Learn The Ancient Celtic Ways of Working with Chakras And Free Yourself From Long Standing Health Issues
In this class, Donna takes you beyond the more widely known view of chakras from the yoga tradition to show you healing techniques she has fine-tuned over her 40+ year career as an energy healer, teacher, and founder of one of the top energy healing schools in the world.
Watch this incredible video of how Donna used what you'll learn in class to fix a broken marriage.
Donna has been featured on

Chakra energy can be a powerful healing force!
Chakras are one of the 9 major energy systems of the body. They are swirling pools of energy that serve many important functions critical to vibrant health.
Physically, they bathe your organs, muscles, bones, and anything in their proximity in the energy required to keep your body healthy – constantly removing stagnant energy and bringing in new energy.
Psychologically, each chakra is associated with a theme in your life, such as survival, creativity, power, love, etc. The information held in a chakra corresponds with the ways that theme has played out or is playing out in your life. For example, have you ever fallen in love? Or conversely, had a broken heart? That very tangible energy is stored in your heart chakra.
Spiritually, they connect us with an intelligence that transcends our personal wisdom. They are like portals that help us connect into a larger wisdom that can guide and inform us.
If your chakras are blocked, stagnant, or out of balance, you won’t be functioning at your best.
Imagine what happens to your body when you are not able to refresh the energy your organs need.
Or what happens when you are not connecting in with the larger wisdom that transcends your personal story.
You are living a life cut-off from a powerful energy source.
Your health and your vibrance suffers.
It's not enough to just move OUT of stress or pain. You want to move INTO a life of joy, wonder, and eagerness...
Freeing you from pain is one of our goals with Eden Energy Medicine. Your own energy truly is your best medicine and our chakra techniques will get your self-healing abilities back online.
We've seen it time and time again. From deep-seated emotional issues to serious and tough-to-beat health issues ... our chakra techniques can get you well on your way toward a life free of pain.
But Donna doesn’t want to stop there.
It's a great first step, but it’s not enough.
There’s so much more to life.
There’s Joy. Meaning. Optimisim. Gratitude. Celebration.
Imagine a life where you can hook into your natural state of joy more of the time. A life with a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
That’s what Donna wants for you.
And that's where the Celtic chakra tradition can play an important role in your healing journey.
A Profound Way of Working with Chakras That Connects You With Your Innate Healing Wisdom
The often-overlooked Celtic healing tradition has a lot to offer when it comes to deep healing. The Celtic view is not a bottoms-up (root to crown) approach like in yoga. The Celtic tradition works with the chakras in pairs spiraling between them, starting with the heart chakra.
In this class, you’ll learn about the Celtic Spiral which creates communication and connection between your chakras.
And that’s when the transcendent healing happens.
When you connect your chakras, you connect vital parts of yourself in ways that bring balance and innate wisdom to your entire self.
Just for a minute, imagine what your root chakra would say to your 6th chakra. What gifts could that earthy, grounded chakra offer your transcendent 6th chakra?
Imagine all your chakras connected and learning from one another.
Old wounds are soothed by spiritual connection.
Grounded energy supports you.
Creativity finds its expression.
All of it moving you beyond the mundane into your natural state of joy and wonder.
In breaking down the barriers between your energy centers, you open to a balanced, playful, and wise way of being in the world.
It was very insightful, and I've never done chakra work this way! ... I loved that!
“I loved the Celtic Spiral for the chakras! It feels so good and so natural when I work on myself. I also loved hearing the chakra messages to each other. It was very insightful, and I've never done chakra work this way! I loved that! “
- Advanced Chakra Class Student
“Your physical and psychological evolution, as well as your spiritual journey, are all reflected in your chakras.” – Donna Eden
People often think of the brain when they think of stored experiences.
But your chakras also contain a record of every emotionally significant event that has ever happened to you – your losses, your wins, your trauma, your life story.
And that little known fact is exactly what makes chakra work so profound and transformative.
Often experiences stored in your chakras are long gone from your conscious memory.
Yet, without you even knowing it, these long-buried memories, if not processed, may be a driving force behind health issues and personal limitations.
When you practice Donna’s advanced chakra techniques, you’ll be able to energetically free yourself from unconscious and unhealthy beliefs and begin a deep healing process.

