, she accidently made a comment that revealed she had been living with terrible pain down her side and that she was only able to sleep when she had pillows packed around her legs. I was horrified!

Just at this time, I came across Donna Eden and her amazing work regarding pain techniques while watching a documentary online. She lit up the room! I felt very inspired to track down an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner.

After my Mum’s first session, she came home pain free. She slept all that night and for many weeks to come without pillows or pain. The results were so much more than we had anticipated. I would thoroughly recommend The Eden Method to anyone who is dealing with pain.


Leearne Di Michiel

Her Mum

Inner Beauty and Transformation.
What's it Worth to You??

We as women focus a lot of our time and money on outer transformation. 

Colors and cuts for our hair so we can feel fresh and lively.

Gym memberships and special diets so we look good in our jeans.

Beauty products for our face and skin so we can feel young and vibrant.

Just think of how much you spend a month on your appearance.

Did you know that the average American woman spends over $200 a month on beauty, fitness, and wellness?

Looking good does help us feel good. It’s true. When we feel we look good, it can be a source of confidence, vitality, and even power. (Think the black power suit.) 

But what if there was an additional way to feel good, even great, through inner transformation.

What if you could tap into a power house of energy inside you to create an inner beauty that is undeniable, a zest for life that is contagious, and above all, a sense of health and well-being that comes from within?

Our bodies are made of energy. Energy that is innately self-healing and rejuvenating. 

However, that energy can get stuck and blocked over the course of our lives. Stress and trauma take their toll and our energy turns its focus to survival. We survive and get by, but we are often depleted, unable to maintain our health and vibrance. Our inner wellspring has run dry.

With Energy Medicine for a Woman, we’ll be changing all that.

We’ll provide you with a new set of tools to help you feel and be your best, inside and out. Energy-based tools that will move and shift your underlying energy so you can get out of survival mode and begin to thrive.

Tools you can self-apply with your own hands so you can begin to shift patterns of illness and stress. So you can feel healthy and alive again. Frisky. Playful. Beautiful.

We think these tools should be a part of your daily beauty regimen. 🙂

And right now, you can get these tools - tools that will last a lifetime -  for less than your average monthly beauty spend. 

Energy Medicine for a Woman is available for just $395.

And there’s even more available when you register today …

You'll Also Receive 5 Bonuses, Carefully Chosen To Help Further Your Ability to Apply The Self-Healing Tools You'll Learn in Class!

Bonus 01

After-Class Q&A Call with Janel, Eva, and Amy

1-hour live Q&A call

You will receive a lot of information in this class. We've found it's extremely helpful to give you some time to absorb and practice the material and then come back with questions. 

We will schedule a follow-up Q&A call for all attendees where you can ask any follow-up questions. This will be recorded and you will have unlimited access to the recording.

Bonus 02

Energy Medicine for Women with Donna Eden

3-hour streaming video. A $49.00 value.

In this video, Donna Eden focuses on women’s issues, energy techniques for regulating hormones, enhancing sexuality and fertility, easing the challenges of pregnancy and birth, managing PMS and menopause, preventing osteoporosis, and controlling weight gain.

Bonus 03

The Nine Energy Systems with Donna Eden

1-hour streaming video. A $24.95 value.

The body’s energy anatomy is as intricate and multi-layered as its physical anatomy. Donna has identified nine primary, interrelated energy systems that are at the basis of good health.

The nine primary energy systems are: Meridians, Chakras, the Aura, Radiant Circuits, Triple Warmer, the Celtic Weave, the Five Rhythms, Electrics, and the Basic Grid. This engaging video offers a closer look at all nine of these important systems and suggests ways you can help to keep them in balance.

Bonus 04

"The Womb Angel" Coloring Sheet

Downloadable PDF

Explore, engage, and embrace the sacred vessel through art. Let the messages come.

This original artwork by your teacher Eva Gold is designed to assist you in connecting with your pelvic bowl on a deeper level.

Bonus 05

The Daily Energy Routine PDF

This beautifully illustrated, 4-page handout walks you through a simple set of energy techniques that will help stimulate each of the vital energy systems of the body and bring them into harmony and balance. These simple techniques can benefit nearly anyone living in the stress-producing, polluted, nature-alien, energy-scrambling environments that have gone hand in hand with our technological progress.

The Daily Energy Routine combines these exercises into a quick routine you can do every day.  Done repeatedly, it builds positive habits into your energy field to keep you free of pain and functioning at your best.

"Energy Medicine for a Woman" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee

We stand by the quality and the results you can create with all of our programs. So, if you're not completely satisfied, or if for any reason, you feel that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email within 30 days of class and you'll get a full refund. No questions asked.

We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Eden Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.

And if you have any other questions - please contact us

Click the "Register Now" Button Below and take charge of your health and happiness once and for all. There’s no other learning and healing experience quite like this one! 

Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now: 

  • 2 1/2 days of live training with Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners where you will learn powerful and effective energy-based tools and techniques that will improve your health and well-being  
  • 31 Eden Energy Medicine techniques designed specifically to address Women's health concerns.These techniques are powerful, effective, and easy-to-learn.
  • Detailed and beautifully illustrated handouts so you can follow along during class and have something to refer to after class.
  • Lifetime access to the recordings to refer back to time and time again so if life takes a turn, you have a place to refresh your learning and get back on track.
  • 5 exceptional bonuses to help cement your learning and further your understanding of energy in the body:
  • Bonus #1: An After-Class 1-hour Q&A with Your Teachers - This is a live call where you can ask your follow-up questions. You'll also receive unlimited access to the recording.
  • Bonus #2: Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden - In this 3-hour video, Donna Eden shares her foundational techniques for helping with women’s issues, 
  • Bonus #3: The Nine Energy Systems Streaming Video with Donna Eden - This will give you a further understanding of your energy anatomy and how you can use it for healing.
  • Bonus #4: "The Womb Angel" Coloring Sheet - Engage a different part of your brain as you connect in with your own pelvic bowl through art. This is a powerful exercise that can be used to awaken a healing source within you.
  • Bonus #5: The Daily Energy Routine PDF - This downloadable PDF is a great reference to help you practice Donna's signature set of exercises every day. 
  • Fast and friendly customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

Energy Medicine for a Woman

Live Online Class
Feb 13-15 
Unlimited Access


Prices are in USD

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

An Opportunity To Become An Expert On Your Body. Will You Seize it?

We are trained in our culture to look outside ourselves for answers to our health issues.

Very rarely do we look within for answers.

When we are hurting or in pain, we drive ourselves to the doctor’s office, wait in the waiting room, and get called in for our 20 minute appointment to be told what is happening with us.

And then we leave with a one-size-fits-all remedy or a referral - and if the condition is serious - we may even see a series of specialists to find our answer. 

And that answer is not necessarily an easy one. It’s usually a form of surgery or some form of medication.

Sometimes those solutions are necessary and work beautifully.

But for many, especially for women, Western Medicine can leave you at a dead end.

If you’re reading this, there’s a reason you're here. Most likely you’ve traveled some version of the road above and didn’t quite get the answer you were hoping for - or didn’t get an answer at all. 

That’s how most people find us.

Ask any one of our practitioners or teachers and you will most likely hear a transformative healing story that sounds unbelievable. A story that is some version of:

Western medicine didn’t work for me and I didn't quite know where to turn. Then, I found Energy Medicine and within a relatively short amount of time of doing the exercises, I began to feel better for the first time in a long time. And eventually, with continued practice, my symptoms went away completely.”

That’s how it goes. Over and over again.

And right now, you have that opportunity before you.

You can keep looking outside yourself for answers. Keep anxiously waiting in those waiting rooms.


You can get started with a powerful, self-healing system that empowers you to look within to your own energy for answers. To become an expert on your own body.

May you seize the opportunity and begin your journey to a vibrant, healthy life - just like so many women before you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who will benefit from "Energy Medicine for a Woman"?

Q. Do I have to be a healer to take this class?

Q. If I have to miss part of the class, is it recorded?

Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?

Q. What time does class start? What is the schedule?

Q. Can I ask questions during the class?

Q. If I'm an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, does this class count toward my Continued Training Credits?

Click the "Register Now" Button Below and Reclaim Your Health, Vibrance, and Inner Strength! 

Here are the life-changing teachings and bonus gifts you'll receive when your register now: 

  • 2 1/2 days of live training with Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners where you will learn powerful and effective energy-based tools and techniques that will improve your health and well-being 
  • 31 Eden Energy Medicine techniques designed specifically to address Women's health concerns.These techniques are powerful, effective, and easy-to-learn.
  • Detailed and beautifully illustrated handouts so you can follow along during class and have something to refer to after class.
  • Lifetime access to the recordings to refer back to time and time again so if life takes a turn, you have a place to refresh your learning and get back on track.
  • 5 exceptional bonuses to help cement your learning and further your understanding of energy in the body:
  • Bonus #1: An After-Class 1-hour Q&A with Your Teachers - This is a live call where you can ask your follow-up questions. You'll also receive unlimited access to the recording.
  • Bonus #2: Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden - In this 3-hour video, Donna Eden shares her foundational techniques for helping with women’s issues, 
  • Bonus #3: The Nine Energy Systems Streaming Video with Donna Eden - This will give you a further understanding of your energy anatomy and how you can use it for healing.
  • Bonus #4: "The Womb Angel" Coloring Sheet - Engage a different part of your brain as you connect in with your own pelvic bowl through art. This is a powerful exercise that can be used to awaken a healing source within you.
  • Bonus #5: The Daily Energy Routine PDF - This downloadable PDF is a great reference to help you practice Donna's signature set of exercises every day. 
  • Fast and friendly customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

Energy Medicine for a Woman

Feb 13-15
Online Class
Unlimited Access


Prices are in USD

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Important Note

Pain is a signal that something is wrong. Energy techniques often address the pain as well as the underlying cause. If a pain is unexpected, unexplained, and persists or worsens (despite use of the techniques taught in this class), please arrange for an assessment by a competent medical professional. If you are currently under the care of a medical professional, know that many people have found Eden Energy Medicine to be a great complement to Western Medicine.


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