For People Looking for Advanced Healing Techniques...
Learn Advanced Techniques That Can Help You Overcome Stubborn Health Issues and Promote Even Greater Healing.
Master Healer Donna Eden Shows You Her Advanced Techniques for Addressing Illness, Premature Aging, and Other Health Issues in this 3-Day Advanced Class.
Have you ever had a stubborn health issue that just won't go away?
If you're facing a health challenge that has you wondering what to try next, it can be frustrating and even scary.
Maybe you've tried all the conventional treatments. Maybe you're on medication that you don't want to spend the rest of your life on. Maybe you're even doing the Daily Energy Routine, but nothing is shifting.
The last time you felt really good seems to be a very long time ago.
We've all been there - even Donna.
What do you do when nothing seems to be easing the pain or symptoms?
What if you learned ways to work with powerful healing energies that are inside you right now?
Everyone's energy is unique. And that means there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to a health challenge. No one knows this better than Donna. With her over 40+ years as a healer and a teacher, she's had to find creative ways to work, or as she likes to say, "play", with the body's energies to activate their healing abilities.
Sometimes she has to work with a less obvious system to get the weakened system to work.
Sometimes she has to go down to the cellular level.
Other times, she has to work with a few fields you may not have heard of like the Taji Pole or Torus Field. Sometimes it's the vagus nerve.
How do you know where to begin?
That's where Donna can be your guide.
In this 3-day online class, Donna will show you how to explore your blocks and stubborn issues in ways that are "outside the box". Her techniques are so uniquely Donna that you won't find them anywhere else. They are powerful tools to help you begin to shift into a rejuvenating, healing state - a state where your energies communicate and support vibrant health.

We give a lot of names to a lot of different diseases, but the truth is, all disease is a break down of communication between the cells.
donna eden
A Different Way to Look at Disease
When we think of energy healing, we don't always bring it down to the cellular level. Yet, the cell is the most fundamental physical unit of human life. In just ONE second, it performs over 100,000 chemical reactions! Just imagine how important it is that it is receiving the energy it needs to function at its optimal level.
Cells are also constantly communicating with one another - sending and receiving signals to have your body function as a whole. if that communication breaks down, then disease can occur.
For example, Donna teaches in class that cancer cells are supposed to commit suicide. But if the cells are not communicating with one another, the cancer cells don't get the message!
How can you help cells "get the message"?
The answer lies in the healing energy that is available to you right now. You just need someone to show you how to access it. That's where Donna comes in.
Life-Altering Insights About The Role Energy Plays In Keeping Us Healthy
Knowledge is power.
And there's nothing like learning from a living sage with over 40+ years of experience who can see energy.
In this class, Donna will introduce you to an energy field she hasn’t taught before, a field she has only seen in a few rare life and death situations - a field she describes as “the swaddling blanket of our nine energy systems - containing them and transcending them”.
The image is so vivid and the examples so compelling, that you can't help but leave class a changed person.
It's as-if a door to this "invisible" world is opened and it leaves its mark on you in ways that open up your own intuitive and healing abilities.
Donna worked with an artist to capture what she sees as The Torus Field
This Class Will Give You What You Need to Become a Better Healer
This 3-day, online class goes in-depth on the advanced techniques that Donna has used for years to help bring about extraordinary healing.
In this class, you will:
The truth is we are all born with the ability to heal ourselves. We are instinctive healers and our intelligent human body is constantly seeking a way back to natural health, balance, alignment, and harmony.
While this is an advanced class and assumes some familiarity with the nine energy systems, there is still much to be gained by viewing the class for people new to Eden Energy Medicine.
Instructor Profile
Meet Donna Eden, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Pioneer and World-Renowned Expert on Energy Medicine, Creator of Eden Energy Medicine, and One of the Most In-Demand Authorities in Holistic Health on the Planet.
Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.
Her personal journey into the powerful world of Energy Medicine can be traced back to her poor health as a child. She was diagnosed with a heart murmur as a baby. She later struggled with a series of serious conditions and illnesses including tuberculosis, life-threatening food allergies, and severe asthma.
At 16, Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. By her late 20s she had limited movement. At 27 she had a heart attack because her organs were breaking down. She was told by five doctors that there was nothing more that could be done and she should get her "affairs in order." Western medicine had given up on her.
But she didn't give up. Despite this bleak diagnosis, she was determined to take charge of her own health. She started to experiment with moving the energies where she felt pain or incapacity, using her own body as a "laboratory" ... and she was able to successfully manipulate her body's energies to shift the pain and illness.
In time, Donna completely healed herself from Multiple Sclerosis. Every single symptom of this chronic, progressively disabling disease -- including Donna's difficulties in walking -- disappeared.
Her allergies also eased up and eventually vanished as well.
Having healed herself from an "incurable" illness, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.
And so she began learning as much as she could about energetic systems from cultures and peoples around the world. This deep knowledge, experimenting with her own body's energy system and later working with thousands and thousands of people, plus her natural gifts around energy work led her to create Eden Energy Medicine. Today, Donna is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.
What You'll Learn
What Happens When You Start to "Play With The Frequencies"
Energy is nuanced. It's powerful, yet it's also subtle - and incredibly unique to the individual. What worked for one person, may not work for the next.
That's why it's important to learn a myriad of ways to work with energy so you are prepared to face any situation.
Here are the changes you can expect to experience after taking this course:
You'll Elevate Your Skills So You Have More Confidence.
Although in beginner classes we teach the 9 Energy Systems as separate systems, in reality they are all intertwined and intimately connected. In this advanced class, you'll learn several new techniques and powerful new protocols to get the Nine Energy Systems functioning at their collective best.
You'll Expand Your Knowledge of Energy and How it Works.
Energy is often an overlooked part of our education, especially when it comes to our health. Yet having healthy, balanced, and flowing energy is the key to vibrant physical health. In this class, you will get rare insights into the often unseen world of energy and how you can use it to achieve and maintain a youthful vigor and zest for life.
You'll Learn To Weave It All Together.
This class is called "Playing with the Frequencies" because there is never a "one-size-fits-all" solution. People's energies are unique and complex. This class gives you what you need to "play" with the energies so you can see what works and what doesn't. This is true mastery - being able to tackle any issue with curiosity and confidence.
Program Information
Here's What You'll Experience with Playing with the Frequencies... An In-Depth 3-Day Online Advanced Class Based on Decades of Deep Knowledge, Expert Insights, and Real World Results
The 8 Influential Points
The Taji Pole and The Torus Field
EMFs/The Vagus Nerve
Horizontal Waves/Cellular Energies
Going Deeper
The Opportunity to Learn from a Living Master...
What's That Worth to You?
Much of our knowledge about energy comes from ancient systems. For example, conservative estimates date acupuncture back to 100 BCE.
The Upanishads mentioned the chakras around 700-800 BCE.
These systems accurately described much of the energy that Donna still sees in the body today.
And yet, the world looks very different than it did 2000+ years ago. With our modern technology and fast-paced lives, our bodies have had to adapt to a very different world.
In order to thrive in the current times, our systems need upgrades. We need NEW tools to help survive modern toxins, EMFs, and now potentially deadly viruses.
That makes the chance to study with a person capable of
providing these upgrades even more critical.
Donna is that person.
While anyone who knows Donna is struck with how deeply modest she is, they will also be impressed with her passion to share with others who are facing serious health challenges what she learned in overcoming her own illnesses and in working with others.
But her focus is on their healing, not on her ability to heal them. She simply is not taken with herself. Her students, however, sometimes have a different opinion. In a recent meeting of our top practitioners, one of them – an extraordinarily successful and well-regarded acupuncturist and healer in her own right – noted “what a rare and unique opportunity it is to learn from a living master – not just ancient texts!”
Donna’s unique ability to SEE energy has allowed her to identify the body's nine energy systems and develop new techniques to keep us all functioning at our best.
That's something you just can't put a price on.
Don't miss your chance to learn from a living master healer. It's a rare and priceless opportunity that can empower you for life.
"Playing with The Frequencies" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee
We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, or if you feel for any reason that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email at [email protected].
We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.
And if you have any other questions - please contact us.
Click "Order Now" Below and Learn From One of The Best Healers of Our Generation.

