Join LIVE for the remaining 2 days at a deep discount!
You'll still get all the recordings and bonuses for the entire weekend! 

3-Day Virtual Intensive to Master the 5 Areas of An Extraordinary Life!

Join 10 of the World's Top Healers and Visionaries For the Latest Breakthroughs That Will Help You Live a Fulfilled, Abundant, and Healthy Life.

Donna is one of the 10 teachers providing brand new content on the weekend. Watch the video above as Donna describes her class.

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Energy Healing Virtual Weekend
September 11-13, 2020
3-Day Online Live Training
Recordings Included

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It's time to come together for some needed healing. 

Right now, to say we are being stretched is an understatement.

We all know that energy is everything, and with Eden Energy Medicine techniques, we have the power to keep our energies at their best, even in the toughest of times.

But, as a collective, these are some of the toughest times we've faced in a very long time. 

And even we, even knowing all we know, and with practicing all we know, even we could use a little (a lot) of support right now.

Some inspiration to buffer the fear.

Some shared time to remind us of who we really are.

Some encouragement so we can continue to be an uplifting presence in the world. 

And some healing so we can recover from the stress, fear, and negativity that has hit our bodies and our lives hard.

For that, we must come together as a tribe to share ideas - feel encouraged - remember who we are - and heal.

We all share something special - the (un)common understanding that energy underpins everything. This weekend is dedicated to giving you new ideas and techniques to address your underlying energy so you can master the 5 basic areas that lead to an awesome and inspired life.

Master These 5 Areas, and You'll Thrive Even Amidst The Chaos


Feel Vibrant and Free of Pain So You Can Do The Things You Love To Do


Develop Happiness and Peace of Mind So You Can Be More Present and Less Reactive


Find Emotional Stability and Balance So You Are An Uplifter in Relationships


Get In Touch With Your Core Self and Lead an Inspired Life Where You Follow Your Passion 


Clear Energy Blocks That Prevent You From Living a Prosperous Life

3 Days with 10 Incredible Teachers, and You Don't Even Have to Leave Home

The Energy Healing Virtual Weekend puts you right at the epicenter of the latest in energy work. And with unlimited access to the recordings, you won't miss one minute of it!

We'll stream the teachers right to your home over Zoom.

And what a lineup! Jean Houston, Vishen Lakhiani, Dawson Church, Marcela Lobos, Eileen McKusick, Lee Harris, Steven Washington, Madison King, Junia Chou and of course, Donna Eden and David Feinstein.

In fact, Donna will be teaching NEW material on the powerful Vagus Nerve and how it can help with inflammation, digestion, the freeze response, performance anxiety, and more.

Exceptional teachers will share their breakthrough techniques and understandings with you. 

We are so excited to be sharing the virtual stage with these teachers. They inspire us with their vision, mastery, and commitment, and we are sure it is just what we all need.

Here's The Trainings You'll Receive from Our 10 Exceptional Teachers over the Course of 3 Days!

Saturday Classes

Heed The Call - Follow Your Own Hero's Journey!

Taught by Marcela Lobos

Marcela offers a fresh perspective on the archetypal quest to become a hero/ine — from the call to grow up and awaken, to the road of challenges, to returning home with the boons. 

She explains the thirteen steps that are necessary to complete the journey, and she gifts us “the rite of the womb”, an empowerment ceremony to remind us that we did not come to suffer, but to be creators of our destiny.

Marcela Lobos

Marcela Lobos has been extensively initiated in the healing and spiritual traditions of the Amazon and the Andes. She was born and raised in Chile where she leads shamanic journeys for women to awaken their own power, grace, and wisdom. Marcela is senior teacher at the Four Winds Society and is married to its founder, Dr. Alberto Villoldo. Together they travel throughout the United States and Europe teaching the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel.

A fierce, loving, brilliant woman!