"If you only have time to work on one energy system, choose the Chakras…"
Donna has often said that if she knows she’s only going to see a client once, she tends to focus on the chakras. Since they hold your life story, you can often get to the heart of a lot of issues fairly quickly.
And when you do, when you release long-held energy that may blocking or clogging your chakras, healing happens.
If you are only going to take one advanced class from us, we recommend this one. It’ll get you started with deeper and more profound layers of healing with straightforward techniques that are easy to master and implement.
In this class, you will:

Eden Energy Medicine healers know that ALL conditions including chronic pain, low energy, sudden shifts and dips in mood, and even relationship and work challenges involve imbalances and blocks in the body's energy system. Every one of those challenges (and more) can be shifted or transformed by working with Energy Medicine to create a smooth, uninterrupted flow of energy.
You don't have to be a healer, alternative medicine practitioner, or a medical professional to work with this method safely and effectively. You can create results even if you've never worked with your body's energies before.
The truth is, we are all born with the ability for self-healing. Healing is instinctive to us. Our ancestors survived! Our brilliant human bodies are constantly seeking their way back to natural health, balance, alignment, and harmony.
With the simple practices of Eden Energy Medicine, anyone (including YOU) can be an empowered self-healer and move from instinctual to conscious, intentional healing for lasting health, joy, abundance, and success.
Meet Donna Eden, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Pioneer and World-Renowned Expert on Energy Medicine, Creator of Eden Energy Medicine, and One of the Most In-Demand Authorities in Holistic Health on the Planet.
Donna is a natural healer, born with the innate ability to feel and see energies that are invisible to others.
Her personal journey into the powerful world of Energy Medicine can be traced back to poor health as a child. She was diagnosed with a heart murmur as a baby. She later struggled with a series of serious conditions and illnesses including tuberculosis, life-threatening food allergies, and severe asthma.
At 16, Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. By her late 20s, she had limited movement. At 27, she had a heart attack because her organs were breaking down. She was told by five doctors that there was nothing more that could be done and she should get her "affairs in order." Western medicine had given up on her.
But she didn't give up. Despite this bleak diagnosis, she was determined to take charge of her own health. She started to experiment with moving the energies where she felt pain or incapacity, using her own body as a "laboratory" ... and she was able to successfully manipulate her body's energies to shift the pain and illness.
In time, Donna completely healed herself from Multiple Sclerosis. Every single symptom of this chronic, progressively disabling disease -- including Donna's difficulties walking -- disappeared.
Her allergies also eased up and eventually vanished as well.
Having healed herself from an "incurable" illness, Donna became clear about her life purpose and the reason behind her inborn gift of sensing and seeing energies. She was meant to empower others with the ability to self-heal and experience lifelong health and vitality with the power of Energy Medicine.
And so she began learning as much as she could about energetic systems from cultures and peoples around the world. This deep knowledge, experimenting with her own body's energy system and later working with thousands and thousands of people, plus her natural gifts around energy work, led her to create Eden Energy Medicine. Today, Donna is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities in the fields of natural healing and Energy Medicine.
For more than four decades, Donna has been tirelessly advocating, promoting, supporting, and teaching the principles of reclaiming our health through the immeasurable power of our body's energies, along with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. -- a pioneer in Energy Psychology and a world-renowned authority in his own right.
Donna and David now run the world's largest school for teaching hands-on Energy Medicine, with more than 1,500 Certified Practitioners seeing thousands of clients and teaching dozens of classes every month. Over a million people have been opened to greater physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health through an understanding of how to work with their own energies.
What You'll Receive
What Happens When You Start to Work with Donna's Advanced Chakra Techniques
Whether you use these techniques for yourself or for working with clients, here are the changes you can expect to experience after taking this course:
Long-Standing Health Issues Will Lessen As You Free Stuck or Blocked Energy In Your Chakras.
Chakra energy is a great source for healing. However, it is not uncommon for chakras to become blocked or stagnant as a result of their efforts to encode your life story. Imagine being the energetic keepers of your significant life events, both good and bad! When you get these powerful energy portals flowing again with the techniques in this class, the healing can be profound.
You'll Think More Clearly and Deepen Your Insight And Intuition So You Can Tap Into Your Unique Brilliance.
In our fast paced, technology-driven world, it is easy to live a life "up in your head", cut off from the natural world or from other parts of your self. When that happens, life can become a grind where you are constantly striving to make your way, cut-off from your inspiration or larger vision. In this class, you will learn to open the communication between the chakras so you become more whole and allow all parts of you to create a balanced, joyful life
You'll Release Old Wounds And Past Trauma That Are Holding You Back From What You Want In Life.
Deep seated emotional issues can be hard to change – and that’s assuming you even know what they are. And yet, these long buried and often forgotten stories, can keep you from the relationship or job or … whatever it is that you want. In this class, you’ll find safe and gentle ways to work with your chakras to heal old wounds that may still be a hidden, driving force in your life. And when those old stories and wounds are soothed, you are now free to create the life you want.
You'll Be Able to Access An Intelligence That Transcends Personal Wisdom And Come Into A Life Of Deep Meaning And Purpose.
Have you ever had the feeling of a sunrise or sunset moving right through you instead of just looking at it? You feel an absolute connection with everything. That's what happens when you open your 7th chakra. It's an amazing feeling. And as wonderful as that feeling is, it is necessary that the 7th chakra is supported by all the other chakras so spiritual wisdom can be grounded in compassion, our connection to our tribe, our creativity... So, you can lead a meaningful and satisfying life.
Program Information
Here's What You'll Experience with The Advanced Chakra Class -- A 9-Hour Online Class Based on Donna's Years of Experience Helping People Heal From Their Most Troubling Issues.
Going Deeper with Chakra Understanding
Opening Up Communication Between The Chakras with the Celtic Spiral and Other Techniques
Celtic Spiral Healing Demonstration by Donna and the Seven Chakra Layers
Chakra Layer Healing Demonstration by Donna and Using the 5 Rhythms with the Chakras
Making it Your Own
What World Class Teachers, Leaders,
Healers, and Medical Professionals Are Saying
About Donna and David's Work
"Donna's contribution will stand as a foundation for holistic medicine"
The contribution Donna Eden has made with Energy Medicine will stand as one of the backbone studies as we lay a sound foundation for the field of holistic medicine.