Here are the empowering teachings and gifts you'll receive when you purchase the class:
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Learn Advanced Techniques For Serious Health Issues
$349 $249
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You Are More Powerful Than You May Know
It's easy to feel powerless these days - especially when it comes to our health. Many of us are "trained" to look outside ourselves for everything from pain relief to weight-loss to anti-aging formulas.
It's almost as-if nowadays we are strangers to our own bodies, tuning “out” rather than tuning “in”.
That is, until something happens that forces us to get back in touch.
Often that "something" is an illness or scary diagnosis.
And if or when that happens, you don't want to be caught off-guard. You want to be versed in the language of energy and have skills you can use to help yourself feel better.
Skills you can use at-home so you don’t feel so helpless.
Skills you can use between doctor's visits so you can potentially avoid invasive procedures.
Skills you can use to ease your pain (or your fear).
Skills you have an opportunity to gain in this class.
The choice is yours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I have to be a practitioner to benefit from "Playing with the Frequencies"?
Q. Is Energy Medicine safe?
Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Q. How long will it take to see results?
Q. How is the "Playing with the Frequencies" structured? How do I watch?
Q. Is it possible to get this class on DVD?
Donna and David Bring An Exceptional Level of Expertise to Their Classes

For more than four decades, Donna has been tirelessly advocating, promoting, supporting and teaching the principles of reclaiming our health through the immeasurable power of our body's energies, along with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. -- a pioneer in Energy Psychology and a world-renowned authority in his own right.
Donna and David now run the world's largest school for teaching hands-on Energy Medicine, with more that 1,600 Certified Practitioners seeing thousands of clients and teaching dozens of classes every month. Over a million people have been opened to greater physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health through an understanding of how to work with their own energies.
Click "Order Now" Below and Empower Yourself with Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Techniques

Here are the empowering teachings and gifts you'll receive when you purchase the class:
Save Over 25%
Learn Advanced Techniques For Serious Health Issues
$349 $249
All orders are processed on our secure server.