Thank you for all of your encouragement and love and extra special care. I felt so taken care of and listened to, and it was such an amazing experience. You are such a bad-ass, fierce, loving, brilliant woman ...” 

Becca Kannapell, Amazon Journey Attendee

Increase Your Energy While Finding Balance with QiGong

Taught by Steven Washington

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is understood that the Three Treasures (Jing-Qi-Shen) are the fundamental energies that maintain life. The greatest gift you can give to yourself are practices that strengthen and regulate these energies. When these energies are balanced, you will have physical, emotional and mental health.

Steven will guide you on a QiGong journey where you will discover the Three Treasures within you so you will: 

  • * Increase your energy to fuel your life
  • * Steady and calm your overactive mind
  • * Create more emotional balance and wellbeing
Steven Washington

Steven's life-long passion and a key foundation to his own spiritual fitness has been movement. He knows how vital our relationship with our body is for emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. 

Steven had a long career touring the world as a contemporary dancer, and also appearing on Broadway (and touring productions) in Disney’s The Lion King. He is a certified Lee Holden QiGong instructor and has taught groups and individuals for over 20 years in Pilates, Dance, Physical Fitness and QiGong. 

A Brilliant Teacher of the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection!

“Steven Washington is a brilliant teacher of the mind-body-spirit connection. His loving, funny and masterful teaching has been hugely popular at my live workshops and retreats around the world since 2016.  The work he offers provides a core re-alignment for spiritual seekers, sensitives, intuitives, empaths and those of us who are soul-led.” 

Lee Harris, Intuitive Channel and Author of Energy Speaks

Walking and Working with The Voice of Your Soul

Taught by Lee Harris

Our soul is always talking to us and leading us forward, and we are constantly being invited into greater growth and presence in our lives. But working with our intuition in a grounded and integrated way can sometimes be tricky, confusing or difficult. Lee will guide you on this topic via intuitive teaching, simple tips and exercises.

Highlights will include:

  • * How our soul speaks to and guides us forward into greater human growth
  • * How to work with your intuitions and visions, and what it takes to make them real
  • * How to connect with the voice of your soul, higher-self and/or your guides

Lee will also take questions and close the class with a channeled message from his guides, the Z's, who he has walked and worked with for 22 years.

Lee Harris

Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive and Transformation Teacher who offers grounded, practical teachings focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive and live a better life! His book ENERGY SPEAKS became an instant bestseller in March 2019, and his intuitive messages reach hundreds of thousands of people every month via his free and highly popular monthly Energy Update videos..

A Beautiful Heart That Stands Behind His Every Word!

“I have been blessed to listen to, come to know and interview many. There are but two that carry a frequency that stands out amongst the many, and Lee is One, for sure. Adding to that is his beautiful Heart that stands behind his every word and carries great impact.” 

Maureen Moss, Author, President of The New World Puja Network,
and radio host of Thrive

Sunday Classes

How You Can Use The Vagus Nerve To Support Your Brain, Organs, Emotions, and Immune System

Taught By Donna Eden with David Feinstein

The Vagus nerve is your body's communication superhighway, carrying information between your brain and your internal organs. It coordinates a remarkable array of functions, from translating bodily sensations into expressions on your face to influencing your emotions and your immune system.

Working with the Vagus nerve is a powerful stress-management tool, and it is particularly important for health care practitioners because of the ways it controls the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, impacts the chakras, and works hand-in-hand with Triple Warmer. 

In this class, you will learn 12 techniques to strengthen your vagal tone, which will help you:

  • * Keep a sense of calm and safety under stress.
  • * Support the health of organs that are hyper-reactive to stress.
  • * Build resilience.
  • * Help clients who struggle with a Vasovagal response.
Donna Eden 

with David Feinstein, Ph.D.

A pioneer in the field of energy medicine, Donna Eden has been teaching people for more than four decades to understand the body as an energy system, to recognize their aches and pains as signals of energy imbalance, and to reclaim their natural healing capacities.