Caroline Myss Ph.D.
Best-selling author, world-renowned lecturer
"It was like looking at 'true' magic happening right in front of my eyes"
Donna and David's demonstration on Energy Medicine was fantastic! I have to admit it made me fight my inner Western - trained Medical Doctor and my own skepticism, so it is definitely worth investigating since it appealed to my curiosity.

Dr. George Lewis
"The most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre"
Donna Eden's body energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen.

Jean Houston Ph.D.
Respected scholar and researcher of human potential, author of The Possible Human
"A fabulous, practical guide to managing the body's subtle energies."
Donna Eden's unique clairvoyant observations of energy patterns have led to a fabulous, practical guide to managing the body's subtle energies.

Dr. Richard Gerber M.D.
Author of Vibrational Medicine
Try ENERGY FIRST... You've Got Nothing To Lose.
Donna, when presented with a health challenge from someone, always says, “Try energy first."
You’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Medication. Surgery. Doctor’s visits. These can all add up and cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Not to mention the risks involved with invasive procedures, lost wages from missed work, or the potential side effects of medication.
So, before you opt for expensive surgery or costly medication, try energy first. It’s non-invasive, organic, very effective, and is something you can do for yourself.
And … these techniques are yours for a lifetime, to be used again and again when you need them. They never expire.
What is this kind of knowledge worth to you?
The answer is simple. Donna’s teachings are priceless.
Her ability to see energy makes her classes incredibly unique. Her authenticity unparalleled.
In this class, we offer you an inexpensive alternative that gives you the knowledge and the tools you need to “try energy first.”
And there's more...
You'll Also Receive an Exclusive Bonus To Complement Your Learning. This Free Gift Will Help You Deepen Your Knowledge and Practical Skills!
Bonus Follow-up Q&A with Donna and David
Listen to a recorded 2-hour follow-up Q&A where Donna and David answer student questions that help you clarify your chakra skills and knowledge (Audio only).
"The Advanced Chakra Class" Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 30-Day Guarantee
We stand by the quality and the results you can obtain with all of our programs. So, if you're not totally satisfied within the first 30-days, or if you feel for any reason that this training isn't living up to these promises, just drop us an email at [email protected].
We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of Energy Medicine and truly make sure it's right for you.
And if you have any other questions - please contact us.
Click the Order Now Button Below and Start Experiencing The Enormous Healing Power of The Chakras Now!

Here are the Empowering Teachings and Gifts You'll Receive When You Enroll in "The Advanced Chakra Class" now:
Advanced Chakras
with Donna Eden
$349 $249
This is a recorded class.
For your security, all orders are processed on our secure server.
You have an empowering opportunity before you.
What choice will you make?
Many people bounce around from one health professional to another looking for an answer to their health issue in the dense, physical layer of the body.
After all, that is what we have been trained to do - look for a way to manipulate the physical layer of our body - either with pills or invasive procedures - to bring about the healing we so desperately seek.
Many people will live their entire life dependent on medication or looking for healing outside of themselves.
Is that going to be you?
What if there was another way?
What if you could address the underlying energy that could be causing a symptom - thus making the symptom disappear?
What if you could even do this yourself?
What if…?
That’s what Donna is offering in this class.
And that’s not something everyone can offer.
You have a rare opportunity to learn from a wise, authentic, and proven healer who has dedicated her life to spreading the word that ENERGY can be used as medicine for your body.
And in this class, she shares her time-tested techniques as developed in her own private practice with you.
So, ask yourself, "Will I break free and take charge of my health with the help of a master healer?"
Your health is in your hands, and that is a very powerful place to be.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who will benefit from "The Advanced Chakra Class"? Is it geared towards practitioners?
Q. What are the prerequisites for taking this class?
Q. Is it safe to work on my chakras? Could I harm myself?
Q. Is there a money-back guarantee?
Q. How long will it take to see results?
Q. How is the "Advanced Chakra Class" structured?
What Students Are Saying About The Class
"This was Donna at her best. Such an excellent class."
This was Donna at her best. Such an excellent class. I loved her demo. It was so beautiful to watch her follow the energy. The whole class was fabulous. I loved it all,
"A tool to help transform the future."
The Celtic chakra weaving is a beautiful experience I look forward to using often as a tool to help transform the future.
"It feels so good and natural when I work on myself."
I loved the Celtic Spiral for the chakras! It feels so good and so natural when I work on myself. I also loved hearing the chakra messages to each other. It was very insightful and I've never done chakra work this way! I loved that!
"My own key to myself and many possibilities."
I loved the concept of having a wide open door to the future and a way to harmonize the energy flow and support within chakras. I have been doing this technique every day ever since Donna's presentation. It feels like my own key to myself and many possibilities.
"Donna is remarkable."
Donna is remarkable. I am in awe of how she shares what she knows and what she has learned over the years in her work. Her ability and willingness to share this valuable information with all of us in her presentations is greatly appreciated. The combined knowledge, experience, and skills David and Donna have work wonderful together in presentations.
"Donna is in a class of her own."
How does one praise the best? Donna is in a class of her own. The techniques she has developed are awesome but what was particularly useful was watching her do a session. Donna is inspiring.
"Her knowledge and insight are unsurpassed."
Donna is the most compassionate and empathetic person that I have ever met! She is an excellent teacher. Her knowledge and insight are unsurpassed. She has an enthusiasm and exuberance that are contagious.
Click the Order Now Button Below and Start Experiencing The Enormous Power of "The Advanced Chakra Class" Now!
Here are the Empowering Teachings and Gifts You'll Receive When You Enroll in "The Advanced Chakra Class" now:
Advanced Chakras
with Donna Eden
$349 $249
This is a recorded class.
For your security, all orders are processed on our secure server.