She and her husband, David Feinstein run one of the top energy healing schools in the country, having trained over 1600 practitioners.

One of the backbone studies for the field of holistic medicine! 

“Donna’s contribution to Energy Medicine will stand as one of the backbone studies for the field of holistic medicine."

Carolyn Myss, Five-time New York Times bestselling author and world renowned lecturer in the field of human consciousness.

Using Sound To Improve Your Electric (and Overall) Health

Taught by Eileen McKusick

We have been conditioned to think of our bodies and our health chemically and mechanically; however, our bodies are fundamentally electric. Our hearts, brains, blood, bones, nerves, fascia, collagen, cells - everything conducts electrical activity, and the strength and coherence of this electrical system is a prime determinant of our health and well being. 

By changing our thinking from disease arising in a "low pH environment" to a "low voltage environment", we open up numerous new pathways for improving our health and well-being electrically. In this class, we will look specifically at how sound can be used to improve electrical conductivity in the body and its biofield, as well as a variety of simple lifestyle changes that will help people to get better at monitoring how they are discharging and recharging their own electric batteries.

Eileen McKusick

Eileen is the author of Tuning the Human Biofield, the creator of the sound therapy method Biofield Tuning, and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute. She has been studying the effects of how sound impacts the electrical system of the body since 1996 and is a pioneer in the emerging field of electric health. Eileen's next book, Raise Your Voltage, is due out in January 2021.

I feel like I let go of a heaviness in my life!

"I’ve just completed the training course with Eileen to do this vibrational work, and it just blew my mind. I’ve had a treatment with Eileen as well, and it’s so amazing – expanding, energizing, clarifying. I feel like I let go of a heaviness in my life and feel a greater sense of lightness and brightness. I highly recommend it to anyone.” 

John Gray, author, “Men are From Mars Women are From Venus" 

Developing Your Inner Space - 

How To Rise to the Challenge of These Times

Taught by Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Jean has long-studied how humans adapt and develop in times of change. She draws upon this knowledge to help inspire and guide you through the huge changes we are facing right now. 

"The times of shadow are cast by the new sun trying to emerge."

Jean will help you rediscover yourself and tap into a potential far greater than you have imagined. Her class will weave together the latest in quantum theory with her knowledge of history and the arts to give you a roadmap to navigate this time of immense change. 

This class will be unlike any she has ever taught before as she will be responding to the current state of our world.

Jean Houston Ph.D.
Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. Dr. Houston is noted for her ability to combine a deep knowledge of history, culture, new science, spirituality and human development into her teaching.  She is known for her inter-disciplinary perspective delivered in inspirational and humorous keynote addresses.

Jean Houston's Mind Should Be Considered A National Treasure

“Jean Houston’s mind should be considered a national treasure”, said Buckminster Fuller, a renowned American philosopher, thinker, visionary, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist. 

Friday (Recorded) Classes

Achieve Deep, Transformational Meditation In
Just A Few Minutes A Day

Taught by Vishen Lakhiani

From scientists to spiritual gurus to high-flying billionaires and athletes: virtually everyone agrees meditation is the most effective personal growth practice.

And yet whether you’re a seasoned meditator or a newbie, you may have noticed how tricky meditation can be to master.

The 6 Phase Meditation is a revolutionary framework for meditation, designed by Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani based on his own daily practice.

In fact, in just seven short days, the 6 Phase Meditation program will help you:

  • * Boost your happiness by 20% or more
  • * Melt away stress and anxiety
  • * Amplify your creativity and intuition
  • * Condition your brain to experience more compassion
  • * And much more
Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen Lakhiani is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and founder of Mindvalley: a global education movement with millions of students worldwide.

Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent over 15 years reimagining the human experience and exploring the science of human potential.

He also holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and has been invited to speak at organizations like Google, Facebook, and the United Nations.

Some unbelievable changes took place in my life, not only physically but also psychologically

I got a breakthrough when I attended the "6 Phase Meditation by Vishen".  Some internal changes started to take place and my urge for personal development strengthened. I have lost 15 kg and started feeling more focused, energetic, and fitter.” 

Shalabh Chaudhari, Colonel in Indian Army

Rewire Your Brain for Happiness - Starting Right Now!

Taught by Dawson Church, Ph.D.

Elevated emotional, mental and spiritual states have been described by mystics for millennia. Now, modern research tools like MRIs and EEGs are allowing us to analyze the brain patterns of these states and map their neural activity. Science has built up a profile of their most active brain regions and found that they match those of people in peak states of "flow."

These states also produce 7 of the most pleasurable neurotransmitters and hormones known, from serotonin to anandamide, the "bliss molecule." Reverse engineering of these states now makes them trainable, and research shows that anyone can approach such peak states using simple physiological techniques. This presentation reviews the neuroscience behind "Bliss Brain" and will show you practices that help induce it. 

Watch this interview with Dawson about his class.

Dawson Church, Ph.D.

Dawson  is an award-winning author whose best-selling book The Genie in Your Genes has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in linking emotions and genetics. His follow-up title, Mind to Matter, reviews the science of peak mental states. He has conducted dozens of clinical trials, and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to promote groundbreaking new treatments.

The Boundaries of What You've Believed Possible Will Be Stretched!

““As The Secret meets the scientist in Dawson’s work, the boundaries of what you’ve believed possible will be stretched far beyond your existing picture of reality..” 

Jack Canfield, coauthor #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup® series and featured teacher in The Secret.

Manifesting Abundance - Aligning Your Energies for Prosperity

Taught by Madison King, EEM-AP

There is a definite art to bouncing back from life’s challenges with a resilience that attracts abundance into your life.

  • Does the true abundance you seek always seem to elude you?
  • Would you like to know how your energy responds to the concept of abundance? Could it be - undermining you?
  • Do you feel it’s selfish to want abundance in your life? Is part of you secretly rejecting it?

Discover your true energetic mind set and core belief around abundance and change it to one that supports rather than sabotages your ‘abundance factor’.  Learn how to identify what’s blocking your prosperity – and fix it. Start to feel good around the whole idea of an abundant life and watch things change.

Madison King

Madison is an internationally recognized master practitioner, teacher, writer and educator in the field of natural healthcare. She has an inherent ability to simply sense, ‘know’ and work with energy and for more than 30 years, literally thousands of students and clients (and their pets) have benefited from working with Maddie, either in person or online.

Not Only an Amazing Teacher, but a Wonderful Person...

Madison is not only an amazing teacher- but a wonderful person. She is nourishing, has a deep knowledge and is so capable to convert this knowledge to her students. Everything is very well explained and described...  She lives what she teaches and teaches by example.” 

Renate Siegel, Eden Method Student and Practitioner

Free Yourself from Pain and Suffering with the 
Sacred "Take Out Technique"

Taught by Junia Chou, EEM-AP

 "If you want to become full, let yourself be empty." - Lao Tzu

In this class, you will learn a simple, sacred, and powerful freedom technique called the "Take Out Technique". This emptying technique, used in Spiritual Healing, extracts stress, anxiety, anger, and pain from yourself, loved ones, and clients. You’ll discover how to detect dissonance in the body, how to achieve rapid relief for physical, mental, emotional suffering, and how to tap into the power of equanimity and compassion to augment deep spiritual healing.

As a bonus, Junia was given special permission from Lamas to share a Water Blessing technique with you! This is a technique Lamas use to infuse the mind and body with fresh energy and to feel more free, light, and at peace. Both these emptying and blessing techniques are take-home friendly, and you can begin to use them immediately to live a more vibrant and full life. 

Junia Chou

Raised by Lamas, Junia was trained to embrace the spiritual world as part of everyday life. Beginning Hypnotherapy training at 15, she was given vocabulary to share how to heal the Body and the Subconscious thru symbolism.

Following her Doctorate degree in Natural Medicine and Instructorship with Touch for Health, Junia met Donna Eden and became an Advanced Practitioner and Fundamentals Teacher of Energy Medicine. Junia was the Director of Mind-Body Wellness at a K-12 private international boarding school, and today, she continues to share Mind-Body-Spirit Healing in hospitals, schools, and her holistic practice on Temple grounds. 

She offers the best of the Asian traditions and modern energy healing!

Junia is a rare find.  Her work is sublime.  She offers the best of the Asian traditions and modern energy healing.  Most of all, I am grateful for her authenticity and integrity.  If you have a chance to experience her subtle work, much of value will come.  Practically, Junia is excellent at pain management as well as emotional soothing.  I unreservedly endorse her exceptional work.” 

Daniel D, Santa Clara

Plus 2 Incredible Bonuses To Help You Get the Most Out of This Training!

Bonus #1

A LIVE 2-hour Q&A with Donna Eden and David Feinstein

Donna and David will answer your questions LIVE in an after-class Q&A for all participants.This is an incredible opportunity to ask one of the best healers of our time any question you want.

Bonus #2

The Nine Energy Systems Streaming Class

taught by Donna Eden and David Feinstein

Donna has identified nine primary energy systems in the body that work together to keep you functioning at your best. This engaging 1 ½ hour video offers a closer look at all nine of these important systems which is at the foundation of good health. You’ll learn energy techniques to keep your systems balanced and flowing to promote a healthy body and sharp mind.

We'll give you access to the streaming online version of this class so you can begin to understand and work with your energy anatomy. Once understood, these systems are used as powerful tools for deep healing.

Plus 2 More Bonuses To Lift Our Spirits!

Bonus #3

A Beautiful Concert by Karen Drucker

Karen’s message is all about healing and love – whether singing one of her positive message songs or sharing stories that are funny, inspiring, and heart opening.

We'll be live streaming her concert on Friday night so we can enjoy her uplifting music together! 

Karen Drucker

Karen’s intention is to make a difference by using her music to open hearts and share a message of hope, acceptance, and love.

She is a keynote speaker, women’s retreat facilitator, and entertainer who has recorded 20 CDs of her inspirational music. Karen is also the author of the best selling book “Let Go of the Shore – Songs & Stories To Set The Spirit Free.” Her chants and songs are used around the world and often help people deal with illness and loss, or help them fill the need to feel more centered for the day.

Bonus #4

Energy Dance with Titanya Dahlin

Titanya has incorporated her life-long career and love of world dance with her knowledge of healing and personal empowerment, and blended her Mother’s (Donna Eden's) natural healing work of Energy Medicine, to give your body, mind and spirit a full body workout. With world music and fun beats, you begin to find your own “funky flow”, freeing the body through breath and ease to heal your soul’s wounds from the inside out.

Titanya will lead optional movement classes prior to the classes as well as help uplift our energies at the beginning of the weekend with a group Energy Medicine Dance session. 

Titanya Dahlin

As an award-winning speaker and actress, Waldorf teacher, and artist, Titanya Dahlin brings a unique radiant joy to her classes, guiding her students to discover their own femininity and divine energy.

As an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner, Titanya is also the creator of Energy Medicine Dance, a form of movement based on the healing work of her mother Donna Eden.

The 3-Day Energy Healing Virtual Weekend Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee

We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, or if you feel for any reason that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email at [email protected].

We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.

And if you have any other questions - please contact us

Click the Order Button Below and Get Access To An Event That Will Inspire and Expand You Into a Happier and Healthier Life! 

You won't miss a single minute of the Energy Healing Virtual Weekend with our unlimited access to class recordings!  Here's what you'll receive when you register:

  • Over 25 hours of training with access to all 10 classes with our exceptional energy experts: Donna and David, Jean Houston, Vishen Lakhiani, Dawson Church, Marcela Lobos, Eileen McKusick, Lee Harris, Steven Washington, Madison King, and Junia Chou!  
  • Q&As with our teachers so you can get clarity on the content and begin to implement their techniques immediately. 
  • Bonus 2-hour LIVE Q&A with Donna and David. Ask anything you want of one of the top healers of our time! 
  • Unlimited online access to all class recordings! Don't worry if you miss a class. We are recording all classes and giving you unlimited access.
  • Bonus Nine Energy Systems Streaming Class! This engaging 1 1/2 hour class, taught by Donna is the perfect way to begin to understand your energy anatomy and get started on using your energy for profound and deep healing,
  • Start each day with Energy Medicine Dance with Titanya Dahlin. We'll have optional morning movement sessions with Titanya before the day's classes start. Energy Medicine Dance sets energy medicine techniques to music and is a great way to get your energies humming!
  • Evening Concert with Karen Drucker. Karen Drucker creates songs for healing and inspiration. She is a wonderful musician and we are looking forward to sharing her virtual LIVE concert with you! 
  • An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial to ensure that the Energy Healing Virtual Weekend is a perfect fit for you. 
  • Friendly and knowledgeable customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

Join for the Remaining 2 Days and Save Over 60%!

You Still Get Access to the Recordings for All 3 Days!

$497 $197

September 11-13, 2020

Watch Live and Have Access to All Recordings! 

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 You deserve this...

When was the last time you stopped to take care of yourself?

Immersed yourself in 3 days of inspiring content that left you feeling hopeful, energized, and alive?

You've been through a lot in the past 5 months. Many of us are spent even while practicing our best self-healing tools.

It's time for us to gather and support one another.

Feel the exhilaration of new ideas.

Experience the comfort of our tribe that reminds us "we are all in this together."

Come join us and celebrate who you are - a member of a beautiful tribe of energy game-changers poised to make a difference in your own life and the lives of the people around you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How will I access the class and the recordings?

Q. Can I pop in and out of class during the 3 days?

Q. Will I be able to ask questions during the online classes?

Q. Do I need special equipment to watch? Is this class held over Zoom?

Q. Will I be able to connect with other class participants?

Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?

Q: What is the schedule?

Click the Order Button Below to Get Unlimited Access to the Energy Healing Virtual Weekend!  

Master the 5 Areas of Extraordinary Life!

Here's what you'll receive:

  • Over 25 hours of training with access to all 10 classes with our exceptional energy experts: Donna and David, Jean Houston, Vishen Lakhiani, Dawson Church, Marcela Lobos, Eileen McKusick, Lee Harris, Steven Washington, Madison King, and Junia Chou!  
  • Q&As with our teachers so you can get clarity on the content and begin to implement their techniques immediately. 
  • Bonus 2-hour LIVE Q&A with Donna and David. Ask anything you want of one of the top healers of our time! 
  • Unlimited online access to all class recordings! Don't worry if you miss a class. We are recording all classes and giving you unlimited access.
  • Bonus Nine Energy Systems Streaming Class! This engaging 1 1/2 hour class, taught by Donna is the perfect way to begin to understand your energy anatomy and get started on using your energy for profound and deep healing,
  • Start each day with Energy Medicine Dance with Titanya Dahlin. We'll have optional morning movement sessions with Titanya before the day's classes start. Energy Medicine Dance sets energy medicine techniques to music and is a great way to get your energies humming!
  • Evening Concert with Karen Drucker. Karen Drucker creates songs for healing and inspiration. She is a wonderful musician and we are looking forward to sharing her virtual LIVE concert with you! 
  • An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial to ensure that the Energy Healing Virtual Weekend is a perfect fit for you. 
  • Friendly and knowledgeable customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

Save 60% On The Last 2 Days of Class!

Recordings for All 3 Days Included

$497 $197

September 11-13, 2020

Watch Live and Have Access to All Recordings! 

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